Minutes 1979-03-12 Vocational Committee


Present:  John Eddington (Chairman), Alan Walker, Ted Gallen, Len Hoogerbrug, Dug Huggett, Roy Batchelor, Graeme Clarke and Jack Dallimore.

Apologies:  Dennis Barber, John Cornelius, Bert Eising, Jim Redgrave, Val [Vel] Velvin and Ron Giorgi.

Minutes:  Minutes of the meeting held on 12 February were read and confirmed – Ted Gallen/Alan Walker.

Matters Arising:

(a)   “Your Leisure Hours” booklet

Alan reported that he had been in touch with the Public Relations Officer who advised that the city had a on elaborate card system and a large number of booklets already prepared for handing to interested young people.  The question of giving suitable information to school leavers was discussed at length.  Alan advised that the Public Relations Officer felt that the distribution of booklets to interested school leavers would be helpful.  Alan is to see Frank Crist and report back.

(b)   Visit to Whirinaki Mill

Chairman John reported that the visit to the Mill and the barbecue dinner were[was] a great success. 55 members and friends attended Bay View Hotel and were later conducted through the plant by Mr John Poppelwell and a member of his staff.  Letters of appreciation are to be sent to Mr Poppelwell and the Bay View Hotel

(c)   J.R. Mackenzie Trust

Chairman John advised that the grant of £250 was insufficient to allow Virginia Martin to attend school and that she now had a job and was saving to enable her to attend full time next year.

(d)   Youth Development Programme

Roy Batchelor reported that he had had discussions with Frank Crist on the general attitudes, dress and demeanour of school leavers when they apply for positions.  After considerable discussion on this very important matter it was suggested that Roy have a further talk with Frank and report back.

(e)   Correspondence

Chairman John gave a brief report on the various matters raised in the minutes of the last directors’ meeting, and read the reply given to the J.R. Mackenzie Trust.

General Business

As a result of the successful visit to the Whirinaki Mill Jack Seton has suggested a visit to the Milk Treatment Station.  The


possibility of a breakfast meeting should be considered and it was recommended that the matter be referred to the incoming committee.

There was some general discussion on possible projects and methods to achieve then but no firm recommendation has resulted.

Dug Huggett thought Eddie Hope of the Labour Department would be willing to talk to the club and Chairman John agreed to pass this information on to David Fine of the Programme Committee.

The next meeting will be at the home of Alan Walker on 3 April 1979.  Graeme Clarke offered to host the May meeting.  The meeting concluded at 9.15 with a vote of thanks to the hosts.

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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

12 March 1979


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