Minutes 1975-11-19 Directors


PRESENT:   President Jim Redgrave, Colin Young, Don Patterson, Doug Turner, Bill Langford, Peter Young, Brian Campbell, Max Luttrell, Gwyn Lewis, Bryce Jones, Frank Crist.

APOLOGIES:   Peter Single, Jack Agnew.

MINUTES:   The minutes of the October Meeting were read and confirmed.   Don/Max   Passed

MATTERS ARISING:     1.   House No 2 A meeting to be held on Friday 21 November. Brian reported that a conditional contract was already in existence.
2.   Congratulations passed to Richard Watson who by qualifying as runner-up in 1975 (N.Z. Rotary Golf Tournament), earned a trip to Australia in March 1976. 15-16 Nov.
3.   Congratulations also to Don Patterson on his organisation of the Dannevirke Golf Forum visit. 16 Nov.
4.   Concerning Membership –
(a)   Neil Donaldson (Optometry) and Haldane Scougall (Cleaning Services) have both been accepted.
(b)   Norman Hardie [Hardy], Lou Jillings and Arnold Baker requested a further week to consider.
(c)   Gordon Wattie’s and Jim O’Connor’s nominations are in abeyance.

LEAVE OF ABSENCE:   One month’s leave of absence due to pressure of business by Ian Cameron and Jack Seton.   Moved Don/Peter “That this be granted”   Passed

CORRESPONDENCE INWARDS:   1.   I.H.C. requesting assistance for House-to-House Appeal 21 February.
2.   From British Red Cross Society, Vila, New Hebrides, requesting assistance for various projects – Youth Hostel, and Red Cross Hut construction. Moved Brian/Colin “That a donation of $20.00 be made to the British Red Cross Society, Vila”. Passed.
3.   Letter from Steven van Bohemen, reporting on his Rotary Studentship in Germany.
4.   Approval from R.I. to continue exploration of a new Club (Evening) in Hastings.
5.   Various Newsletters from a number of organizations.
6.   Requests for leave of absence.
7.   Arrival of new Directories from R.I., also some requests.

OUTWARDS:   1.   Letters of invitation to prospective new members – Norman Hardie (Police Services), Arnold Baker (Town Clerk).
2.   Copies of Minutes to Jim, Peter, Max, Colin – also information to Max and Colin.
3.   Minor routine matters.
Moved Colin/Bill “That inwards be received and outwards approved”   Passed

FINANCE:   Colin reported briefly on the accounts, and commented on R.I.’s reminders of monies owing (wrongly)   Moved Colin/Doug “That Accounts as discussed and appended be passed for payment”. Passed.

CLUB SERVICE:   In Peter’s absence, Doug Turner reported briefly –
1.   No present members interested in joining an Evening Club.
2.   Progressive Dinner most successful.
3.   Rotary Information – Question should be asked alternate weeks.
4.   Ladies luncheon at D.B. Heretaunga will be $2.50 per head.
5.   Frank, Evan & Peter to look at cards for Visitors and Rotarian Visitors, and have some printed. After some discussion it was Moved Peter/Don “That the following classifications be opened: –

– 2 –

CLUB SERVICE (Contd.)   Air Transport Services (N.A.C.)
Advertising Services
Municipal Services (Parks & Reserves)
Municipal Services (Cultural)
Medical – (Orthopaedic Surgeon)   Passed
7.   Since Haldane Scougall (Cleaning Services) and Neil Donaldson (Optometry) had accepted membership, it was Moved Jim/Frank “That the induction of these two new members take place in 2 December” Passed

YOUTH SERVICE:   Don reported briefly.
1.   Leisure Hours’ Booklet – cost is forthcoming and will be submitted at next meeting.
2.   Ten boys have now been nominated for the Opoutama Camp which Hastings Rotary will sponsor.
3.   Investigation re establishment of Interact Club at Karamu High School is under way.
4.   Talk on Overseas Students’ Exchange given by George Pacey at last meeting.

VOCATIONAL SERVICE:   Gwyn reported briefly –
1.   Last Meeting held at Plix Products, consisted of some Rotarians and some students and was most enjoyable.
2.   Next meeting at Ian McPherson’s home will take the form of business plus social.
3.   Possibility of Vocational Exploration at 3th & 7th Form level.

INTERNATIONAL SERVICE:   Peter reported briefly –
1.   Report on fund raising project.
2.   Collection of pharmaceutical products by 1st week in December to be forwarded overseas early in the new year.
3.   Some Malaysian visitors attended last meeting – the possibility of obtaining accommodation was discussed.
Moved Peter/Bruce “That $50.00 be voted from the Projects Fund for advertising for accommodation (Ex Massey) Malaysian Students working in the Hastings area over the summer holiday period”   Passed
4.   Next Meeting at Charlie Trasks to take form of a social evening with wives.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:   Bill reported –
1.   Patient Transport vehicle discussion. Mentioned by Jim & Bryce that St John already has this under way.
2.   Letter from Gerald Anderson concerning funds held from Windsor Lodge project of some years ago.
Moved Bryce/Jim “That Jim and Colin further investigate, with power to act”   Passed
3.   Welfare House Project – suggested that some entertainment be given, together with a display of work.
4.   Set of Carpenters’ tools in mobile stand now available for boys’ use – all are keen.

GENERAL BUSINESS:   1.   Re disbursement of Project Funds, it was Moved Bryce/Peter “That the distribution of funds (of $2.00 per Welfare Child) be repeated this year as a Xmas Project”   Passed
2.   Moved Jim/Gwyn “That the President, Vice President, Brian Campbell and Max Luttrell form a sub-committee to bring forward nominations for the Club’s 1976-77 officers” Passed
3.   President Jim informed the Directors that the last meeting would be held 23 December, and the resumption on 13 January.

Next/meeting at Max Luttrell’s home 17 December.

– 3 –

Next Meeting   At home of Max Luttrell, 17 December.

Meeting Closed at 9.50 p.m.

Read & Confirmed;
President:   J Redgrave
Date:   17/12/75

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

19 November 1975


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