Minutes 1995-11-27 Directors

Minutes of the meeting of the Directors of the Hastings Rotary Club held at the Presbyterian Manse, 204 Knight Street, Hastings on Monday 27th November, 1995.

Present:   President Craig (chair), Ian Cameron, Jim Hurford, Kevin Williams, Bryon Higgens [Higgins], Derek Burns, & Derek Faulkner.

Apologies:   Nil.

Minutes:   The minutes of the previous meeting having been circulated were taken as read and confirmed.

Matters Arising:   Nil.

Gary [Garry] Mulvanah – request for leave of absence 16/11 to 29/11/95
John Cornelius – request for leave of absence 6/11 to  6/12/95
These requests were approved.
District 9930 seeking list of recipients of GSE. and Scholarship Programmes.
Department of Conservation – Hawke’s Eye View newsletter.
Eileen von Dadelszen – District Plan Residential Section Review, seeking help in establishing a residential strategy.
Rotary Club of Te Kuiti – extending their wine project to 30/11/95
K. Mart – promoting their Christmas Tree appeal.
Child Development Foundation – newsletter
Hastings District Council- advising of a meeting to discuss plans for Guellin [Guilin] visits.  Meeting date 5th December.
District Governor – reminding clubs to investigate new members.

Finance Report:   No report received.

New Probus Club:   President Craig reported there is strong interest being shown by prospective members.

Visit to Flowerlands – President Craig reported this was a very pleasant and enjoyable visit.  Thanks to Cynthia.

Committee Reports.

G.S E., Student Exchange etc. – Kevin had nothing to report.

Youth Committee:   Derek Faulkner reported his committee is keen to support up to two young people to attend Outward Bound.  It was agreed Derek seek approval from club members at the weekly luncheon.

Club Service:   Jim reported his committee’s plans for selling the Phone Cards…Jim’s   committee is also planning a function at a winery either evening or lunchtime.

Overseas Exchange Student:   Pres. Craig reported that at present there is no home available for Lucas’s next shift.  If no club member can help out Pres. Craig indicated a willingness to again host Lucas.

Future of G.S.E. :   Pres. Craig reported on the District meeting he recently attended to discuss the future of G. S. E.  He indicated the majority of current Rotary Presidents feel G. S. E. is worthwhile but financial support was also considered important for the Humanitarian field as well.

Rotary Down Under:  Pres. Craig reported on the local meeting held to meet the


Rotary officials from Sydney who publish Rotary Down Under.  He was disappointed no other club member could attend this meeting.

Marco Polo Visit:   Pres. Craig reported 16 tickets have been sold to our members.

B.B.Q.   This function to be held on Sunday 10th December. President Craig’s offer of his home for this event was greatfully accepted.  The B.B.Q. will be an open invitation to all members.

Christmas Message:
It was agreed that President Craig ask Kieth Tremaine [Keith Tremain] if he will present the Christmas message at the final luncheon meeting for year.  Wives and partners to be invited.  Jim and Derek to arrange with the caterers for a special meal plus wine at a maximum cost of $10 per head.

Rotary Trust:   Jim reminded Directors that we should endevour to have these annual accounts presented before the Christmas break.  Kevin agreed to provide a copy of the Trust Deed for Directors to study.

The meeting closed at 7.50pm with a vote of thanks to Craig and Janet for the food and refreshments.

Signed   [KC Kilgour]

Date   29/01/1996

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

27 November 1995


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