Minutes 1984-12-11 Directors


Present:   President John Mills, Brian Usherwood, Tony Brooker, Bob Fish, Don Patterson, Sandy Struthers, Colin Young, Max Luttrell.

Apologies:   Errol Pike, Frank Crist, David Harris, Murray Keane
Moved John Mills/Brian Usherwood, that the apologies be sustained. Passed.

Minutes:  The November meeting having been circulated was taken as read. Moved Bob Fish/Sandy Struthers. Passed.

Matters Arising.  To be taken in committee reports.


1.   The H.B. Asthma Society thanking Club for support last year. Advising Club how the money of $100 was used.
2.   Rotary down Under – report of subscribers.
3.   Circular – Rotary Riverboat Special – sent to every member from 772K, Hastings.
4.   A detailed report from the District Governor, outlining District’s withdrawal of support to Tonga.
5.   Advice from the District Governor of nomination of Brian Burmester to be District Governor nominee 1986/87.
6.   Two letters from Geoff Officer advising his transfer to Waitara, thanking the Club for hospitality and fellowship, and requesting Leave of Absence. Moved John Mills/Don Patterson “that Leave of Absence of 6 months be granted, and that the Secretary write an appropriate letter to Geoff Officer, and also to the Waitara Club at the appropriate time.” Passed.
7.   Newsletter from Landmark.
8.   Letter from National Kidney Foundation.
9.   A verbal communication from Denis Packer to the Treasurer re his transfer to Wellington, and subscription to Club which should be forthcoming approx. one week. Any further action by Directors re Leave of Absence etc. be held over to next meeting. Moved John Mills/Sandy Struthers “that it is held over to next meeting.” Passed.

Moved “that the Inwards correspondence be received.” John Mills/Brian Usherwood. Passed.

Finance Report:    No report.

However, the Treasurer recommends to each committee to supply names of volunteers to the Community Service, of members who would be willing to assist any of the three organizations supported by the Club in the Rotary year.

Club Service:   President reported – Minutes on file.

1.   Entertainment Committee – Gannet Safari, 26 January, 1985. Further detail will be reported to the Club early January, 1985.
2.   Entertainment Function – looking at April 1985 – possibly at Peak House. Recommendations that it be “self – entertainment” – ideas requested.
3.   Gala matters discussed.
4.   Club Day – January, 1985 – no speaker.
5.   A Committee wind-up in May, 1985.
6.   Roydon [Royden] – classification to be enquired with Directors.
7.   Town and Country Forum Te Aute College visit. Speaker suggested to be coach of their Rugby team visiting Wales. Suggested items from team, followed with programs and Community Service Committee items.
8.   Nomination Card. Moved John Mills/Colin Young “that the Nomination Card for Royden Walker, under the classification of ‘China Retailing’ to be sent to the Classification Committee and the Membership Committee, and that a suggestion be made to Bruce Giorgi, to invite the nominee to a Luncheon Meeting as his guest, in early New Year. Passed:

International Service:   Tony Brooker reported. Minutes on file.

1.   Golf Classic – re raffle.
2.   Club Meeting 20 November, awaiting final result of money collected.
3.   (It was agreed by the Directors that the International Committee endeavour to raise their own funds.
4.   Club Meeting Raffle – this committee looked at the possibility of having a Club Raffle at a Club Meeting.
5.   A subsidy suggested by Treasurer, by Colin Young to help International Committee in their fund raising, this year. Moved John Mills/Don Patterson “that any money subsequently raised by the International Committee, the Club subsidises Dollar for Dollar”.
6.   Sending monies overseas. Max Luttrell suggested, that in view of the N.Z. exchange rate, a contact could possibly be looked at in respect of contacting a Pharmaceutical company in N.Z. for the

International Service (Cont.)

availability of goods in N.Z. that would be suitable for use in the 3-H Program. Rotary International could be contacted with the possibility, that the commodities obtained in N.Z. could be suitable and desirable for dispatching overseas to help in the 3-H Program. Just another suggestion also, that maybe the N.Z. Pharmaceutical Company may offer on their own behalf, to supply a certain amount of goods free of charge, or they may have some other thoughts for publicity purposes. Some firms overseas have supplied goods free of charge for the 3-H Program.
7.   Sponsorship of a child. Looking at sponsoring a child at $20 a month for a period, a child reaches 10 years of age. International was reminded that this year’s Directors could not commit to incoming directors to an ongoing continuity program for a set spending of funds as required by the committee.

Vocational Service:   No report.

Community Service:   Report from minutes on file.

1.   Town and Country Forum, recommended in March, 1985 – suggested a well known sportsman as Speaker. The proposed venue Te Aute College. A Sergeant’s Session to include the boys at Te Aute.
2.   Bus Shelter. A letter sent to City council, has resulted in approval in principle, and a meeting has been arranged with Peter Young – Bert Selles – and David Harris, to be set up in the New Year. The finer points to be sent to the Directors.
3.   Gala Day. Derek Burns is arranging the gear for this committee, for 16 February, 1985, and this committee will do the rest.
4.   Abilities H.B. Further to the visit to our Club of the Guest Speaker, Phillipa Morrison, this committee would like to investigate a grant from the J.R. McKenzie Trust, to help the Abilities Center H.B. Moved John Mills/Bob Fish “that this committee investigate further towards a granting from the J.R. McKenzie Trust, and that an application for a grant be submitted” Passed.

Youth Service:   Brian Usherwood reported.

1.   Last committee Meeting was purely a social Christmas Meeting.
2.   Rotary Golf Classic for February, 1985, organized.


1.   A question if Rotaract meetings were well attended, and if Club members of Rotary were attending meetings.
2.   Andy Hayden may be available as a Speaker sometime next year, advised by Don Patterson.

Next Meeting at home of Bob Fish, 606 Tomoana Road, Hastings.

Meeting Closed at 9P.M.  Thanks to Jeanne & Colin Young for their hospitility [hospitality].

Read & Confirmed:   President   [J Mills]

Date   12.2.85

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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

11 December 1994


  • Tony Brooker
  • W Frank Crist
  • Bob Fish
  • David Harris
  • Andy Hayden
  • Murray Keane
  • Max Luttrell
  • John Mills
  • Geoff Officer
  • Denis Packer
  • Don Patterson
  • Errol Pike
  • Bert Selles
  • Sandy Struthers
  • Brian Usherwood
  • Royden Walker
  • Colin Young
  • Jeane Young

Accession number


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