Minutes 1998-07-20 Directors

Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Hastings held in the County Club, Queen Street, Hastings on Monday 20th July at 5.30pm.


Brian James, Sandy Struthers, Brian Epplett, Brian Atkins, Graeme Richardson, David Fine, Ken Foote, Bryon Higgins, Ian Cameron, John Spittle.


Kevin Williams, Karen Cooper.

President Brian opened the meeting by welcoming Ken Foote and Brian Atkins as new Directors and informed the meeting of Kevin Williams apology due to health problems – (heart attack).

Apologies sustained and confirmed.

Meeting Details:

Brian James informed us that the County Club would prefer us to meet on the 3rd Monday of each month. As this suited all Directors present, it was decided meetings would take place on the 3rd Monday of each month, commencing at 5.15pm.

President Brian distributed this years Handbook to all present and discussed planning for the year ahead. All Committee Chairpersons should discuss and plan the years programme to be up and running before the District Governors visit on October 1998. The District Governors theme for 1998/99 is “Follow Your Rotary Dream” with his goals summarised as: –

1.   Promotion of the Rotary Foundation
2.   Promoting a “Community that Cares”
3.   To promote Literacy and Numeracy
4.   Programmes to promote Membership development
5.   Bring new life into our Rotary Clubs by having fun and fellowship

Good plans will be supported by Committee members with goals to be shared.

S.W.O.T. should be clearly identified as we know our strengths and weaknesses. President Brian has distributed manuals where applicable.


Committees are to come back to Directors with their plans, hopefully after the first meeting.


President Brian asked our new Treasurer to present a whole picture of our funds position.


Vital for communication lines.

Bryon Higgins – attendance appears related to the quality of the speakers – of vital importance.

Ian Cameron – Communicates to us all via the quality fortnightly bulletin – needs information from people – more the better as more space can be made available.

Brian Epplett – as Members representative must quietly and discreetly enquire why Members miss meetings whilst ensuring that new Members feel at home.

Past President – his knowledge is vital in that we are heading in the right direction.

Graeme Richardson – Community – that our Rotary Club is before the public with good publicity.

President Brian reminded Directors that this year is our 75th celebration year coming up. Bryon Higgins and Ian Cameron have taken on the responsibility of planning for this unique event.

Ken Foote informed us of the low attendance recorded at last years Youth Committee meetings and suggested that the first Committee meeting for all Committees should be held at a Tuesday luncheon meeting dispensing with the Speaker that day.

If Committee Members can be included in making decisions from the outset hopefully they will turn up at further meetings. Bryon Higgins confirmed he has Speakers up until 11th August so 18th August could be the first Committee day for all committees to meet and plan the year ahead.

Time and date for future meetings to be decided at this first meeting.


Committee Chairman [Chairmen] have considerable authority and on occasions have to make decisions before taking the matter to Directors. If committing Rotary funds for any type of function or project, prior approval must be obtained from the Board.

Ken asked what our funding position is at present with President Brian replying that our new Treasurer, John Spittle will be providing us very soon with our financial position.

Bryon Higgins suggested a Trustee from the Charitable Trust explain to all Club members the ideals and policy of the Trust along with the present financial position.

Sergeants Sessions:

Sergeants must remember to put name against all stories told to raise revenue from this source. The Sergeants responsibilities were set out in the Secretary Manual – Sandy to distribute the same.

Past President David Fine warned us to be careful not to overdo the emphasis on money at future Sergeants sessions.

Ian Cameron reported that approximately 80-85 bulletins get  posted fortnightly with considerable postage costs. Brian Atkins replied that Stortford Lodge faxes the bulletin to Members at considerable savings.

David Fine suggested that maybe the Treasurer could provide a comparison of costs between mailing and faxing of the bulletin.

We have to bear in mind that with many retired members, fax machines are not in many homes.

Ian Cameron said our present way involves high quality paper sent to members homes – this is a plus as wives feel part of Rotary – if faxed to business premises many wives would never see the bulletin.


Treasurer John Spittle reported that as yet he has not received the books – they are at the auditors. With Kevin Williams in hospital with heart problems, other partners have assured us that no delays in auditing the books should be experienced.

The last outstanding subscription has now been received. Derek’s June inwards and outwards payment schedule was circulated. John moved they be received and approved. Seconded Brian James – carried.


John commented that in future he will be circulating accounts for payment before the Board for their approval before payment is made.

Paul Harris Credit Account:

Bryon Higgins has two names to put forward for Paul Harris awards and asked did anyone know how our credit stood in the Paramatta Fiscal Centre. Secretary to enquire.

The Charitable Trust made two financial awards to two top students to attend Auckland University for one week in the July holidays – they will be presented to the girls by Basil Brooke [Brooker] at tomorrows meeting.

John Spittle moved that Pelle Frykberg’s Membership application be set in place. Seconded Ian Cameron – carried.


Secretary Sandy read all inwards and outwards correspondence for June/July.

Leave of absence was requested by Gary Mulvanah . Sandy moved this be approved. Seconded Ken Foote – Carried.

Sandy moved that Inwards be received and Outwards approved. Seconded Graeme Richardson – carried.

Secretary Sandy was asked to write to Mike Boyce accepting his resignation with regret.

Also a get well card to Kevin Williams.

General Business:

Graeme Richardson explained that he has sighted the Rotary trailer that could be used in the coming Blossom Festival. It looks good but approximately $600 will be needed for signage, framing etc.

Graeme moved that the Rotary Float be entered into the Blossom Parade. Seconded Sandy – carried.

Rotary map at the Redwoods in Te Mata Park – Mason Chambers from the Te Mata Park Board has asked us to contribute to the cost of renewing the signs – they are looking very tired and tatty.


Confirmation of Minutes:

The minutes of the last Directors meeting held Monday 8th June were confirmed as true and correct. Moved by Sandy, seconded by Brian James – carried.

Matters Arising:

Members representative, Brian Epplett reported that he has received a number of positive comments re changing meeting time to 5.30pm as at the changeover function, many commented on the happy atmosphere, fellowship that was experienced. Brian is quietly asking every Member their personal view and will report later. So far, the great majority have said yes to changing the meeting time.

Next meeting 17th August 5.15pm County Club.

Meeting closed 7.15 pm.

[RJ Struthers   BH James]

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Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

20 July 1998


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