Minutes 1981-07-06 Youth Committee


PRESENT: Paul Jones (Chairman), Rei Apatu, Roy Bachelor [Batchelor], Selwyn Begley, Ian Jaspers, Rohan Kidd, Bill Pascoe, Vel Velvin, Peter Young

APOLOGIES: Hans Andersen, Cliff Cox, Len Hoogerbrug, Brian [Bryan] Hutchinson, Des Peryer, Dick Seton

In extending a welcome to members, Paul said that in his opinion the Committee should not be too ambitious but should adopt a programme within its capabilities on much the same lines as that of last year’s Committee. This met with general approval.

It was decided that the Committee would meet on the first Tuesday of the month in future.

ROTARACT: Paul said that he had had a conversation with Wendy Bishop, President of Rotaract. She was keen that the close association between Rotaract and Rotary that existed last year should continue and wished to know of ways in which they could work together.

Rotaract had had a membership drive and appeared to be in “pretty good heart”.

There was much discussion about means of fulfilling the obligation for a Rotarian representative to attend Rotaract Directors and Club meetings. Paul was concerned that the responsibility should be shared by Committee members and not left to one or two.

Peter and Ian (Rotaract Liaison) were asked to draw up a roster and report at the next meeting. Tribute was paid to the work done by Noel Louis last year in Rotaract Liaison

It was suggested that Wendy Bishop might be invited to a fireside meeting.

RYLA: Two awardees who attended the RYLA Seminar in May spoke to the Club about their experiences for about 5 minutes each, at Club Day on 16 June. In previous years RYLA speakers had filled a complete programme. Rei asked members whether they thought 5 minutes was enough. The opinion was that 5 minute talks fitted in with another programme was sufficient. Rei said he would have comments about selection procedures later.

The cost to the Club was $120 for each awardee. Three were chosen but one, Piri Robinson, could not attend because of illness. Paul will speak to the Treasurer about applying for a refund of the fee paid for her.

Roy reported that a selection panel, comprising President Jack, Secretary Frank and himself, had met in June to interview 4 candidates. Two young ladies, both school teachers aged 22/23, had been selected. Their acceptance was conditional on their being able to attend a course in the August school holidays. The panel was impressed by the other applicants, two young men, both of whom were very suitable. They were advised to apply again next year but there is a possibility that the local Outward Bound committee may be able to help them sooner.

STUDENT EXCHANGE: Kala Hoffman is now being hosted by Ann and Denis Packer. It was decided to recommend to Directors that the Club not host a student next year.

CLUB AUCTION: It was decided to advise Directors that the Committee wishes to conduct the auction again this Rotary year, the proceeds to be for sponsoring Outward Bound.

GOLF TOURNAMENT: The Committee decide to organise a tournament again in 1982. Involvement of another committee and Rotaract will be considered later.  It was agreed that the tournament should be for the benefit of a specific charity – to be decided – and so promoted.

J .R. McKENZIE TRUSTS: The possibility of applying to the Trusts for educational and welfare assistance for deserving young people is to be investigated and later promoted to Club members. Vel, who has had experience of the working of the Trusts, is to give Committee members a ‘run down’ on them at the next meeting.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, 4 August at 7.30 p.m. at venue to be announced.

The meeting closed at 9.10 p.m. and was followed by supper. Paul and Sylvia were thanked for their hospitality.

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

6 July 1981


  • Hans Andersen
  • Rei Apatu
  • Roy Batchelor
  • Selwyn Begley
  • Wendy Bishop
  • Cliff Cox
  • Kala Hoffman
  • Len Hoogerbrug
  • Bryan Hutchinson
  • Ian Jaspers
  • Paul Jones
  • Sylvia Jones
  • Rohan Kidd
  • Ann and Denis Packer
  • Bill Pascoe
  • Des Peryer
  • Piri Robinson
  • Dick Seton
  • Vel Velvin
  • Peter Young

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