Minutes 1987-05-11 Directors




President Graeme Robson, Rod Naylor, Len Webb, Charlie Trask, Derek Burns, Owen Johnstone, Bruce Giorgi, Colin Young, and Frank Crist.


David Davidson.


The Minutes of the April meeting, having been circulated, were taken as read – Owen/Len.


1.   David Eliasen’s membership was discussed. He verbally resigned when speaking to Robbie. It was resolved that Frank should write him a letter accepting with regret.

2.   Charlie to check on the Fantasyland Maze.


1.   Leave of absence request from Kevin Williams.
2.   From City council suggesting possible ways Service Clubs could assist with Fantasyland maintenance – received.
3.   Information on conference from District.
4.   From Rei Apatu naming Ryla Awardees.
5.   From District concerning Student Exchange.
6.   From “Club 86” requesting financial support. Frank to write that investigation is taking place.
7.   Rotary Club of Albany offering Past President Certificates. Reply that we have a good stock.
8.   An invitation to attend a meeting, called by the Hastings City Council, to form a Crime Prevention Council.
9.   Thanks and receipt for Hastings Rotary Club’s donation of $100 to the Easter Highland Games.
10.   Thank you letter from Hastings Rotaract for donation given for Rotaract Awareness Week. The money was spent on advertising.
11.   From Iris Langford thanking Rotary Club for flowers, and the Ladies’ assistance and many messages of sympathy.

12.   Request that Rotary Club apply to McKenzie Trust on behalf of “Gateway Club” – a Club formed for the Intellectually Handicapped.
13.   Letter of resignation from Rick Lowe. Frank to write accepting resignation, effective from 30 June, the end of the Rotary year.
14.   Leave of Absence request and change of address notification from Jim Hurford. Frank to write.
15.   Letter of resignation from Brian Gurney, due to loss of Classification and movement to Turangi.
16.   From Youth Committee making 2 recommendations to Directors.


1.   To Bill Pascoe re McKenzie Trust.
2.   To Kevin Williams granting leave of absence.
3.   To District reporting attendances.
4.   To R.I. giving details of new members and terminations.
5.   To District Governor giving details of new members and terminations.
6.   Rotary Club of Albany replying to offer of P.P. certificates.
7.   Michael Dunk on his resignation.
8.   Bryce Jones and congratulations on elevation to Master of Ceremonies of St John Order.
9.   To Kathleen McLean – $100 donation for Rotaract Exchange Uniform. Moved Rod/Owen “That Inwards be received and Outwards approved” passed


1.  Moved Colin/Charlie “That accounts totalling $20,764.08 be passed for payment”. Passed
2.   Moved Colin/Frank “That no further action be taken regarding a suggestion of direct banking for weekly payments by members”. Passed

VOCATIONAL – Bruce reported

A summary of the vocational Service Committee’s activities for the year appears in the minutes of the last meeting.

COMMUNITY  – Owen reported

On Saturday, 16 May, Old Folks Outing for 2 hours. Drivers to be requested at Luncheon on Tuesday.


1.   Mr Huata (Social Welfare) to be proceeded with.
2.   Alan N.K. Reilly (Architecture) approved.
3.   Robert H. Parrant (Wholesale Manchester) approved.
4.   Ricardo de Treend (Seed & Plant Retailing) – received.


1.   Bill Pascoe reported that the J.R. McKenzie Trust would not approve Lindisfarne College’s request for a grant for their Gymnasium.
2.   Rei Apatu will bring the two RYLA awardees to lunch on Tuesday.
3.   Lee Barradell’s programme is progressing satisfactorily.
4.   Information has been received from the R.S.A. that an increase in meal charges is imminent and also that the standard will be upgraded. Moved Derek/Frank “That a 3 months trial be given for a smorgsbord [smorgasbord] meal at Rotary Luncheon”. Passed
5.   Rod reported that the high cost of Conference was to be investigated by District, with a view to a reduction. News is expected within the week.

N.B. Frank has had a call from the D.G. announcing a reduction to $180 for a double and $100 single (both inclusive of G.S.T.).

6.   Word has been received from District that Hastings Rotary Club’s contribution to Polio Plus is $US7000 spread over 3 years. Ha! Ha!

Meeting closed at 6.25 p.m. Thanks to Robbie for hospitality.

Next Meeting   To be advised by Robbie in due course.

Read and confirmed.



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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

11 May 1987


  • Rei Apatu
  • Lee Barradell
  • Derek Burns
  • David Davidson
  • Michael Dunk
  • David Eliasen
  • Bruce Giorgi
  • Mr Huata
  • Jim Hurford
  • Owen Johnstone
  • Bryce Jones
  • Iris Langford
  • Rick Lowe
  • Kathlean McLean
  • Rod Naylor
  • Robert H Parrant
  • Bill Pascoe
  • Alan N K Reilly
  • Graeme Robson
  • Charlie Trask
  • Len Webb
  • Kevin Williams
  • Colin Young

Accession number


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