Minutes 1994-06-15 Directors

Minutes of the meeting of the Directors of the Hastings Rotary Club held in the offices of Cooper Lybrand on Wednesday 15th June, 1994 at 5.15pm.

Present:   President Merv Lewis (chair), Bryon Higgens [Higgins], Ian Cameron, John Dent, Owen Knight, Kevin Williams, John Spittle and Derek Burns.

Apologies:   John Peryer, Alaisdair [Alasdair] Shaw, Bill Robertson, Craig Kilgour, Peter Barnes and Frank Crist. These apologies were sustained.

MINUTES:   The minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated were taken as read and approved.

Golf Sponsors – of the eleven unpaid accounts presented at our last meeting, most of these accounts have now been paid.
Geoff [Jeff] Whittaker – has indicated he will begin attending meetings shortly as his leave of absence has expired.

Brian Coe – requesting leave of absence from 5th to 19th July, approved.
Terry James – resigning his membership due to his inability to attend luncheon meetings. Accepted with regret.
Sutcliffes Ltd – supplying quotation for a sound system. It was agreed on the motion of Ian Cameron seconded Merv. Lewis that our present sound system be replaced.
John Eddington and his setting up group to check the suitability of the new system.
Salvation Army – Thanks for our $2000 donation.
Tony Bryan – resigning due to his transfer.
Rotary Down Under – supplying a “Reader Survey”.
Miss Deborah Ward – seeking sponsorship to attend a convention for handicapped people in the United States. It was agreed on the motion of Ian Cameron seconded Owen Knight that we give a gift of $500.
Arthritis Foundation – thanks for our clubs assistance with their collection. (Les Hall).
Cranford Hospital (Trish Gibson) thanks for our clubs assistance with their street appeal.
Rotary Down Under – thanks for our contribution for the R.D.U. magazine.
The inward correspondence was approved.

John reported we currently have funds totaling $23945.13.
John recommended the $15000 term investment which is falling due be reinvested, agreed.
It was agreed the accounts presented by John be approved for payment, moved John Spittle seconded Owen Knight.

Committee Reports:

Vocational:   Owen reported on his meeting with mayor Jeremy Dwyer with regard to support that might give to council projects. One suggestion was local Rotary clubs assisting with the Sports Complex. The other suggestion was the Library Project.

Youth:   John reported his committee had investigated Youth Employment, recommended the Employment Service be approached.
Rotaract Breakfast – thanks to Brian Epplett for his organisation and for the assistance given by club members.
Twin Student Exchange – Scott Walsh is enjoying his stay in Hastings.


Programme:   Bryon reported the programme has been organised for the next two club meetings.
New Members:   Bryon supplied the nems [names] of three men who have indicated an interest in joining. President Merv. thanked Bryon for his work in this area.
Dr. Graham’s Homes:   An account for $384 being our support was approved. It was agreed that when our cheque is sent Dr. Graham’s Homes be advised that we are withdrawing our support.
Change Over:   Pres. Merv. reported that the numbers attending were not known at this stage.
Bulletin:   Ian reported he had three advertisiers [advertisers] already. Pres. Merv. thanked Ian for his excellent work in producing the Bulletin.
Vote of Thanks:   A vote of thanks was passed for Pres. Merv. for the work he had done as President and for his chairmanship.

The meeting closed at 6.20pm followed by refreshments supplied by Pres. Merv.

The date and venue of the next meeting to be advised.

Confirmed    [John F Peryer]

Date   5/7/94.

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

15 June 1994


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