Minutes 1989-10-09 Directors

Minutes of the Hastings Rotary Club Directors’ Meeting

Held at the Home of Frank Crist at 8pm, Monday 9 October 1989

Present:   President Gary Pike, Neil Donaldson, Colin Young, Ian Lawson, Brian Atkins, Ron Walker, Ricardo de Treend, Frank Crist.

Apologies:   Ian Cameron, Roger Bate, Don Patterson, Royden Walker.

Minutes:   Having been circulated were taken as read – Ricardo/Colin.

Matters Arising:   1.   The Club Pennants, cost $7.50 each and will be available for sale to members at $5.00. – Colin/Gary.
2.   The proceeds of the Golf Tournament to be divided between St John and possibly one other organisation (to be decided later). Colin/Frank.
3.   Letter of invitation to be prepared for Jeromy Greer (Car Retailing).
4.   Gary reported that Luncheon Meetings have been started on time, but that the speaker really controls the finishing time.
5.   Rotary pens have arrived – to be sold to members for $3.00 – Gary/Frank. N.B. Mike Boyce will be curator of pens, pennants etc.

Correspondence – Inwards
1.   From District relating to Attendance Returns.
2.   Letter from D.G. thanking the Club for hospitality.
3.   Request from I.H.C. for assistance for Special Olympics.
4.   Letter of thanks from Wendy Lawson for flowers.
5.   Invitation for members to attend R.I. Presidents meeting in Tauranga.
6.   From R.I. Nominating Committee.
7.   Request for Rotary Recognition for Fountain and the Redwood Trees – to be investigated.
8.   Request for $100 assistance for Special N.Z. Sesqui centennial project. Moved Frank/Ian. ”That the Trust be recommended to donate $100 to Ana Wehipeihana” Passed.
9.   Various mail distributed to appropriate committee chairmen. Moved. Neil/Brian “That Inwards be received”. Passed.

Finance:   Colin Reported
Moved. Colin/Frank “That accounts which have been paid totalling $20,202.12 be confirmed”. Passed.

Club Service:   1.   Neil reported that his meeting was to be held on Tuesday evening, 10 October.
2.   Pennants are in some disarray. To be investigated further.
3.   Club’s Song Book to be revamped. Left in hands of Club Service.

International – Ricardo reported
1.   Whirinaki Visit to proceed as a Club Project
2.   Speech Contest to be replaced by an Essay Competition. The subject – “Clean Water and Sanitation”. To be promoted in February during World Understanding Week and closed before the end of March 1990. Award of $100 and $50 to be made in April to winner and runner up.
3.   A German Exchange Student invited to address the Club.
4.   Good response from Club to Dr. Graham’s Homes.


– 2 –

5.   Members of International Committee are seeking new classifications.
6.   Last Meeting at Gordon Lee’s a great success.

Vocational – Brian reported
1.   Meeting to be held Tuesday 10 October.
2.   An intended visit to Wool Testing in Napier.
3.   Container Wharf visit being investigated.

Community – Ron reported
1.   “Jaws of Life” – recommended that $100 be donated.
2.   Town and Country Forum. Suggested that other Clubs might wish to be involved hosting The Governor General who will spend 3 days in Hawke’s Bay.
3.   Suggestion that Committee Chairman report Club monthly on progress of projects.
4.   Cycle Helmet Project – $480 required for 16 helmets. Proposed to hold a Garage Sale for fund raising. Collection on 4th November, Sale 11 November. Also a cake stall.

Youth – Royden unavoidably absent – no report.

1.   Moved. Frank/Ricardo “That $100 be donated by Club to A.T.C. Hastings”. Passed.
2.   Ladies Luncheon 28 November.
3.   Combined Meeting with Stortford Lodge Club on 31 October. Speaker Don Dubbanson – 1st Asst Secretary to Australia High Commissioner.
4.   Colin raised the issue of assisting Rotaract financially. Moved Colin/Frank “That up to $200 be made available” passed.
5.   Robbie Robson’s and Barry Davidson’s membership was raised.
6.   Colin suggested that perhaps we should consider a Garage Sale as an annual event.

Meeting ended at 10.20 p.m. – thanks to Greta for hospitality.

Next Meeting – 13 November at the home of Colin Young, 519 Nottingley Rd.

Read and Confirmed

President   [GB Pike]

Date 13/11/89

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

9 October 1989


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