Minutes 1977-09-21 Directors


PRESENT:   President Don Patterson, Ron Giorgi, Evan Hughes, Roger Bate, Jack Cooper, Keith Garland, Peter Single, Max Luttrell, Brian Campbell, Cliff Cox, Colin Young, Noel Louis, David Davidson (invited), John Eddington (Observer), Frank Crist.

APOLOGIES:   None required, 100% attendance.

MINUTES   of the Previous Meeting of 17th August were read and confirmed Ron/Jack.

MATTERS ARISING:   to be covered be Committee Reports.

CORRESPONDENCE:   Moved Don/Cliff “That outwards be approved, and inwards received”   Passed.

Inwards:   1.   Chairman of Te Mata Trust thanking Club for Binoculars at the Peak.
2.   Acceptance and thanks – Honorary Membership – Eric Phillips.
3.   Information from Norm Hardy that he is on transfer to Hamilton.
4.   Acknowledgement card from Doug Turner (Death of Wife.)
5.   Extension of time – N.Z. Golf Championship.
6.   From Ben Gunn, making up (3) Invercargill.
7.   Cheque for transport to District Assembly at Tokoroa.
8.   World Wildlife – received.
9.   From Inner Wheel – Secretary to reply.
10.   Palmerston North Rotary Club with information on David Fine.

Outwards:   1.   To R.I. requesting Vocational Committee Literature.
2.   Les Grant, ordering “Rotary on Stamps”.
3.   C.H.B. Road Safety Committee giving support to their “Rejuvenation Meeting”.
4.   District Probation Office – Arthur Powell – Rotary’s nominee.
5.   Semi Annual Report – Dues & Membership. (Ditto to D.G.)
6.   R.I. – 9 Termination Forms, 2 New Members, 6 Changes of Classification etc. (Ditto to D.G.)
7.   Attendance Returns, Minutes etc.
8.   Letters of invitation – Tony Agnew (Refrigeration) and Nigel Ross (Insurance Life).
9.   R.I. – Making application for Paul Harris Fellowship (Geo. Pacey). (Ditto – info to D.G.)

FINANCE:   Colin reported.
1.   District Fund.
2.   R.I. – Paul Harris Fellowship.
3.   Fee for sponsorship of Rotaract Club. (Letter to D.G.)
4.   Moved Colin/Roger “That $4607.51 be passed for payment as shown in appended sheet”. Passed.
5.   Moved Colin/Keith “That the annual subscription be increased by $1.00 per annum (to $38.50) – this to be recommended to the Club”. Passed.

CLUB SERVICE:   Roger reported.
1.   Reply to Paeroa – re Venue Cards.
2.   Membership – Dick Spence is awaiting induction. Tony Agnew has accepted.
3.   After some discussion, Moved Roger/Cliff “That Jim Stewart (Insurance Agent) be invited”. Passed.
4.   Letters to be prepared for Ian Jaspers (Air Transportation), Jim Stewart (Insurance Agent), Cor Dames (Fruitgrowing) and David Fine (Private Bank Savings).


– 2 –

Discussion on (a)   Advance Luncheon Tickets?
(b)   Ladies’ invitation to Inductions?

COMMUNITY SERVICE:   Jack reported.
1.   I.H.C. Transport.
2.   Te Mata Peak Park painting.
3.   Shed to be converted as Landmark Project.
4.   Meet the Candidates (City Council) Forum. Report to be made after 5 October. Moved Ron/Jack “That $50.00 be approved for advertising” Passed.

VOCATIONAL SERVICE:   Brian reported.
1.   Assistance approved for Karamu Scouts and Guides. Committee to call Scouts and Guides for discussion.
2.   Brian wished to be relieved of Chairmanship, due to work pressure.

1.   South Pacific Trust to be tapped (Saw Gulleter & Water Reticulation).
2.   Possible Ship Board Meeting (Bryce organising).
3.   Correspondence with Overseas Clubs?
4.   Information on G.S.E.
5.   Student Exchange – 32 overseas next year (District 993).
6.   Naturalization of new citizens -perhaps invitation to Luncheon.

YOUTH SERVICE:   Noel reported.
1.   Hastings Marriage Guidance Counselling Service.
2.   Assist Rotaract to raise funds for Y.M.C.A.
3.   School Leavers’ Handbook Moved Noel/Ron “That 200 (at 25c) be purchased for Hastings Boys’ High School leavers” Passed.
4.   Rotaract Dinner Meeting. Possibly Youth Committee and wives.
5.   Ian F. [Featherstone] gave Committee a talk on R.S.E.
6.   Possible Youth Activities Luncheon.


David Davidson was invited to explain the project to the Directors. After hearing David, and then discussion it was Moved Peter/Roger “That the Hastings Rotary Club, in conjunction with the 3 other local Rotary Clubs, take a leading part in supporting the Memorial Hospital’s 50th Jubilee Project – the setting up of a Community Health Education Centre”   Passed.

1.   Recess at Xmas. Last Meeting 20 December, First New Year Meeting 17 Jan.
2.   D.G’s visit to Club – Dinner Meeting 8 November.
3.   Presentation to Senior Oratory (H.B.H.S.) at Assembly to be arranged.

NEXT MEETING:   12 October at home of Keith Garland.

Meeting Closed at 10.30p.m.

Read & Confirmed:
Chairman   DW Patterson
Date   12/10/77

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

21 September 1977


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