Minutes 1982-04-19 Directors


Present.   President Charlie Trask, Ewing Robertson, Selwyn Begley, Jack Agnew, Tony Agnew,

Jack Cooper, Owen Johnstone, Graeme Robson, Max Luttrell, Frank Crist.

Apologies.   Colin Young, Paul Jones. Moved Jack A. / Jack C. Passed

Minutes.   Minutes of the March meeting, having been circulated, were taken as read and confirmed – Jack A./Jack C.   Passed.

Matters Arising to be taken in Committee Reports.

Correspondence Inwards.
1.   Waimarama Development & Protection Society seeking funds. Secretary to write declining with reasons.
2.   Altrusa Club requesting representation at Combined Service Clubs’ Meeting. Secretary to reply affirmatively.
3.   Request from R.I. for Semi Annual Return – already sent.
4.   Request from Stuart Anderson for indefinite leave.
5.   Request from Selwyn Begley for Overseas Leave – 7 May to 10 July.
6.   Request from Brian Aitken for Overseas Leave – 3 months.Moved Jack A./Owen, “That leave be granted in all 3 cases”   Passed.
7.   Other correspondence passed on to appropriate committee chairmen.

Correspondence Outwards.
1.   To Waimarama Development & Protection Society.
2.   To R.I. sending Semi-Annual return.
3.   To District Governor sending returns and new membership forms.
4.   Minutes sent to Directors.
Moved Jack A/Jack C. “That Inwards be received and Outwards approved. Passed.

Finance.   Due to Colin’s absence, no report.

Club Service.   Ewing reported (Minutes on File).
1.   The Road Signs for Service Clubs are being inspected and will be brought up to date and renovated. Also an International sign incorporating all Service Clubs is to be set up at the P.R.O’s Office.
2.   Sir Keith Holyoake not available as a Speaker, meanwhile.
3.   Rotary Information Meeting at Jack Cooper’s – 22 April.
4.   Discussion on Club Service’s recommendation for a replacement caterer. Moved. Ewing/Jack A. “That the Secretary write to R.S.A. Club setting out Rotary’s needs. If acceptable to R.S.A. then President to negotiate price etc. in a follow-up visit”   Passed.
5.   Membership growth reasonable (From 86-92). Jim Hurford and Peter McRae in Pipeline.
6.   Programme complete until Changeover Night. (29 June)
7.   Some discussion on 1982-83 year’s projects.
8.   David Green and Basil Brooker – Sergeants at the Mission.
9.   New Song Books have been cyclostyled – ready to be used.
10.   Seminar at Napier for Incoming Officers – 24 April.
11.   Jack C. to investigate any help needed for Charlie Jackson. Moved Ewing/Jack C. “Report be received”   Passed.

Youth Committee/

– 2 –


In the absence of Dick Watson – taken from Minutes – (and separate Report).
1.   Ian Lawson suggested we look at grape growing as a Fund Raising venture.
2.   Discussions on a Samoan Luncheon – inviting appropriate speaker – a day on “Island Day”. Ideas to Programme Committee, perhaps as a Town & Country Forum with the Island Community.
3.   A separate report tabled to Directors re request for one of the Colleges on Ha’Apia Island (Cyril Whitaker).
This Committee recommends that further consideration be deferred on this proposal until Frank Forster makes further investigation and can report to us more fully.
4.   President Charlie reported on a letter from Exchange Student Wendy Dewar giving a progress report of her stay in South Africa – and a request for Club banners to be sent. Moved Jack Agnew/Jack Cooper that banners be sent to Wendy Dewar to be presented by her when necessary.   Passed.

CLUB SERVICE:   Jack Cooper reported for Ewing Robertson.
1.   Hospital report.
2.   Programme in hand.
3.   Suggestions for Programme Organizers –
(a)   To arrange a meeting in the Board Room, Harbour Board -Harbour Project.
(b)   Visit to Mushroom Farm (Meeting).
4.   Non Attenders – President Charlie reported that these had been looked at, and from this list (3) three members will be checked further the by Secretary.
5.   New Members Forum – approx. 22 April.
6.   Jim Hurford to be brought to a Luncheon Meeting.
7.   Father Peter McRae to be approached re invitation to join Club.
8.   A recommendation to Club Service to bring forward some Classifications to the Directors.
9.   Most Respected 7 – some members to give presentation to the Club.
10.   Classification Change for Brian Campbell – Directors agreed to “Company Holdings”.
Report be received. Jack Cooper/Paul Jones. Passed.

FINANCE REPORT:   Treasurer Colin Young reported on expenses incurred in three projects:
A.   Outward Bound (cost is now higher).
B.   Student Exchange.
C.   Town & Country Forum.

HASTINGS ROTARY CHARITABLE TRUST:   (Trustee) Colin Young reported that the Trustees desired to –
A.   Make the Club more conversant with this Trust.
B.   In the meantime to look at recipients from the Trust.
C.   Colin Young to speak to the Club.
D.   Information re Trust will be prepared for inclusion in Bulletin.

GENERAL BUSINESS:   President Charlie reported on –
1.   District Governor’s Newsletter – Incoming Officers’ Zone Forum on 24 April at Napier, Club President and Incoming Club Officers to attend.
2.   District Assembly to be held at Tokoroa this year.
3.   Chairmen of Committees for next Rotary Year to be announced at next Club Meeting.
4.   Form of Voting Preference (R. Dockery) to be sent to R.I. (Nominating Committee for Director).
5.   A discussion on the merits to leave flexible the using of Auction Funds, and not tie down the Youth Committee to the same fixed project each year.
6.   Map of Fantasyland examined to check position of the installation of a “Barbecue Area” etc. at Fantasyland, and the feasibility of such a project.
Robbie Robson agreed to make further investigation, in respect of forming a “Working Committee”.
7.   An invitation from Waipukurau Rotary Club to attend a local meeting (For some members) on the 31st My 1982.

Meeting closed at 9.50pm. Thanks to Sylvia and Paul for their hospitality. [HBKB – this meeting at the home of Selwyn Begley, thanks to Moira and Selwyn]

Next Meeting at the home of Selwyn Begley.

Read & Confirmed:
DATE:   19-4-1982

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

19 April 1982


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