Minutes 1996-08-26 Directors

Minutes of the Meeting of the Directors of the Hastings Rotary Club held in the Trust Bank Boardroom on Monday 26th August 1996 at 5. 15pm.


Jim Hurford, President;  Sandy Struthers;  Darryl Le Claire;  Craig Kilgour;  David Fine;  John Mills;  Ian Cameron;  Bryan [Bryon] Higgins;  John Dent.


Brian Epplett, Ron Walker, Cynthia Kirk, Kevin Williams.

Moved Darryl/John

Minutes of the last meeting having been circulated were taken as read.

Moved John/Ian


Presidents Honorarium:   Craig Kilgour and John Peryer have been paid.  Secretary Sandy reported that the “$500 Car Allowance” was moved by John Cornelius, Seconded Charlie Trask with Directors approval on March 11th 1992.

David Fine raised the matter regarding the Changeover of some of the Rotary Club Officers to 1st January instead of traditional 1st July.  The meeting did not support a change but Craig suggested the matter by held open.

Ian Cameron suggested the Proposal should be put on the agenda for the next AGM or incoming Presidents session.


David Fine reported that at $7 per meal we had value for money.  Timing was over to us.  The Club starts serving at 12. 10pm.  Our “On Duty” mess people needed to start earlier.


The Secretary read all correspondence received and sent.

Moved Craig/Bryan Higgins




John Mills reported on another meeting.  They have had difficulty in tracking down ROTARACT financial papers etc and have just tracked down the person responsible.  A decision is to be made to reserect [resurrect] or disband ROTARACT once all information is at hand.

There will be some costs of approximately $200-$250 for the launch of the School Art Exhibition.

They have had a request for $150 to support Bruce Pomeroy with mountain biking – he is willing to talk to the Club.

Akina School wrote requesting assistance in raising $60,000 for Computers.  The Youth Committee felt this was too big for them but volunteered their help in locating second hand computers if this was suitable.

YMCA Train project – no merit in this project.

Outward Bound Student.  Youth Committee will follow up the involvement with Heather Black.  They have yet to establish criteria for the proposed Youth Award programme.

John Mills moved a request for $250-00 for Art Exhibition and $150-00 for Bruce Pomeroy.  Seconded Craig and approved.


Report up to 20th August 1996 was presented.
John Dent moved that his Report be received and Accounts for payment be approved.
Seconded David Fine.  Passed.

Fines & Shrapnel:

$50 each month goes to Rotary Foundation.
The Balance of the funds goes into project Funds.
$1 from each meal goes into general Funds.
John reported that with change of Officers, the cheque signatories should be changed, and moved that the following signatories be approved:  J R Hurford, S Struthers, J Dent, J Peryer.
Moved Ian Cameron, Seconded Craig.   Passed.



It was reported via Jim Hurford that at Internationals meeting they would raise funds for English books in Chinese Schools and they would be actively seeing out a speaker to explain.

Presidents Report:

Charitable Trust.  Jim had met with Neil Donaldson, Roger Bate, & Basil Brooker where financial matters were raised.  At the next AGM the accounts would be presented.

One Trustee to resign by rotation with a further Trustee to be appointed.

The purpose of the Charitable Trust is to be made more visible to Club Members, with a member of the Trust speaking to the Club regularly during the year.

Club Incorporation – Roger Bate & Brian Collins will be made asked for their expertise on this matter.

Member Attendance – Darryl has identified those with poor attendance records and will make the appropriate tactful approach on the subject.

AGM to be October 15th 1996.  Hope to have Incorporation Report to the Club Assembly on this date.

General Business:

President Jim outlined the Malvina Major Fund Dinner Party coming up in November.  It is over to the Club whether we participate or not.

Club Marshall – Due to Ted Tuckers failing health it was thought we should consider an alternative, with Jim suggesting we ask Keith Tremain to fill the position.

Craig reported the Social Committee has met twice.  An Election Day Social Occasion at the Hastings Racecourse on 12th October where we could have separate V I P lounge with food & drink & betting facilities available at $30 per head.

The Handbooks should be ready for distribution with the next Bulletin.

Next Meeting – Coffey Davidson Boardroom, 5.15 pm 30th September 1996.

Meeting closed 7.00pm.

J Hurford


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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

26 August 1996


  • Roger Bate
  • Basil Brooker
  • Ian Cameron
  • Brian Collins
  • John Dent
  • Neil Donaldson
  • Brian Epplett
  • David Fine
  • Bryon Higgins
  • Jim Hurford
  • Craig Kilgour
  • Cynthia Kirk
  • Darryl Le Claire
  • John Mills
  • John Peryer
  • Bruce Pomeroy
  • Sandy Struthers
  • Charlie Trask
  • Keith Tremain
  • Ted Tucker
  • Ron Walker
  • Kevin Williams

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