Minutes 1979-03-12 Youth Committee


Minutes of a meeting of the Youth Committee held at the home of Selwyn Begley on Monday 12 March 1979 at 7.30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Charlie Trask (Acting Chairman), Selwyn Begley, Keith Garland, Noel Louis, Len Webb, Pete Van Ash [Piet van Asch], Ian Jaspers, Jack Agnew and Ian Cameron (Acting Secretary).

APOLOGIES:  Apologies were received from Tony Cross, Arnold Baker, Rei Apatu, David Davidson, Phil May, Paul Jones and Byron Brooke [Brook]

MINUTES:  The minutes of the previous meeting were not available.

AUCTION:  Charlie Trask reported that the proposal from the last meeting to send a youth to Outward Bound was to proceed and an auction was being organised to raise the committees ⅓ share of the cost (approximately $130).  The auction will be held at the Club Luncheon on 17 April.

Pete Van Ash, as his part in the project, had been invited to arrange an appropriate speaker for the Club Luncheon on 10 April as a lead up to the auction on 17 April.  Pete confirmed he had finalised arrangements for Mr. M. Morgan, Executive Director of Outward Bound to speak and he agreed to introduce Mr. Morgan.

Others involved in the auction arrangements are as follows:-

Phil May   overall organiser.
Charlie Trask   asst. overall organiser.
Ian Jaspers   thanks to speaker.
Paul Jones   to arrange two auctioneers.
Ian Cameron   auctioneers assistant.
Byron Brooke   auctioneers assistant.
Len Webb   auctioneers assistant.
David Davidson   treasurers.
Rei Apatu   treasurers.
Tony Cross   Sergeant.

It was decided to telephone club members on 9 April to remind them of the auction on 17 April.  Charlie Trask to supply lists of names to committee members.

STUDENT EXCHANGE:  On a motion by Noel and Jack it was agreed Charlie be asked to speak to Directors re publicity material on student exchange for secondary schools.

MCKENZIE TRUST:  Moved Jack/Selwyn and agreed that enquiries be made as to the benefits and funds available from the McKenzie Trust and the procedures necessary for obtaining grants.

PUBLIC RELATIONS:  As it was felt Rotary in Hastings does not receive sufficient publicity it was proposed (Noel/Jack) and agreed that the Club be asked to consider the appointment of a club public relations officer.


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Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

12 March 1979


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