Minutes 1987-02-16 Directors



President Robbie Robson, Owen Johnstone, Derek Burns, Keith Garland, Rod Naylor, Len Webb, Bruce Giorgi, Rod Sloane, Colin Young and Frank Crist.


Charlie Trask, David Davidson – Sustained Rod S./Derek.


The Minutes of the December 1986 meeting having been circularized were taken as read – Owen/Derek.


1.   Three members who had been granted leave of absence have returned – viz. Ian Fastier, Alan Scott, Brian Atkins.
2.   Two members who were granted leave of absence, are to be contacted – viz. Michael Dunk and Basil Brooker.
3.   Leave of Absence granted to Paul von Dadelzsen until 24 March.
4.   Chinese visitor to be billeted by Gordon Lee.


1.   Letter from Geenty, Walsh and Partners, informing of increased Newsletter charges – Approved.
2.   From Riverbend Christian Centre begging for funds – Received.
3.   Hastings City Council – Fantasyland sub-committee – letter from Trevor Baker – Received.
4.   Q.E. II Arts Council concerning Job Creation Feasibility Study – Received.
5.   Request for funds from Sir David and Lady Beattie on behalf of the N.Z. Police Centennial Trust – Received.
6.   From Radio 93FM Hawkes Bay inviting Rotary to attend a meeting to discuss “Community Club Awards”. Community Service to discuss.
7.   Copies of Reports from Teachers who were sponsored by Hastings Rotary to attend Peer Support seminars.
8.   Request from Paul von Dadelzsen for Leave of Absence.
9.   From Finland – a report on MAIJA ESKO – from local Hospital. This is possibly a forerunner to an Insurance Claim.
10.   From Rotary Club of Queenstown advertising a house for sale – Received.


1.   To District concerning information about Lee Barradell.
2.   To “Leader” Newspaper giving information requested concerning Rotary.
3.   Darryl [Darren] Shand enclosing Rotary’s contribution to Outward Bound Expenses.
4.   R.I. enclosing final Payment for Colin Young’s Paul Harris Fellowship.
5.   Semi-Annual Return to R.I. enclosing $898.08 in dues.
6.   To District informing changes in membership.
7.   To R.D.U. giving membership information.
8.   Guidance Counsellor, Iona College, enclosing Rotary Exchange Students Application Forms.
9.   R.E. Studentship Application Forms to various people who requested same.
10.   Distribution of mail to appropriate officers of the Club.

Moved Owen/Keith   “That Inwards be received and Outwards approved”. Passed


1.   Colin had nothing to report other than Accounts had been paid.
2.   Moved Owen/Keith “That the Club underwrite the cost of the Town and Country Forum to be held on Tuesday 24 February”. Passed
3.   Moved Colin/Owen “That $156.64 be paid by the Club for books and materials sent to the Solomon Islands (Organised by Community Service Committee)”. Passed


Club Service    No report since the committee combined with the Youth Committee.

International Service   Planning is proceeding for an International Function at a Club Luncheon.

Youth Service   In David’s absence, Robbie reported that all was organised and under control. Publicity will begin on 24 February, followed by a 3 page newspaper supplement on Thursday, 26th.

Vocational Service   Bruce reported that a request has been received for supporting a Hospice Street Appeal on Friday 3 April. It was agreed that our Club Members be asked to assist.


1.   Moved Derek/Owen   “That Richard Lowe be invited to join the Club under classification of “Lodge Accommodation”. Passed

2.   Robbie reminded the Directors of the vacancies in our membership for the Clergy.

3.   David Guscott [Gusscott] to be brought into the Club. He has moved to Hastings from Gisborne – (Classification – Meat Processing) .

4.   Moved Keith/Owen   “That the following Classifications be opened:­
(a)   Insurance
(b)   Plant and Seed Retailing
(c)   Travel Agency
(d)   Horticultural Adviser”. Passed

5.   It was agreed that David Eliason [Eliasen] be contacted to discover what his future held concerning membership.


1.   A sub-committee of David Davidson, Robbie Robson, Derek Burns and Frank Crist was appointed to be a Selection Committee to interview the Overseas Exchange Students who have made application to the Club. Robbie to arrange the time of interviews.

2.   Town and Country Forum to be held on Tuesday, 24 February at Craggy Range. Bus to be hired, leaving at 5 p.m.

3.   Club Auction to be held on Tuesday, 24 March.

4.   Ladies luncheon arranged for 31 March.

5.   Frank to write a letter of thanks to John and Anne Cornelius and send flowers for Anne, for their organisation of the recent successful Golf Tournament.

The meeting closed at 7.07 p.m.

Thanks to Robbie for refreshments.

Read and Confirmed:



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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

16 February 1987


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