Minutes 1988-11-01 Directors

Meeting of Hastings Rotary Club Directors Held at the Home of Simon Gale on Tuesday, 1st November, 1988 at 7.45 p.m.

President Ian Cameron, Simon Gale, Rod Naylor, Derek Burns, Geoff Johnson, Don Patterson, John Holderness, Merv Lewis, Neil Donaldson, Frank Crist.

David Davidson, Colin Young.

Minutes of the September meeting, having been circularized were taken as read – Derek/John.

Matter Arising:
To be taken in conjection [conjunction] with Committee Reports.

Correspondence – Inward:
1.   Prom Peter Parr, Chairman Foundation Committee Dist. 993 requesting information.
2.   Blenheim South Rotary Club forwarding Wine Project particulars.
3.   Y.M.C.A. invitation to their Open Day, 9th November, 1988.
4.   Youth Exchange Committee seeking information of the Clubs intentions for 1989.
5.   From J.R. McKenzie Youth Education Fund granting $500 on behalf of Timothy Franklin.
6.   Kimi Ora Community School, Flaxmere – invitation of Open Day 12th October.
7.   Information for Secretaries from District.
8.   From D.G. requesting nomination for D.G. 1989/90.
9.   Much domestic mail which was forwarded to various Club Officers.

Correspondence – Outward:
1.   To Rotary Club, Blenheim South, replying to Wine invitation.
2.   To Secretary, H.B. Childrens’ Hones informing that they would benefit from the club’s Rotary Golf Classic next February.
3.   To Chairman G.S.E. Committee (District) confirming Alan Scott’s application.
4.   To Municipal Theatre Trust, donating $200 to their funding appeal.
5.   To Peter Young regretting his resignation.
6.   Distribution of mail to appropriate Chairman of Committees.

Ian/Derek   “That Outwards be approved and Inwards received”   Passed.

Membership & Classifications:
1.   Owen Knight (Musical Instruments – Retail) If no objections to Bulletin advertisement, and invitation to be made to join the Club – Derek/Kevin. Passed.
2.   John Fitness (Industrial Chaplain)  Ian to communicate, with power to act. Bulletin advertisement required – John/Frank. Passed.
3.   Stuart Ready [Stewart Reddy] has left I.H.C. His classification, and indeed his membership is being investigated. Meanwhile his duties as Attendance Officer will be shared by Geoff Johnson, Merv Lewis, Derek Burns and Kevin Williams.

4.   Rex McLay – has retired. Leave of absence granted for overseas travel. Travel to Past Service at end of Rotary Year. Kevin/Rod. Passed.
5.   Suggested that procedure for membership be outlined in the Bulletin. Frank to provide this for Don.
6.   Recent New Members have been allocated to the following Committees: –
Arthur Schultze – International
Mike Boyce – Vocational
Ian Miller [Millin?] – Community
Brian Epplett – Youth

In lieu of David Donaldson [Davidson], nominations are to be called for the Chairmanship of Club Service Committee. This will be actioned on Tuesday 8th November at Luncheon Meeting.

Nominating Committee:
After quite a deal of discussion it was Moved Neil/Merv   “That the following members constitute a Nominating Committee: – The Vice President, The Secretary and 1 Director”   Passed.

Committee Reports:

Finance – Colin will report at next meeting – all OK at present.

Club Service – David Davidson phoned in – nothing to report.

Community Service – Geoff reported
1.   All Rotary Handkershiefs [Handkerchiefs] sold
2.  Successful 10 Pin Bowls and Dinner at Canton. Discount from Gordon Lee of $26.00 handed to Colin.
3.   Projects to be discussed at Committee Meeting.

International Service – Neil reported.
The Committee encourage and support the “Teacher in China” project, but consider that it is not really feasible for a Rotary Committee to finance an on going project of the magnitude.

Youth Service – Merv reported.
1.   Hilda Mount’s Outward Bound application is proceeding.
2.   Merv has ordered 40 Outward Bound Calenders [Calendars].
3.   Attendance roster for Rotaract Meeting to be published.
4.   Good support, especially from Rotaract, for Fantasyland Painting Project.

Vocational Service – Simon reported.
1.   Reaching Out Project – Poukawa and Maraekakaho Schools interested. Finance is being investigated.
2.   Some nominations forthcoming for membership of Rotary from Committee.
3.   School leaving Brochure – from D.G. – found to be not really applicable.
4.   Letter from H.B. Education Board – request for assistance to upgrade the Camp Site at Waikaremoana, is being investigated.

1.   Annual Report and Historical Record to be completed for District.
2.   Frank to write a letter from Club, congratulating Jim Judd on being appointed as Nominee for D.G. in 1989/90 Rotary Year.
3.   Moved Ian/John   “That $75.00 be forwarded to Me [Mr] Delaney of the Leprosy Mission to assist his cause.” Passed. N.B. Mr Delaney spoke to the Club recently on the activities of the Mission.

Next Meeting:
To be arranged by Ian.

The meeting closed at 10.15 p.m. Thanks to Simon and Sue for refreshments and supper.

Read and Confirmed



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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

1 November 1988


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