Minutes 1934

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40p.m. Friday, 27th July, 1934. Present 7 Members and 11 visitors. Rotarian Dr. Alex Gillies gave a brief report of the progress of the Crippled Children’s Society. Major J. V. R. Sherston addressed the Club on “The N.Z. Legion”, and was thanked on the motion of Rotarian Roach.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p. m. Friday, 3rd August 1904, Present 32 members and 12 visitors. Miss Jean Batten was guest of the Club, and spoke for a few minutes. Rotarian W.A.Whitlock proposed a vote of thanks to Miss Batten.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. on Friday, 10th August 1934. Present 39 members and 4 visitors. Messrs. Cecil Duff, N.C. Harding and J.J. Hill were inaugurated into membership by Rotarian Gifford. Wing Commander Grant-Dalton addressed the Club on “The Centenary Air Race”, and was thanked on the motion of Rotarian Brown.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. on Friday 17th August. Present 31 members and 1 visitor. The President and the Secretary submitted their reports on the District Assembly held in Wellington on the 14th and 15th August.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. on Friday 24th August 1934. Present 35 members and 8 visitors. Votes of condolence were passed to the relatives of the late T.C. List and the late Sir George Fowlds. The secretary reported that the total promises received in connection with the Bristol Scheme amounted to £24,549. The Rev. Ray Dudley gave a most interesting address on “Some aspects of the N.Z. Year Book”, and was thanked by Rotarian Hyde.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. on Friday 31st August 1934. Present 34 members and 4 visitors. Mr. A. Kingsford addressed the Club on “Life in Mexico”, and was thanked by Rotarian Duff.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. On Friday 7th September, 1934. Present 36 members and 7 visitors. Mr. H. Wardell-Johnston addressed the Club on “Goldmining in Western Australia in the Nineties”, and was thanked on the motion of Rotarian Harding.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. On Friday 14th September 1934. Present 32 members and 5 visitors. Captain G. Dibbern address the meeting on “Some aspects of his voyage by Yacht from Germany”, and was thanked on the motion of Rotarian Gifford.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. on Friday 21st September. Present 35 members and 24 visitors. The Executive Council of the N.Z. Boxing Association were the guests of the Club at luncheon. Mr. G.P. Aldridge addressed the meeting on “Boxing”, and was thanked on the motion of Rotarian Wilkinson.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. on Friday 28th September 1934. Present 42 members and 6 visitors. Messrs. W.A. Nimon and E. A. Tong were inaugurated into membership by Rotarian Gifford. Rotarian Matheson addressed the meeting on “A trip to the Pacific Islands.” This evening 40 members and their ladies attended a social evening and Dance given by the Napier Rotary Club at the Forresters Hall, Napier.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Directors of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the residence of Rotarian O’Meara at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, 16th October 1934.

Present: Rotarians O’Meara (Chairman), W. A. Whitlock Wilkinson, Wilson, Matheson, Brown, and Kelsey.

Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Correspondence:   (a)   Inwards and outwards correspondence from Dr. Anderson and the Health Camp Association relative to sending two more children, Noeline Doyle, and Trevor Jones, to the Otaki Health Camp, were read. The Secretary’s action in arranging for these two children to go to the Health Camp was approved.

(b)   Dannevirke Rotary Club: Correspondence relative to Dannevirke Club’s Forum on 2nd November, was read. The President undertook to telephone each Club member and to ascertain how many could attend this Forum. Sundry inwards and outwards correspondence for the month was read and received.

Membership:   The Secretary reported that Rotarian Baumgart had interviewed both Messrs. R. and I. Campbell relative to membership. The nominations were approved, pending signature of proposal forms.

The question of membership of Mr. H.J. Grieve was raised, and the Membership Committee were instructed to report to the next meeting of the Directorate relative to this matter.

Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for Payment:   The Treasurer reported that the credit balance amounted to £21.2.11.

