Minutes 1978-08-21 Directors


PRESENT:   President Roger Bate, Lionel Wainscott, Neil Donaldson, Bill Pascoe, Ron Hendry, Colin Young, Alan Walker (for John Eddington), Charlie Trask (for Phil May), Don Patterson, Frank Crist, Max Luttrell.

APOLOGIES:   Bryce Jones (overseas), Frank Darroch, John Eddington, Phil May.

MINUTES:   Minutes of the July Meeting were read and confirmed – Don/Bill.

MATTERS ARISING:   1.   Jim Redgrave’s negative to a D.G’s nomination.
2.   Luncheon Charges – assurance of no further charge this year.
3.   D.G’s visit – complementary letter received by Roger.
4.   New Booklet to be sent to D.G., and his local Representative.
5.   Jim Redgrave liaison “Officer” – for Hamilton Conference.

CORRESPONDENCE:   Inwards received, outwards approved – Lionel/Max.

OUTWARDS:   To Rotary Down Under giving new list of subscribers.
Leave of absence letters.
To City Council re Fantasyland Charges.
To Trevor Baker re Fantasyland Charges.
To R.I. rescinding Pat Stainer’s resignation.

FINANCE:   1.   Colin reported, and gave notice that at the next meeting he will bring up the apportioning of appropriation funds.
2.   Accounts for payment totalling $4361.45 were passed – Colin/Charlie.
Report received – Colin/Don.

CLUB SERVICE: (Don reported for Frank D.)
1.   Development Committee (Membership) to operate.
2.   Programme organised well ahead.
3.   Possibility of inviting ladies to luncheons when there are some suitable programmes.
4.   The Mayor to be invited to join Rotary – Don/Neil.
5.   Colin Hendry (Ron) and W.A.G. Penlington (Frank) to attend on 29 August when they will be officially elected Hon. Members.
6.   Barry Webber (Offset Printing) has deferred until next year.
Ken McCormack (Religion Baptist) has accepted.
Bruce Hansen (Religion Presbyterian) to be seen by Don Patterson.
Robin Wilkins (Electronic Servicing) to be seen by Bruce Giorgi.
Edgar Hornblow (Religion Methodist) has declined.
7.   Classifications “Hardware – Retailing” to be opened – Frank/Ron.
“Education – Primary” to be opened – Don/Bill.
Report received – Don/Bill.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:   Neil reported.
1.   Possibilities for Town & Country Forum – Jack Cooper to enquire (Local Produce Growers).
2.   Reply from Australia – Visit of Combined High Schools’ Band confirmed for next Easter.
3.   “Enerpac Jaws” – left to Hastings, Havelock North and Rotaract. Rotaract to consider fund-raising.
Report received – Neil/Lionel.


– 2 –

1.   Good meeting – film shown by Gordon Lee.
2.   Naturalization letter – future plans considered.
3.   Shipboard meeting arrangements proceeding.
4.   International World Understanding Week.
5.   Possibility of South Pacific Trust Aid for Saw-tooth cutting machine.
Reports received – Rob/Bill.

VOCATIONAL SERVICE (Alan reported for John).
1.   School Leavers’ Booklet a success last year. 400 to be ordered this year for Hastings Boy’s High School and Karamau High School – Alan/Ron.
2.   Leisure Hours Booklet to be reprinted.
3.   Vocational Cards to be updated.
4.   Assistance for Mrs Kohu – relevant application to be forwarded to the McKenzie Youth Education Fund.
5.   Suggested Luncheon Programme from Labour Department – “What is Available”.
Report received – Alan/Don.

YOUTH SERVICE: (Charlie reported for Phil)
1.   Roster for members attending Rotoract.
2.   Omahu Child Development Project – Brown Kamau addressed the meeting. Some financial assistance requested.
3.   Next month’s meeting to be tried at 5.30 p.m.
Report received – Charlie/Alan.

GENERAL:    Some topics of general information were discussed.

NEXT MEETING:   At home of Don Patterson – 18 September.

MEETING CLOSED at 10.10p.m.

Read & Confirmed:
DATE:   18 Sept 78

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

21 August 1978


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