Minutes 1981-05-13

Minutes of Meeting held at the home of Les Snookes, 31 Simla Avenue, Havelock Nth., on Wednesday 13th. May 1981 at 7.45p.m.

Present:   Alan Walker (Chairman), Errol Pike, Dug Huggett, Cyril Wilkie, Les Snookes, Cliff Cox, Bob Fish, Brian Gurney,
Visitor:   Charlie Trask.

Apologies:   Jack Agnew, John Cornelius, Selwyn Begley, Owen Johnstone, Denis Packer, David Davidson.

Minutes of Meeting held on 11th. April 1981 were read and confirmed.

Matters arising from Minutes:

1.   End of Year Function – Alan and Roy discussed the idea of Youth and Community Committees joining at the Canton Restaurant. Alan put the idea to Committee – Agreed Date will be Saturday 6th. June 1981.

2.   Year of Disabled Persons – Alan explained the situation as it stood in regard to assistance required.  Plant and equipment – Contract work – repetitive work. A trust will be formed to administer the project, but before anything is done a survey will be carried out amongst disabled persons to ascertain how many would be interested in working at a Workshop.

3.   Hospital Project Report – Charlie Trask attended our meeting to explain his feelings on plan of action re this project. He suggested a visit to the Merchants to solicit help with the supply of the materials etc. Charlie suggested that the whole project be pre-made before assembly at the hospital.  A list will be compiled of materials required for the job overall and if possible, sponsors.  It was agreed that Alan be co-ordinator with the help of Committee Members and in liaison with Charlie.  Alan to contact Dr. Foster and relate to him the intentions of the Committee in regard to the completion of this project. Alan will be actioning this as soon as possible from this date.


1.   Letter from H.B. Ambulance Service.
2.   H.B. Hospital Board.

Letters to Matapiro Federated Farmers
Matapiro C.W.I.

Minutes of meeting held on 13th. May 1981 Contd.

Correspondence   Inwards received
Outward confirmed as read.
Moved that request from Ambulance Service be referred to Directors for consideration. Agreed.

Minutes of last Directors’ meeting.

1.   Ron Hendry – resignation.
2.   Fashion Show – Donation of $100.00 to Boys’ High School Pavilion Fund.

General Business:

No General business.

Meeting ended at 0900hrs.

Next meeting – final of the year – to be held at venue to be arranged.

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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

13 May 1981


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