Subscriptions amounting to £32.5.9
Fines Account amounted to £ 4.11.6
Bristol Fund debit balance. £1.5.10
Health Camp Fund, including Fines Account, credit balance of £4.8.9
Native Bird Protection Society Account Dr. Balance of 18/9.

The following accounts were passed for payment. –
J. O. Kelsey, Petty Cash £2.2.6
Cliff & Co., Printing   2.17.0
H. B. Tribune 15.0
Daily Telegraph   15.0
Kelsey & Hill Ltd.   1.10.0

Dues and Attendance: – The Secretary was instructed to write to Rotarians Budd and Hakiwai relative to their outstanding dues, and to their indifferent attendance.

The Secretary was instructed to interview Mr. T. Heighway relative to dues which had not been paid prior to his resignation.

Programme Committee:   The Programme Committee reported that the Speaker for the 19th October would be Mr. Sutro. Other speakers in view were Dr. K. Wright, Mr. G. Ebbett, and Messrs. Bishop and Morrin, and Mr. Barnard M.P.

Community Service Committee:   The report of the meeting of this Committee of the 25th September was received.

Rotarian Matheson was instructed to interview the Mayor, Mr. G. A. Maddison, in connection with the proposed formation of a Beautifying Society, and was instructed to invite Mr. Maddison to address the Club on this matter.

International Service Committee:   The report of the meeting of this Committee on the 2nd inst. was received.

Crippled Children:   The Secretary reported that the preliminary survey of the Combined Napier and Hastings Committee had been made, and that detailed records of 24 crippled children in the district had been obtained. No further action could be taken until children final instructions were received from the Central Body in Wellington.

Hospital Radio:   It was decided that the Club could not assist in any material way in this matter.

R.V. Giorgi:   The President was directed to ask members to contribute towards a wedding Present for R. V. Giorgi.

Next Directors Meeting:   It was decided that the next Directors Meeting be held at the Residence of Rotarian Kelsey.

Read and Confirmed
AE O’Meara
Date   20/11/34

Minutes of the meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. on Friday 5th October, 1934. Present 38 members and 11 visitors. Rotarian Wilson distributed a circular letter to be sent by each individual member to an overseas Club in furtherance of the International Service Committee’s programme. Captain E. V. Sanderson addressed the meeting on “Forests and Native Birds”, and was thanked on the motion of Rotarian Bathgate.

On the 9th October, the Club sponsered [sponsored] a public meeting at the Assembly Hall, where Captain Sanderson gave an address on “Forests and Birds” , illustrated by motion pictures

Dr. Bathgate acted as Chairman of this meeting; approximately 300 persons were present.

Minutes of the meeting of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Rialto Tea Rooms at 12.40 p.m. on Friday 12th October 1934. Present 39 members and 6 visitors. Rotarian Matheson continued his address and was thanked on the motion of Rotarian Harvey.

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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Typed document

Date published

27 July 1934 - 16 October 1934


  • G P Aldridge
  • Dr Anderson
  • Dr Bathgate
  • Miss Jean Batten
  • [R D] Brown
  • [F S] Budd
  • R and I Campbell
  • Captain G Dibbern
  • Noeline Doyle
  • Reverend Ray Dudley
  • Cecil Duff
  • G Ebbett
  • Sir George Fowlds
  • [E T] Gifford
  • Dr Alex Gillies
  • R V Giorgi
  • Wing-Commander Grant-Dalton
  • H J Grieve
  • N C Harding
  • [L J] Harvey
  • T Heighway
  • J J Hill
  • [A C A] Hyde
  • Trevor Jones
  • [J O] Kelsey
  • A Kingsford
  • T C List
  • G A Maddison
  • W A Nimon
  • A E O'Meara
  • Captain E V Sanderson
  • Major J V R Sherston
  • E A Tong
  • H Wardell-Johnston
  • W A Whitlock
  • Dr K Wright
  • Rotarians Hakiwai, Matheson, Wilkinson, Wilson
  • Messrs Barnard, Bishop, Sutro, Warren

Accession number


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