Minutes 1981-03-16 Directors


PRESENT:   President Jack Cooper, John Eddington, Keith Garland, Alan Walker, Ian McPherson, Mike Barry, Roy Batchelor, Charlie Trask, Frank Crist.

APOLOGIES:   Peter Single, Frank Darroch, Colin Young, Max Luttrell.

MINUTES:   Minutes of the last meeting circulated, taken as read – Jack/Keith.

MATTERS ARISING:   To be taken under Committee Reports.


Inwards   1.   Keith Sands letter re Mrs Jennings — to be handed on to the Rotary Club of Havelock North.
2.   Invitation for representation of Rotary at the Akina Activities Centre Advisory Committee Meeting. Alan to attend to this.
3.   From South Pacific concerning cheque.
4.   Leave of absence granted to Ray Custance – Ian/John.
5.   Correspondence from Riccarton introducing a possible new member – John R. Dunstan.
6.   Letter of resignation from Nigel Ross.

Outwards   1.   Semi-Annual Return to R.I.
2.   D.G. & R.I. – Info for official 1981-82.
3.   New Members and Termination Forms to R.I. and D.G.

Moved “Inwards received – Outwards approved” . Alan/Roy.

CLUB SERVICE:   Charlie reported.
1.   Meal Charges – Moved Charlie/John “That meal charge be raised to $4.50 as from the meeting April”   Passed.
N.B. Meal Charge $3.20. Hall rental $0.80. Project Fund $0.50.
2.   Barbecue at Fantasyland voted an outstanding success.
3.   Moved Charlie/Frank “That $50.00 be donated to Rotaract, $50.00 to the Project Fund, and the balance of Barbecue profits be placed the general fund to offset any loss incurred at Changeover”   Passed.
4.   Wool Board mannequin Parade – 31st March at Hastings Boys’ High School Hall. Advertising and all arrangements well under way Sale of tickets urged by all members – proceeds to Crippled Children (H.B.).
5.   Request that letter of thanks be sent to John Mills re Barbecue.
6.   Town & Country Forum – arrangements O.K. Bus Transport for Matapiro $1.50 each.
7.   Copy of programme and speakers to President.
8.   The attendance of 2 members was discussed. Charlie/Ian “Report be received”

1.   Possible Club Barbecue at Fantasyland before next Xmas.
2.   Shipboard dinner deferred.
3.   3   Chinese at Four Winds – 4 May $25.00 Double.
4.   Cake Auction – before Speaker on 31 March.
Ian/Alan “Report be received”


– 2 –

YOUTH SERVICE:   Roy reported.
1.   Pocket money for R.E.S. from $7 to $10 per week.
2.   R.Y.L.A. – Rei Apatu working on this (16 – 23 May). Two from Club – $120 each ($75 last year).
3.   Letter requested to Hastings Golf Club. Thanks and request for 1982.
4.   Rotaract Changeover 28 March at Vidals.
5.   Congratulations to Club Service on Barbecue – repeat please!
Roy/Charlie – “Report be received” .

COMMUNITY SERVICE:   Alan reported.
1.   Town & Country Forum – Ian Cross the Speaker. Cost of meal $4.00 with wine only.
Farmers to be guests of Rotary.
2.   Refrigerator for Ozanam House has been politely refused (they have enough)!
3.   Moved ‘”That a $50.00 donation be sent Inter Church Night Shelter”   Passed.
4.   Mannequin parade from Wool Board to be handled by Charlie.
5.   Hospital Recreation Centre’s first stage drawings were shown, and the project discussed. Moved Frank/Jack “That the Hospital be approached for approval of the Rotary Club’s Project as per plans drawn by John Kingsford, and for the project to proceed”   Passed.
6.   Alan/Roy “Report be received”.

VOCATIONAL SERVICE:   Mike reported.
1.   John Cheer at Otago University – some financial assistance from R.S.A.
2.   Discussion with Ewing Robertson concerning a grant from Eastern & Central Savings Bank, annually, to assist Secondary Education or University of a needy student.
3.   It is hoped to find employment for the “Craftsmen’ Award” nominee in Western Germany.
Mike/Alan “Report be received”

FINANCE:   Colin absent.

GENERAL:   1.   Jubilee Charitable Trust – Ed Bate to give this a boost.
2.   Camberley Hall Opening attended by Colin Blackmore, Peter Single, Brian Aitken, and Jack Cooper.
3.   Ian Mason’s membership – request that it be deferred until December.
4.   Final Club Day – 16 June.
5.   Final Directors’ Meeting of year at Jack Cooper’s – 15 June.

NEXT MEETING:   At Alan Walker’s on 20 April.

MEETING CLOSED at 10.00p.m.

Read & Confirmed:
DATE:   21-4-81

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

16 March 1981


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