Minutes 1925


Minutes of meeting of the Club held in the Y.M.C.A. Rooms On Monday the 13th July, 1925 at 12.45 p.m.

PRESENT.   20 members, visitors. Apologies were received from Rotarians Whitlock and Roberts.

President introduced the question of Club Discipline and suggested that fines be imposed for absence without leave, late attendance and the use of the word ‘Mr.’ After considerable discussion it was decided to leave the question for the consideration of the Board of Directors.

The secretary was asked to write to the Auckland Club re Song Books.

Rotarian Cliff delighted the members with Violin playing. His effort was a surprise to many and was heartily encored.

The President then called for reports from the different committees but nothing of great importance was brought forward.


Minutes of meeting of the Club held in the Y.M.C.A. Rooms on Monday the 20th July, 1925 at 12.45 p.m.

PRESENT.   21 members, three visitors and the speaker. Apologies were received from Rotarians W.C. Whitlock, G.C. Lowe, A.M. Robertson, J. Holt.

Rotarian W.J. Rowe introduced the new member – Dr. Roberts – and G.F. Roach in a few words of welcome stressed the fact that while he would find a lot of pleasure from his membership in Rotary, yet it had its obligations.

Mr. Ferbrache received an encore for his rendering of two vocal solos and the round of applause signified the thanks for his effort.

The speaker of the day was Mr. A.S. Tonkin who gave a very interesting address on “Some Aspects of the New Zealand University from a Students point of view.” Mr. Tonkin had evidently given a good deal of thought to the subject for his address was very informative interesting. The Secretary in passing a vote of thanks for the speaker asked the members to acknowledge their appreciation of Mr. Tonkin’s effort and this was done in no uncertain manner.


of the

A meeting of the Board was held in the President’s Office on Monday the 20th July, 1925 at 12.15 p.m.

PRESENT.   President Gardner (chair) Rotarians Richmond, Rowe, Hallett, O’Meara and the secretary. An apology was received from Rotarian G.C. Lowe.

The Secretary read the Minutes of the previous which were confirmed.

Special Commissioner re By-Laws and Termination of fiscal period. Rotarians W. Richmond and G.H. Roach – last year’s President and Secretary – were authorised to sign the constitution and By-Laws on behalf of the Club/


Wellington Club re Karitane Hospital. Committee consisting of Vice-President Hallett and Rotarian Hobbs was appointed to confer with the local Plunket Society.

Wellington Club re Sir Truby King’s visit. Received.

Wellington Club re Conference. Hallett and Rowe moved that we agree to the increase in the per capita levy. Carried.

Dunedin Club Received Too early to give any information.

Rotary International. Agreed that payment of dues be made, it was also decided to subscribe for a copy of the Rotary Wheel.

Accounts for payment
H.B. Tribune 6/3.

Re Entertainment of visiting theatricals. On the motion of Rotarian Rowe and the President it was decided to write to the Hon. George Fowlds asking for a lead in the matter.

Discipline.   It was decided that in the case of the attendance of any member not being up to the requirements of the By-Laws that they be written to advising that their membership had ceased and that if they wished to remain a member of the Club that they must apply for reinstatement. It was decided also that members not apologising for absence should be fined 1/- with No Option. This latter fact to be notified to the members on the next Weekly Letter.

The President asked the Treasurer to prepare a Balance Sheet of the Club’s operations.

It was decided to recommend to the Programme Committee to hold a Husband and Wife luncheon at an early date and that Rotarian Ringland of Napier be invited to address the gathering on the Aims and Ideals of Rotary.

It was decided to ask the Boys Work Committee to see whether arrangements could be made for parties of boys to visit the telephone exchange and thus obtain some idea of the working of that institution, it being considered that it would help considerably those who were to follow commercial occupations.

The idea of having the other papers of the district (Herald and Telegraph) represented in the Club was approved.

The secretary intimated that he was finding the work more than he could cope with on account of the lack of assistance from the Committees and asked to be relieved. Through lack of time, the meeting had to be adjourned at this stage.

Chas Gardner


Minutes of meeting of the Club held in the Y.M.C.A Rooms on Monday the 27th July, 1925 12.45 p.m.

PRESENT.   19 members, four visitors and the speaker. Apologies were received from Rotarians Richmond, Maddison, Lowe and G.H. Roach.

The speaker of the day was Mr. McIlwraith of Napier who gave a fine address on Education, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his very able talk.


of the

A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in the President’s Office on Monday 3rd August, 1925 at 12 noon.

PRESENT   President, Vice-President, Treasurer Rowe, Rotarians Lowe, O’Meara, Hyslop and the secretary. Apologies were received from Rotarians Hobbs and Richmond.

MINUTES of previous Director’s meeting were read and confirmed.

Wellington Club re visit of Sir Truby King and levy for Expenses of Conference and Official Proceedings.

Rotary International re alteration of Levy. Payment authorised.

NEW MEMBER.   Mr. Percival Gibson having been duly proposed was approved by the Board of Directors, and referred to the Membership Committee for their report.

G.H. Roach intimated that Mr. G. Davies who had been duly proposed and approved by the Board and Membership Committee, was unable to accept membership in the Club.

MEMBERSHIP.   The vice-President mentioned that he had been approached by an outsider with regard to the manner in which one of our members had encouraged him to join the Club. Next weekly Letter to deal with the matter.

SECRETARIAL ARRANGEMENTS.   It was proposed by Rotarian Hallett and seconded by Treasurer Rowe that Rotarian W.B. Hobbs be asked to accept the Secretaryship of the Club at a salary of £25 per. annum. Carried unanimously.

Vice-President Hallett asked that no more meetings of the Board be arranged for before the usual meetings.

Chas. Gardner


MINUTES of meeting of the Club held in the Y.M.C.A. Rooms on Monday the 3rd August, 1925, at 12.45 p.m.

PRESENT.   19 members and three visitors. Apologies were received from Rotarians Hobbs, Whitlock and Rainbow.

The speaker of the day was Rotarian George Wood (Wee Geordi Wood) who gave a very humurous [humorous] and interesting talk on some of his experiences. He gave some sound advice and concluded by exhorting members not to take themselves too seriously nor to take the things that matter too lightly.

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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

13, 20, 27 July and 3 August 1925


  • [E S] Cliff
  • G Davies
  • Mr Ferbrache
  • Honourable George Fowlds
  • [Charles] Gardner
  • Percival Gibson
  • [E J W] Hallett
  • [W B] Hobbs
  • [J] Holt
  • [W E] Hyslop
  • Sir Truby King
  • [G C] Lowe
  • [G A] Maddison
  • Mr McIlwraith
  • [A E] O'Meara
  • [A I] Rainbow
  • [W] Richmond
  • G F Roach
  • G H Roach
  • Dr Roberts
  • [A M] Robertson
  • [W J] Rowe
  • A S Tonkin
  • [W C] Whitlock
  • George Wood

Accession number


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