Minutes 1975-09-17 Directors


PRESENT:   President Jim Redgrave, Don Patterson, Bill Langford, Brian Campbell, Gwyn Lewis, Peter Single, Peter Young, Max Luttrell, Frank Crist.

APOLOGIES:   Bryce Jones, Colin Young, Jack Agnew, Sam Rangiihu.

MINUTES:   The Minutes of the August Meeting were read and confirmed Peter S/Bill Langford.

MATTERS ARISING:   The following matters from the Minutes were discussed:-
The sale of the house; the purchasing of a new section; application to McKenzie Trust for Joanna McLean; progressive diners to be organised by various committees; the cabinet being purchased for Club Records; reporters at Luncheon Meetings.

CORRESPONDENCE INWARDS:   President Jim reported on some matters of correspondence.
1.   a letter from D.G. Bert Holmes expressing thanks, appreciation and congratulations after his recent visit.
2.   the New Orleans Convention information.
3.   South Pacific Jubilee Trust.

Other correspondence included (1) Eric Putter’s resignation. Moved Don/Peter “That this resignation be received with regret”   Passed.
(2)   A notification of rise in cost of Club Luncheons to $1.75.
(3)   Letter of acceptance of membership from Tom Graham.

CORRESPONDENCE OUTWARDS:   1.   Letter of invitation for membership to Tom Graham and Bryan Hutchinson.
2.   Copy of Bill Langford’s “Fifty Years of Rotary in Hastings” sent to Library of N.S.W.
3.   Minutes of August Directors’ Meeting to President, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, Vice-President.
4.   Information to Bulletin Editor.
5.   Several accounts to Treasurer.

MOVED:   Peter S./Brian “That inwards be received and outwards be approved”. Passed. Also that Secretary write to Graham Lee requesting that the information sent him for the “Significant Achievement Award” be returned.

FINANCE:   1.   A report from Colin Young on the Club’s finances in general, was discussed. After a great deal of discussion, it was Moved Peter S./Brian Campbell “That the following suggestions from the Treasurer be accepted and recommended to the Club:-
(a)   The Annual subscription be raised to $12.50 half yearly + $2.50 (Projects)
(b)   Entrance subscription be raised to $5.00 + $9.00 R.I.
(c)   Luncheon charge be raised to $2.00 ($1.75 + 25c)” Passed

CLUB SERVICE:   Peter reported. Minutes of September Meeting on File.

CLASSIFICATION:   1.   Tom Graham and Bryan Hutchinson have accepted membership – to be promulgated through Bulletin.
2.   The following nominations have been processed, and it was Moved Peter Single/Bill Langford “That letters of invitation be sent to the nominees as listed: –
Fire Services:   Lou Jillings
Food Manufacturing:   Gordon Wattie or Walter Borwick.
Optometry:   Neil Donaldson
Cleaning Services:   Haldane Scougall”   Passed.
3.   A nomination has been received for Police Services.
4.   Moved Peter S./Don P. “That the classification Town Clerk be opened”   Passed.

VOCATIONAL SERVICE:   Gwyn reported. Minutes of September meeting are on file.
1.   Exploration of new Rotary Club of interest to Vocational.
2.   The Aerial Mapping visit was briefly outlined.
3.   The Shop Assistant’s Award is to proceed.

– 2 –

4.   R.O.V.E. (Rotary Overseas Vocational Exchange).

YOUTH COMMITTEE:    Don reported. Minutes of September Meeting on file.
1.   Camp Opoutama – Moved Don/Peter “That $250.00 be voted from the Projects’ Fund, to sponsor several boys for this venture.”   Passed.
2.   Outward Bound.
3.   Youth Activities Week (28 October)
4.   Student Exchange.

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE:   Peter Y. reported. Minutes of September Meeting are on file. Peter discussed the following projects:-
1.   Tui Taoi’s possible immigration.
2.   Aid to Khatmandu [Kathmandu] – Peter visited this Club recently and it is intended to make this the major Project – to finance a well (bore) for a Nepalese Village.
3.   Collection of Medicines and Drugs for overseas.
After a great deal of discussion, it was Moved Peter Young/Don Patterson “That the Directors give their final approval, in principle, to the International Committee’s Fund Raising project for building a house and selling it” Passed.
4.   An International Committee Meeting is to be held on a Ship. Arrangements are under way; and the Ship’s Officers will attend Rotary.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:   Bill reported. Minutes of September Meeting are on file.
1.   After a great deal of discussion on the “Hole-in-One” Competition, it was Moved Peter S./Don P. “That because of restricting circumstances, unfortunately, the “Hole-in-One” Project be abandoned”. Passed
2.   Assistance to the Family Home – some work already carried out. More to follow.
3.   Laurie Williams reply awaited re Joanna McLean.

GENERAL BUSINESS:   1.   Moved Peter S./Peter Y. “That leave of absence be granted to Rei Apatu and Ted Gallen”   Passed.
2.   A District Meeting on October 18 to be held at Taupo – Information, Stimulation, and Rotary Motivation.
3.   Club Service to consider venue for Ladies Luncheon – 2 December.
4.   Moved Frank/Peter S. “That $100.00 be donated to the Te Mata Trust Board”   Passed
5.   Peter Single will represent Rotary at a meeting at Travel Lodge on 19 September, to discuss “Top Town Competition”.

NEXT MEETING:   At the home of Colin Young 15 October.
Meeting closed at 10.30p.m.

Read & Confirmed:

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

17 September 1975


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