Minutes 1991-08-21 Directors

Minutes of the Directors of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the residence of Mr Ian Cameron, 61 Simla Avenue, Havelock North, on Wednesday 21st August 1991 at 7.45pm

PRESENT:   Messrs Frank Crist (chair), Bryon Higgens [Higgins], Neil Donaldson, Charles Trask, Darryl Le Claire, Don Patterson, John Cornelius, Ian Cameron and Derek Burns   MIKE BOYCE

APOLOGIES:   Messrs Ray Custance, David Davidson and Merv Lewis, these apologies were sustained.


AUCTION COMMITTEE.   Derek advised that the representative for the Hastings Citizens Band was to be Mr Murray Siveright [Sivewright]

TAXATION:   Frank advised that Roger Bate was investigating the steps that could be taken to avoid taxation on income. Discussions are also being held with Peter Jackson of the Stortford Lodge Club.

OUTGOING STUDENT:   Frank reported on his discussion with Alan Flaus in regard to Karen Woods financial support while overseas. Alan will advise us about October of the position when payment is required.

PAST MEMBERS:   Frank said he had contacted Tony Bone in regard to rejoining, but Tony’s situation of being absent on a regular basis from Hastings had not changed. With regard to Simon Gale, Simon would know in about two weeks if his financial position had improved to the extent that he could recommence attending our weekly meetings. With regard to Barry Davidson, Frank had not been able to contact him.


INWARDS:   From Miss Mawhinney advising the cost of the airfare to Guilin as $5000 – agreed this is too expensive, Frank offered to approach Best Travel to ascertain if there are cheaper fares.
The need for sickness insurance was discussed, Frank to discuss with John Mills the necessity of having insurance.
From Hastings District Council – seeking accommodation and employment for 2 chinese students, unable to assist.
From Alan Scott seeking leave of absence from 28 August to 11 September, granted.
From John Cornelius seeking leave of absence from 4 September to 7 October and 30 October to 30 November, granted.
From Frank Crist seeking leave of absence from 25 September to 14 October, granted.

From Hastings Girls High School “A” basketball team seeking financial assistance to attend the Secondary Schools finals. Moved Charlie seconded Ian that this letter be received.
From the Hastings Rotaract Club wishing our club all the best for the new year and thanking us for our support.
Moved Neil seconded Bryon that the inwards correspondence be received, approved.

SUBSCRIPTIONS:   It was recommended by Charlie and agreed that annual subscriptions for the 1991/2 year not be increased.

SUPPORT FOR DOCTOR GRAHAM’S HOMES:   it was agreed a collection should be taken at the next luncheon meeting.


YOUTH COMMITTEE:   No meeting has been held since last Directors meeting.
Confirmed 5 Rotarians would be responsible for attending Rotaract meetings.
Life Education Programme – Roger Bate has agreed to be our representative on a committee comprising Hastings and Napier Rotary Clubs. The committee will seek financial support from other trusts.

VOCATION:   Planning to educate members on the Employment Contracts Act via talks by Ken Douglas of the Combined Unions and Steve Marshall from the Employers Association or someone else from his office.
A trip has been planned to visit the Okawa Club in January, 1992.
Peter Standish is to act as Chairman during John’s absence overseas.

CLUB SERVICE:   A meeting of this committee has not been held since their July meeting.


COMMUNITY SERVICE:   No report. Directors were reminded of the refurbishing project we had offered to support at the hospital, Frank to follow up.

NEW MEMBERS:   It was agreed on the motion of Frank seconded by John that letters of invitation be given to Philip Hocquard and Peter Barnes so that an induction service can be held on the 27th. Philip’s classification to be a solicitor and Peter’s Accountant Taxation. It was agreed that at a later date we invite Eric Miller [Millar], Local Body Administration and Graham Parsonage, Broadcasting.

VACANCIES:   It was agreed the following classifications be promulgated following promotion of current members to Senior Active.
Primary Teacher.

PROGRAMME:   Agreed the programme include talks by the new members.

PROJECTOR SCREENS:   It was agreed a screen be purchased.

AUCTION:   Planned for Mid November.

ARTICLES FOR ROTARY DOWN UNDER:   Frank suggested John Eddington be asked to prepare an article for the magazine on the Te Mata Park project.

LUNCHEON FINISH TIME:   Agreed the President endeavour to ensure the meeting closes on or before 1.45pm.

INCOMING STUDENT EXCHANGE:   Royden Walker, Roger Bate, Graham Richardson and Brian Epplett be asked to meet and come up with a set of guidelines for when we have another student so that past problems may be avoided.

The meeting closed at 9.50 pm with a vote of thanks to Ian and Kere for the use of their home and for supper.

Next meeting Wednesday 18th September, 1991 at 7.45pm at Derek’s.

Confirmed   WF Crist

Date   18/9/1991


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Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

21 August 1991


  • Peter Barnes
  • Roger Bate
  • Tony Bone
  • Mike Boyce
  • Derek Burns
  • Ian Cameron
  • Kere Cameron
  • John Cornelius
  • Frank Crist
  • Ray Custance
  • Barry Davidson
  • David Davidson
  • Neil Donaldson
  • Ken Douglas
  • John Eddington
  • Brian Epplett
  • Alan Flaus
  • Bryon Higgins
  • Philip Hocquard
  • Peter Jackson
  • Darryl Le Claire
  • Merv Lewis
  • Steve Marshall
  • Miss Mawhinney
  • Eric Millar
  • John Mills
  • Graeme Parsonage
  • Don Patterson
  • Graeme Richardson
  • Alan Scott
  • Murray Sivewright
  • Peter Standish
  • Charles Trask
  • Royden Walker
  • Karen Woods

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