Minutes 1956-07-16 Directors


Minutes of Directors’ Meeting held in Vice-President Lace’s residence, Kaponga Road, Havelock North on Monday 16th July, 1956.

Present.   President John (in the chair) P/President Bob Fish, Keith Garland, deputising for Fitz Fitzgerald (sick) Eric Batson, deputising for Eric Russell (another meeting) Eric Phillips, Ray Whiteman, Cyril Wallers, Charlie Jackson, Lace Kerr, Sid O’Neill and the Secretary.

Apologies.   Apologies were received from Bill Whitlock, Gordon Roach, Fitz. Fitzgerald, Eric Russell.

Minutes.   Minutes of meeting held on 18th June were read and confirmed.  M. Lce [Lace] Kerr.  S. Bob Fish.

Letters inwards and outwards were read and approved.
Letter of Resignation from Fred Stoupe – loss of Classification.
Resolved – that resignation be accepted with regret and tat [that] Fred be written to expressing regret at losing him from the club.
Letter from Wellington Safety Assn. Re talk to club.
Resolved – That letter be refereed to Vocational Committee and Programme arranger.

Accounts for Payment.
The following accounts were submitted for payment
Farmers Tea Rooms   76.7.-
Postages   2.16.4
S. & Bryant 3.3.7
Patterson & Son   3.10.-
Assembly Exes.   9.15.-
Semiannual Returns   120.7.6
JS Chaplin-Badges   5.5.-
Hickmans   7.6
Greater Hastings   1.-.-
222 11.11
Moved Eric Phillips, Sec. Lace Kerr. Carried
Charlie submitted the annual accounts and after discussion it was decided to have them cyclostyled and sent out with the annual reports.

Financial.   After further discussion regarding the finances of the club it was resolved that a sum of £250 be withdrawn from the Savings Bank account and lodged in the Hospital Board Loan.  Details of term to be left to Charlie and President John.
M. John.  S. Lace.  Carried

It was moved by Bob Fish. Sec Charlie that Secretary Ted’s honorarium be increased to £15.  Carried.

Budget. & By-Laws
Discussing recommendations contained in the folder “Mr President, Your Year” it was decided that a set of Club by-laws was unnecessary.  That the club had operated for nearly 25 years within the framework of R.I. as laid down for clubs in the Manual of Procedure.

The state of the Annual Balance and the running of finances in our club over a number of years had showed that a budget was unnecessary in our case.  No great increase in expenditure was anticipated over the next 12 months.

Moved. Bob.  Sec. Lace.

Honorary Members.
Moved Cyril.  Sec Eric.  That existing 4 members be re-elected for the ensuing year.

Rev. Barney Panapa.  Charles Gardner, George Low [Lowe?] and Frank Budd.

Bank Authority.
Moved Bob. Sec Lace that authority be granted to Charlie and Ted to continue operating the clubs bank account.

Committee Reports. – Club.
Meeting days had been fixed for 2nd Monday in the month.  All relevant litwrature [literature] had been distributed to sub committees.  It was considered that the Club service committee had become rather unweildy and that it might be necessary to meet in two parts.
Ray Whitemen [Whiteman] was thanked for offering to take over the newsletter.  It was suggested that to get to know our fellow member clubs throughout the 39th District that newsletters be exchanged with every club the first week in August.

Membership Committee.
M. John Sec. Eric that the secret membership committee consisting of Fred Wilkinson, R.D. Brown and Dick Gifford be re-appointed for the ensuing year.

Community. Service Committee.
First meeting not yet held and day of meeting not yet finalised.  Arrangements for St John Appeal were to be completed.  The Community Service Committee were to give consideration to helping the Plunket Society.

Directors Meetings.
Meeting day was confirmed for 3rd Monday in each month.  Eric Russell would not be available on the 3rd Monday but it was decided that he send a representative to the Directors Meeting.  The important thing was that he hold the reins of the Committee as Chairman of Community Service.

It was recommended that the Community Service Committee appoint a small sub-committee to concern themselves entirely with affairs of youth.

Vocational Committee.
No report – had not yet met.  Meeting Day to be 4th Thursday in the month.

International Committee.
No report – had not yet met.  Meeting day to 3rd Wednesday in the month.

The secretary reported that two members had not complied with attendances requirements and that under the rules they had automatically disqualified themselves from membership.
At this stage an adjournment was taken for a delightful spread by our hosts.  John thanked Mrs Kerr for allowing the meeting to be held having just had one the previous month.
Attendances for Graham McCormick and Dan Kaa were studied.  It was resolved that no official action be taken.
That President John mention to Graham that his attendance had been under review.

Report Eric Batson re Defaulters.
Eric suggested that consideration might be given to the recognition of a small sub-committee to work in conjunction with the Probation Officer in assisting with the rehabilitation of men who had succumbed to temptation and required a helping hand.  It might require assistance with finance, clothing but mainly work.  He, Eric, and Mac McKenzie had been working in conjunction with Alan Jesson to this end.  What did the directors think of it?.  It was resolved that this committee continue to act and that if financial assistance was required that an application be made immediately to the Sunshine Funds.

Rotary Service Magazine.
President John referred to the many splendid articles in the Rotary Service Magazine.  How could this be brought home to the members.  It was feared that neither of the Rotary Magazines received much attention.
It was resolved that the Secretary divide the magazine equally between each Committee and that each Committee Meeting spend part of its time in discussion.

It was decided that no action be taken at present with forums at club level.

Classification.  Maori-Mixed Farming.
John reported on the discussions that had taken place at the District Assembly.  It appeared that the D.G. would not countenance any deliberate flouting of the rules.

Eric Phillips who had made the original investigation and report on the admittance of Maori Members to our club said that it had never been his intention to introduce a division and that any Maori entering the club should do so as an individual in open competition.  After further discussion it was resolved that the matter be again referred back to the club service Committee.
It was further resolved that the matter of introducing other races i.e. Chinese and Dutch be thoroughly investigated.  M. Eric Sec Lace.  Carried

Church Parade.
To be left to secretary to contact Padre Ken, Ron Giorgi to fix a date.  18th not satisfactory.  To endeavour to arrange for August.

H/Tribune Trophy.
After discussion it was left to the International Committee to evolve some suitable competition.
One suggestion from Ray Whiteman was that it might be possible to arrange a competition when any party of youths were departing the country on organised tours.  Scouts, Boys Brigade etc.

This completed business for the evening.  John was congratulated for pushing through so much business on his first occupancy of the chair.

John H Holderness
President.   20/8/56

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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank


Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

16 July 1956


  • Eric Batson
  • R D Brown
  • Frank Budd
  • J S Chaplin
  • Bob Fish
  • Fitz Fitzgerald
  • Charles Gardner
  • Keith Garland
  • Dick Gifford
  • Ron Giorgi
  • John H Holderness
  • Charlie Jackson
  • Alan Jesson
  • Dan Kaa
  • Lace Kerr
  • Mrs Kerr
  • George Low
  • Graham McCormick
  • Mac McKenzie
  • Sid O'Neill
  • Reverend Barney Panapa
  • Eric Phillips
  • Gordon Roach
  • Eric Russell
  • Fred Stoupe
  • Cyril Wallers
  • Ray Whiteman
  • Bill Whitlock
  • Fred Wilkinson

Accession number


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