Minutes 1976-02-18 Directors


PRESENT: President Jim Redgrave, Vice President Peter Single, Brian Campbell, Bill Langford, Peter Young, Jack Agnew, Gwyn Lewis, Bryce Jones, Colin Young, Frank Crist.

APOLOGIES: Sam Rangiihu, Don Patterson.

MINUTES:  The Minutes of the December Meeting were read and confirmed – Brian/Peter S.
1.   Brian reported that House No. 2 was now sold.
2.   Paeroa Club Song Book. Frank had written asking for a copy, but the reply stated that lack of support had caused the project to be abandoned.
3.   Other matters would be discussed under other headings.

1.   Many letters of thanks from recipients of Xmas Gifts.
2.   Letter of thanks from Social Welfare.
3.   From Stortford Lodge Rotary Club requesting assistance. Moved Brian/Peter S. “That the Club donate $200.00 from the Project Fund towards the Stortford Lodge Rotary Club Project of providing an Infant Respirator to the Memorial Hospital”   Passed.
4.   Resignation from Bill Wong, received with regret. Peter Y./Jim R.
5.   Acceptance for membership – Norm Hardy.
6.   Resignation letter from Arthur Giorgi received with regret. Peter S./Brian
7.   Rotary Car Stickers from Wanganui South Rotary Club – Moved Brian/Max “That our Club purchase them at a cost of $9.00”   Passed
8.   From John Nicholls, D.G. Elect requesting info for 1976-77 Directory.
9.   Stortford Lodge Rotary Club concerning Golf Forum 29 February.
N.B. 16 of our players have entered – congratulations to Don Patterson.
10.   D.G’s Newsletter and info for incoming Officers – handed to Peter S. Also request for info for 1976-77 Directory,
11.   Acknowledgment from Ed. Bate of Rotary’s congratulations on occasion of 50th Wedding Anniversary.
12.   Hastings Public Relations Office giving information.
13.   “Rotary in N.Z.” – copy sent from District 293 for donation to Hastings Public Library. Also Balance Sheet of Dist. 293 Fund.
14.   Greater Hastings, offering Stall Space at 1976 Highland Games. Letter received.
15.   Request from Arthur Powell for attendance exemption. Moved Bryce/Jack   Passed.
16.   Xmas card from President of Uxbridge Club, London.
17.   Offer of Speaker to Club, from Cancer Society of N.Z. (Programme Organiser).
18.   Ditto from Lepers’ Trust Board.
19.   Grant from McKenzie Trust for Joanna McLean.

1.   Info for 1976-77 Directory to R.I., D.G., & D.G. Elect.
2.   Letters of invitation for membership to Norm Hardy, David Wright and John Kennedy.
3.   Letter of introduction for Margaret Kemsley (Rotaracter) who is now Overseas. Moved Max/Peter S. “That Inwards be received and outwards approved”.   Passed.

Colin gave a report.
1.   It was Moved Peter S./Jack “That a sincere appreciation of Brian Campbell’s tremendous effort in raising funds for the Club, at the sale of House No. 2, be recorded”  Passed with acclamation.
2.   Colin also outlined the state of the Club’s finances.
3.   Trust Papers held by Roger Bate.
4.   Moved Colin/Peter S. “That accounts as presented be confirmed for payment”   Passed.


CLUB SERVICE: Peter reported. Minutes of February meeting on file.
1.   New Fantasyland Railway Station – a worthy project for Rotary support.
2.   Colin Y. made a plea for some support for the Te Mata Park Trust Board Project. Possible suggestion was the financing of a pair of binoculars, which would in turn produce continuing revenue for the Trust.

– 2 –

CLUB SERVICE:   3.   Gwyn brought up the Mayoral Fund Raising day for Fantasyland.
4.   Concerning membership, it was reported that David Wright, John Kennedy and Norman Hardy had accepted and that Jim O’Connor, Errol Butcher, Gordon Wattie, were to be deferred until the next meeting.
5.   Moved Peter S. /Jim “That membership for David Wright, John Kennedy, and Norman Hardy be promulgated in the Bulletin and that they be inducted on 9 March”.  Passed.
6.   Moved Peter S./Jim “That the classification ‘Religion – Roman Catholic’ be opened”  Passed.
7.   Moved Jack/Bryce “That the resignations of Barney Ryan, Bill Wong and PETER MILLS & Arthur Giorgi be accepted with regret. Frank to write suitable letters   Passed.

VOCATIONAL SERVICE:   Gwyn reported.
1.   Hastings City Council Gala Day 13 March.
2.   Work Exploration Scheme for Schools.
3.   Vocational Cards – to consult with Frank.

INTERNATIONAL SERVICE:   Minutes on File. Peter Y. reported chiefly on House project, also on other minor projects.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:   Minutes on File. Bill reported.
1.   $100.00 received from McKenzie Trust (Joanna McLean).
2.   Plunket Collection.
3.   Kite – test flown after being transported by Jack Agnew.
4.   I.H.C. Collection – no on list.
5.   Pakowhai Country Park – Working Bee.
6.   Town & Country Forum – 27 April 6p.m. – Maraekakaho.
7.   Welfare House.

YOUTH COMMITTEE:   Don not present. Report deferred until next meeting.

1.   Jim reported that Club Day would be 2 March.
2.   After a discussion about “Banners”, it was Moved Peter Y./Jack “That banners be reintroduced so that they could be available for overseas tourists, thus avoiding embarrassment to such members”   Passed.
Note:   Peter S. to give costing information at next meeting.
3.   Request from Bunny Cox for leave of absence – March to December.

NEXT MEETING: At the home of Bryce Jones on 17 March.

The Meeting closed at 10.20p.m, Thanks to Gwyn and June.

Read & Confirmed:


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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

18 February 1976


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