Minutes 1924-11


of the

A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in the Club Tearooms on Friday the 14th November at 12.30 pm.

PRESENT   Directors Hallett (Chair), Robertson, French and J. Phillips, Treasurer Rowe and  Secretary Roach.

MINUTES of previous Directors’ meeting were read and confirmed subject to slight alteration.

TREASURER ROWE re-ported on the offer of the Hamilton Club to have the Constitution and By-Laws printed for us. It was decided on the motion of Treasurer Rowe seconded by Rotarian French the [the] “Hamilton Club be thanked for their offer and informed that this Club had ‘decided to hold over the printing of Constitution and By-Laws for the present.

CORRESPONDENCE as read was received:

Auckland Club re Badge. Decided to thank the Auckland Club and inform them that we had the matter under consideration and also that the members are of the opinion that a smaller badge would be more appropriate.

F.L. Bone – Resignation: Rotarian Phillips reported having discussed the matter with Rotarian Bone and stated that the latter had definitely made up his mind to resign from the Club. Rotarian Bone’s resignation accepted with regret. To be advised accordingly.

Post and Telegraph Department:   Refusal to list Rotary Club in the Telephone Directory Matter to be referred to Conference in March next.

Wellington Club re Ruling of Visitors Book:   Treasurer Rowe moved and Rotarian Phillips seconded that the Club provide itself with a Visitors Book.

Sydney Conference Album:   Letter from Sydney Club advising that the Report will cost 2/6 per copy and asking for number required also number required of Conference Album.

Rotarian Robertson moved and Rotarian Phillips seconded that the Club obtain six copies of the Report for the use of the Club and that members of the Club be asked whether they desired to purchase a copy of the Conference Album.

Hamilton Club re adjournment of luncheons during Christmas and New Year holidays. The Board decided that meetings be not held on a week before Christmas, the week between Christmas and New Year and the week after New Year namely, the 23rd and 30th December and the 6th January. Hamilton Club to be informed accordingly.

Sydney Riley Studio notifying they were forwarding album of first Australasian Rotary Conference photographs. Letter received. Members of the Club to be given an opportunity of ordering copies.

Rotary Club of Dunedin:   Letter re expenses of Australasian Conference being met by levy on Clubs also the expenses of the three conferences being met by levy and asking what attitude our Club is taking up in this connection. Matter left to Rotarian Hallett and the secretary to report.

Rotary International:   Acknowledgment of Semi Annual Report and relative papers.

Letter from Mayor of Hastings re family in distress. Matter left to Rotarian Hallett to interview the Mayor.

The following account was passed for payment:   H. Ollivant [Oliphant?] for Picture framing – 19/6.

PROPOSAL FOR MEMBERSHIP: J. Bewley. Rotarian French moved and Treasurer Rowe seconded that this proposal be handed to the Membership Committee for their attention.

The Presidents offer to take six boys a month to the Freezing Works for instruction in the industry and Rotarian Robertson’s like offer in connection with the Fruit industry were passed to the Boys’ Work Committee for their attention.


BIRTHDAY HONOURS   The Club not being unanimous on the question of Birthday Honours, Rotarian Phillips moved and the Secretary seconded that the question of Birthday Honours be withdrawn for the present.

REPORT OF NAPIER MEETING re Publication of undesirable details of Court reports. Treasurer reported on the meeting of our Directors with the Directors of the Napier Club and the Editors of the Newspapers. The result was considered very satisfactory.

SUBSCRIPTION:   Rotarian Phillips moved and Treasurer Rowe seconded that a Committee consisting of Rotarians Hallett, Rowe, and the mover go into the question of the expense necessary in connection with the running of the Club and bring down a report as to what entrance fee and subscription are necessary for the Club to carry on. Carried.

Rotarian Maddison’s suggestion to entertain inmates of the Park Island Home. The Board approved the idea but would like the sanction of the general meeting.

