Minutes 1992-09-23 Directors

Minutes of the Directors of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the offices of Cooper Lybrand, Warren Street, Hastings on Wednesday 23rd September, 1992 at 5.30 pm.

PRESENT:   President Bryon Higgens [Higgins] (chair)   Don Patterson, Bryce Jones, Paul Jones, Neil Donaldson, Hugh Douglas, John Preyer [Peryer], Kevin Williams, Frank Crist, Owen Johnson [Johnstone], Bob Leys, and Derek Burns. & Merv Lewis

APOLOGIES:   Alisdair [Alasdair] Shaw, Peter Barnes and Ian Cameron, these apologies were sustained. Alisdair joined the meeting later.

RON GIORGI’S 60th ANNIVERSARY:   The following arrangements were approved:
The function to be held on 20th November, 1992, at 6.00pm
To be held in the “Saddle Room” at the Hastings Racecourse.
Admission price to be $10 per head, to include finger food and refreshments. Any shortfall to be met by our Club.
Moved Owen, seconded Don.
Paul and Bryce to produce the entertainment.
Suggestions: A tape to be obtained from Arthur Giorgi.
The Giorgi Family to be our guests.
The official function to commence at 6.45pm.

Bryce and Paul left the meeting at this point.

MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meeting having been circulated were taken as read and approved. Merv/Bob.

Guellin [Guilin]:  Pres. Bryon advised the Havelock North Rotary Club had been told we were not wanting other local clubs to join us.

CORRESPONDENCE:   Inwards – Fred Stevenson – Rohi House – seeking assitance [assistance] to build a 7 bedroom home for teenagers with needs. Agreed Community Service Committee consider and report back.
Hawke’s Bay Youth Brass Band – Thanks for the gift of $500.
Broadcasting Standards Authority – Invitation to meet the authority on 29 October. Received.
Kevin Shacklock, D.G. District 9970 – Thanks for gift of $500 for South Island snow relief.

Outwards – Robert Petrie advising we are unable to assist with funding. Offered a letter of introduction.
District Governor 9970 enclosing cheque for $500.
Inwards correspondence received and outwards approved on motion of Frank seconded Owen.

TREASURERS REPORT:   Treasurer Bob presented accounts totalling $4898.90. It was agreed the maturing deposits be reinvested with the A.N.Z. Bank. Both items approved on motion of Frank, seconded Kevin.
R.I. contributions – decision for the investment of these receipts to be deferred until next meeting.


CLUB SERVICE:   Merv advised he was to hold a meeting on 30 September.
It was agreed on the motion of Frank seconded Don that a new microphone be purchased to keep the microphone stand away from the podium.
It was agreed on the motion of Merv seconded Frank that we purchase 20 Rotary Information pamphlets costing $1.50 each from the Whakatane Rotary Club.
Rotary Information Manuels [Manuals], agreed on motion of Frank seconded Merv that a set of these manuels be purchased at a cost of $40.
It was agreed that copies of the Annual Accounts and the committee reports be printed for each member.

YOUTH   Hugh reported on his September meeting:
Agreed on motion of Hugh seconded Kevin that we make a donation of $200 to the childrens camp of the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the diabetic Society.
D.A.R.E. Committee, Brian Epplett is to be our club’s representative.
Life Education Trust – Hugh to ask Club members if any one is able to serve on this committee.
Rotoract District 9930 Sports weekend – it was agreed on the motion of Hugh Seconded Merv that we will provide breakfast on the Sunday morning of the 22nd February.
Outward Trust – agreed on the motion of Hugh seconded John that we support an adult and a young person to Outward Bound. It was suggested that a Club auction could be held to assist with finace [finance] for the project.

John reported – The powdered Milk had been purchased for the food bank.
Agreed to the motion of Frank seconded John that we purchase Conservation Calendars at a cost of $6.50 to ascertain if Club members might be interested in purchasing same.
Redwood Grove – committee investigating possibel projects.
Arthritis Appeal – to ask Club members to assist as drivers.
Town and Country evening still be researched.

Owen reported:   The Emergency Box is nearly complete, agreed on the motion of Owen seconded Merv that the articles required to complete the project be purchased.
Chinese evening – this function to be held on the 16 November, the cost to be $15 per head.

VOCATION:   Alasdair reported on the result of their September meeting. He is planning a trip to Circle Pacific in October for his members.
Adult illiteracy, planning to invite a person from the Polytechnic to address the club on this problem.
His committee to see if they can be of assistance to the High Schools Careers team.

G.S.E.   RYLA etc.   Kevin reported, our club members have the opportunity to purchase N.Z. Wine to assist the Rotary Foundation.
G.S.E. Team visit to Waipukurau, agreed we offer our members the opportunity to attend this meeting. Pres. Bryon to check with the Waipukurau Club.
The nomination of Nathan Potts to the G.S.E. outwards team was approved. It was agreed Nathan should be given some schooling prior to his attending the final selection meeting.
It was agreed that when the 1992 Inwards G.S.E. Team visits our club that the local clubs be invited to this function.
Overseas Exchange:   It was agreed that we do not sponsor a person in 1993.

PROGRAMME:   Speakers booked up to 20th October.

MEMBERSHIP:   It was agreed the nomination of Nigel Robert Sutton, Management Consultant be advertised in our Club bulletin.

VAL [VEL] VELVIN:   To be invited to ou [our] club luncheon on 6th October when Val will be proposed for Honorary Membership.

GUILIN TEACHER:   Owen that Terry Coxon has a photograph of our overseas teacher. An article is to be prepared fro [for] Rotary Downunder.

ROTARY FOUNDATION:   Kevin suggested we consider using the shrapnel collected on the first Tuesday of the Month be introduced as Rotary Foundation donations.

ROTARY INFORMATION:   The presentation of this to be considered at our next meeting.

ROTARY PASSPORT   Venue and Times   agreed we pay $20 for the 10 booklets received.

PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS:   It was agreed on the Bryon seconded Neil that recommendations be given to Kevin’s committee for consideration.

The meeting closed at 7.40pm.

Thanks to Bryon for providing refreshments.

Next meeting to be advised.

Signed   B.B. Higgins
Date   14.10.92.

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

23 September 1992


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