Minutes 1981-05-12 Youth Committee


PRESENT:   Roy Batchelor (Chairman), Rei Apatu, Noel Louis, David Green, John Holderness, Brian Usherwood, Bill Pascoe

APOLOGIES:   Brian [Bryan] Hutchinson, Gary Pike

MINUTES:   of meeting held on 14 April were read and confirmed.

Family Indoor Games Exhibition –
The response from Club members has been very disappointing.  Only 2 – Bob Fish and Roy Batchelor – have offered to help.

Golf Tournament –
A cheque for the proceeds is to be presented to Mr. Ally McKay of the Crippled Children’s Society at the Club meeting on 19 or 26 May.  Sonja Lucas is to be asked to make the presentation on behalf of the Youth and Community Service Committees and Rotaract.

Highland Games –
Three members of the Committee, Roy, David Green and Bill Pascoe, assisted Rotaract by serving as gate Keepers.

ROTARACT:   Noel reported.  Because of a mistake in the Rotaract newsletter in the date of their first tea meeting of the new year, Noel missed attending.  Rotaract appeared to be functioning satisfactorily as far as he could tell.  Wendy Bishop should prove a good President.  She would, he thought, spread jobs among the membership and obtain their cooperation.  Stortford Lodge and Hastings Karamu Rotary Clubs were taking no interest in Rotaract, which was disappointing.

Noel questioned whether the presence of a Rotarian at all Rotaract meetings was necessary.  It savoured too much of a “schoolmaster” attitude, he thought.  This was an aspect that Directors might well consider and on which they might make representations to District, if they thought it desirable.

RYLA:   Rei reported that the Selection Panel had met at Frank Darroch’s office.  There were 6 applicants of whom 5, 3 female and 2 male, had attended the meeting.  The 2 young men, although very suitable, had been unable to make a firm commitment that they would be available and had been passed over.  The panel considered that the 3 young ladies were worthy of selection and after conferring with President Jack and confirming that a third could be appointed, selected the three, namely – Lynda Therese Begley, Elizabeth Jardine and Piri Robinson.

The 2 young men, Ken Chapman-Taylor and Royce Helm, were advised to apply again next year if interested.  The Committee considered that if they did, they might be given some priority.

It is hoped that the Awardees will speak to the Club about their experiences sometime in June.  It was suggested that on the same day a Rotaract representative might also report on Rotaract’s activities last year and planned for this year.

There is a problem in arranging transport to Cambridge for the third member of the Ryla team as chartered transport is fully committed.  Unless private transport can be arranged, it will be necessary for her to travel by bus.  Roy has the matter in hand.

To date there have been no applicants.  An announcement will be made to the Club and a notice put in the bulletin.  Noel will speak to Rotaract.  The cost of sending a young person has risen to $520, of which Rotary usually pays one-third.

Kala is away on the Exchange Student tour of the South Island.  On her return she will be moving to the home of Denis and Ann Packer.  An announcement of this is to be put in the bulletin.

There were 10 applications for the Club’s 1982 Exchange Student Award.  A selection panel had met at Brian Hutchinson’s home on 11 May and had selected a young lady who wishes to go to the United States.

END OF YEAR FUNCTION:   There will be no meeting in June as the Committee has completed its programme.  It is hoped to join with Community Service Committee in a dinner for members and wives on 6 June.

THANKS:   Roy thanked members for their cooperation and help which had enabled all projects to be completed successfully. John, on behalf of the Committee, paid tribute to Roy’s outstanding leadership.

The meeting concluded at 9 p.m. and was followed by supper served by Jenny.
She and Rei were thanked for their hospitality.

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

12 May 1981


  • Jenny Apatu
  • Rei Apatu
  • Lynda Therese Begley
  • Wendy Bishop
  • Ken Chapman-Taylor
  • Frank Darroch
  • Bob Fish
  • David Green
  • Royce Helm
  • John Holderness
  • Bryan Hutchinson
  • Elizabeth Jardine
  • Noel Louis
  • Sonja Lucas
  • Ally McKay
  • Denis and Anne Packer
  • Bill Pascoe
  • Gary Pike
  • Piri Robinson
  • Brian Usherwood

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