It was decided that Secretary Roach be asked to write to the Hon. George Fowlds and ask him to pay us a visit at his convenience.

It was decided to endorse the suggestion made at the meeting on the 14th October and to write to ex-President Odlin asking him if he could give any further information concerning his suggestion that we would probably be able to inspect a suitable badge on the return of one of their members from the Convention.

The Secretary mentioned the question of photographs. It was decided that the Charter and Photograph of ex-President Guy Gundaker remain in the Secretary’s office for the present and the framing of the photograph of ex-President Odlin and President Everett Hill of Rotary International be held over. President Everett Hill and ex-President Odlin to be thanked for sending us their photographs.

Chas Gardner


Minutes of meeting of the Club held in the Y. M. C A. Rooms Hastings on Tuesday the 18th November, 1924 at 2. 45 p.m.

PRESENT   19 members of the Club were present and apologies were received from Rotarians Lowe and Robertson

There being no other business, Rotarian McLeod in a very interesting talk gave some of his impressions of the Wembley exhibition. He was most emphatic that the display made buy New Zealand was thoroughly, satisfactory and showed our Primary products off very well. The display was not as brilliant as that of Australia and Canada but had ours been more spectacular it would have been an extravagance. Every industry was well represented fruit in particular. predominating. Rotarian McLeod went on to give some of the reasons for the financial failure of the exhibition and then discussed other matters of interest and finished up by stating his willingness to give a further talk on his experiences in Scotland at a later date.


Minutes of urgent meeting of the Board of Directors held after the Luncheon on Tuesday the 18th November 1924.

PRESENT   All the members of the Board were present with the exception of Rotarian Robertson who was absent in Wellington

Discussion took place on the recommendation made at the meeting of the 11th instant re taking a poll to find out the most suitable day for the weekly meetings and it was decided on the motion of Rotarian Hallett seconded by J. Phillips that the recommendation be adopted and the poll, as suggested, be taken.

Letter from the Hon. George Fowlds – Special Commissioner in New Zealand for Rotary International – stating that he would like to visit our club before the end of the year and suggesting a combined meeting of the Napier and Hastings Directors and Napier and Hastings Clubs about the 1st December It was considered that it would be difficult to get a full attendance of members of both clubs at the one meeting and it was therefore decided to write to the Hon. George explaining the matter to him and stating that we would prefer separate meetings and if necessary we would change our meeting day from Tuesday to Monday night which would have the effect he desired, namely, economy of time.

Two resignations were received namely from J. H. Scott and J. R. Foot. On the motion J. Phillips seconded by Treasurer Rowe it was decided to hold these over till the Committee appointed to go into the matter of subscriptions had made its report and until the matter had been discussed with the Hon George.

Rotarian Whitlock attended and asked leave to place before the Directors the case of a Civil Servant in Hastings and the father of a large family who has been pressed by his creditors. He asked the Board to take the matter up and see whether anything could be done to assist him. Decided to ask the man to place his position before the Club.

Chas Gardner


Minutes of meeting of the Club held in the Y. M. C. A. Rooms on Tuesday the 25th November, 1924 at 12.45 pm.

PRESENT.   11 members of the Club were present, and the speaker.

Scout Master H.B. Hughes was the speaker of the day and he gave a very interesting and instructive paper on the Boy Scout Movement in its various aspects.

At the conclusion of his remarks he was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for the way in which he had explained the different objectives of the Movement.

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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

14, 18, 25 November 1924


  • J Bewley
  • F L Bone
  • J R Foot
  • Honourable George Fowlds
  • [H R] French
  • Chas Gardner
  • Guy Gundaker
  • [E J W] Hallett
  • Everitt Hill
  • H B Hughes
  • [G C] Lowe
  • [J S] McLeod
  • President Odlin
  • H Oliphant
  • J Phillips
  • [G H] Roach
  • [A M] Robertson
  • [W J] Rowe
  • J D Scott
  • [W C] Whitlock

Accession number


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