Minutes 1976-02-10 Club Service Committee

Minutes of the Club Service Committee Metting [Meeting] held on Tuesday 10th February 1976 at the home of Colin Blackmore, Havelock North.

Rotarians Single, Chairman; Blackmore, Benson, Walker, Stainer, Price, Cross, Turner.

Rotarians Hickman, Young, Hughes, Butler, McPherson.

Minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Matters arrising [arising] were – Peter indicated that he had done a survey of [of] about 60  business[es] in our territory who could supply suitable men for membership in a proposed evening club, and that he had put this forward. The next move was for a  sub committee to be appointed by the District Governor to investigate.  He was of the opinion that there was plenty of room for a new club and there would not be much difficulty in getting sufficent [sufficient] numbers.

It was recommended that the Board be asked to open the following classifications; Religion, Catholic, Advertising Services.

Membership & Attendance;
Ray Butler conveyed a message that all was satisfactory .

Sgt. at Arms;
Alan felt that the session should start not later than 10 past 1 to give the sergeant sufficent [sufficient] time, and not encroach on the guest speakers time. Peter to take this up with the board.

Club Marshall;
Everything in order.

Alan to look at the visitors card suitation [situation]. Club visitors were being well looked after.

Alan told us of the two makeups he did in the holidays and was impressed by two things. At Wanganui club the guest speaker wore a distintive [distinctive] badge with the words “Guest Speaker” on and at Fitzroy Club at the induction of a new member, he was introduced to the Club and a short pracis [precis] was given on him.

Barbarcue [Barbecue];
Saturday 21st, Cost $2.50 per head. Colin to act as mine host with the refreshments, Doug the food. Peter, Tony Ian, lights seating, arranging, for about 12 barbecues. Bob to procure string of lights. M.C. to be Alan; Organised games like game with ballons [balloons] and poles and rubber tube relay. Also lucky spots with suitable prizes. Cashier Don. A small surplus should be made. If wet would be cancelled and members advised by phone.

Gala Day;
Peter outlined the meeting he had attended with Glynn, and that our club would be involved with taking charge of rides on train, boats, fire engine etc. Alan suggested a stall with a dart game, we dress up like pirates as the theme.  Maybe sponser [sponsor] a lolly scramble. Club Service committee were keen on the Gala day and would keenly support it.

The next meeting will be held on 2nd March, The meeting closed at 9.25 p.m.


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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

10 February 1976


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