Minutes 1977-11-23 Directors


PRESENT:   President Don Patterson, Roger Bate, Max Luttrell, Evan Hughes, Keith Garland, Ron Giorgi, Noel Louis, Jack Cooper, Cliff Cox, Frank Crist.

APOLOGIES:   Colin Young, Peter Single.

MINUTES:   Of the October Meeting were read and confirmed. Don/Cliff.

MATTERS ARISING:   The Hastings Honorary Welfare Group. Jack reported that he would report later.

CORRESPONDENCE INWARDS:  1.   From Ewing Robertson, having resigned.
2.   John Cornelius requesting leave of absence (Hospital). Moved Don/Evan “That leave of absence be granted to John Cornelius, for as long as is necessary”. Passed.
3.   From Peter Oldham acknowledging letter to R.I. concerning Rotaract Fee.
4.   From Eastern Hutt Rotary Club giving details of N.Z. Rotary Golf Finalists.
5.   Approval from Miss Green, for conversion of shed at Landmark Home, into Games Room.
6.   Various from R.I., D.G., and a number of requests for donations.

CORRESPONDENCE OUTWARDS:   1.   Ewing Robertson concerning subscriptions and resignation.
2.   To R.I. concerning Rotaract & Interact fees.
3.   Minutes to Directors.
4.   Attendance Return to D.G.
5.   Various domestic matters, locally. Moved Roger/Cliff “That Inwards be received and outwards approved”   Passed.
N.B. Nominations from Hastings Rotary Club: –
Noel Louis – District Rotaract Committee
Cliff Cox – District Committee of R.F.
Jim Redgrave – District World Fellowship Activities

FINANCE:   Colin’s apology recorded.
1.   Subs have been coming in.
2.   At Jack Seton’s request, it was Moved Don/Keith “That $150.00 be donated to Sister Johnson’s Xmas Tree Fund at Hospital”   Passed.
3.   Moved Jack/Don “That $30.00 be donated to the I.H.C. Xmas Party”   Passed.

CLUB SERVICE:   Roger Reported.
1.   Concerning Ron Holman’s membership – Max to visit.
2.   Don to investigate David Wright’s lack of attendance.
3.   “Ian Hickman Plaque” for lectern, well under way.
4.   Classifications. Moved Roger/Cliff “That the following classifications be opened –
(a)   Building Society – Permanent
(b)   Police C.I.D.
(c)   Chain Store Management”   Passed
5.   To be investigated –
(a)   Successor to Ewing Robertson
(b)   Radio Apple representative   Frank to approach

– 2 –

6.   Classification Survey to be carried out.
7.   Other points discussed included Ryla, Weekly Programme, Sgt. at Arms, Man Friday, Barbecue, Flags, Sick Reports, New Members, Marshalls.

INTERNATIONAL:   Evan Reported.
1.   Shipboard Meeting – being arranged by Bryce.
2.   V.S.A. preference for Solomons via direct contact with Jim Pine, and Mrs Comrie.
3.   Thanks to Cliff Cox for his C.S.E. work.
4.   Last Meeting addressed by George Pacey. 5. Malaysian Students’ Accommodation Scheme begun.
5.   New Member – Cor. Dames.

COMMUNITY:   Jack Reported.
1.   Two new members to this committee – Nigel Ross, Ian Jaspers.
2.   Letter from Hastings Hon. Social Welfare Group.
Moved Don/Jack “That $30.00 be donated with covering letter offering possible practical help”   Passed.
3.   Sign to the Peak, rounding Off Rotary’s Project.
4.   Report given on progress at Landmark House.
5.   Rotary signs entering the town to be inspected.
6.   Town & country Forum at Waimarama? Possibly early April.
7.   Watermelon project has advanced.

YOUTH:   Noel Reported.
1.   Tony Agnew – new member.
2.   School Leavers’ handbook distributed to H.B.H.S.
3.   Youth Exchange Programme. Charlie Trask to seek assistance.
4.   Suggestion – (a) that new Club Members be invited to Directors’ meeting, (b) Minutes of Directors’ Meetings be circulated to all Chairmen, (c) Personal invitation from Committee Chairmen to new members.

VOCATIONAL:   Walter Borwick (new Chairman) has found it necessary to resign. Don to approach a replacement.

GENERAL:  1.   Moved Don/Jack “That president, Vice President, Immediate Past Immediate Past President and Treasurer be the Selection Committee for the Club’s Officers for 1978-79 year”   Passed
2.   P.A. System to be installed within the week.
3.   Conference – some concern over the size of the combined districts’ conference. Appeal to be made for members’ support at Conference.

NEXT MEETING:   At Don Pattersons, 14 December.

Meeting closed at 10.50 p.m.

Read & Confirmed:


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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

23 November 1977


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