Napier Frivolity Minstrels 62nd Show 1959


Production Personnel
For the first time the Frivs’ Minstrel Show has been produced by Jock Stevenson, who also is the Interlocutor. He has for many years been associated with stage work in Napier, and for the past three seasons with the Frivs. In the Pantomime, “The Shriek of Araby,” he plays the role of Sultan Omar Hasaan.

Joan Leonard, who was Ballet Mistress for the last four productions, once again is responsible for this very exacting role. She is well known as a dance teacher in Hastings and plays the leading female role of Suzzi. In this she is a good foil for the mercurial Abdul.

Secretary of the Frivs, Sidney Henney, has once again written and produced the Pantomime section of the Show. This is the ninth Pantomime he has written for the Frivs and also he has written extensively for radio – children’s plays and sketches. Thus this production is a blending of the talents of all three concerned. A production the Frivs hope you will long remember!


Norman Etheridge
(House Manager)

Ian Barber

Bill Mardon

Douglas Hardgrave
(Stage Manager)

Bryant Viggers
(Assistant Stage Manager)

Stan Smith
(Set Builder)

Des McVicar
(Assistant Stage Manager)

Max West
(Sound System)

Ron Willis
(Sound System)

Don O’Brien
(Assistant Stage Manager)

Stella Astwood
Margaret Langstone
Dawn Mayo
Noeline Leonard
Jennifer Wells
Alison Gibson
Fay Kayser
Joy Kayser
Jill Alsop

President C. H. Wilkie
Peter Kellond
Alan Hall
G. Harris
Trevor Atkin
Barbara Welch
Lois Kersey
Margaret Kersey
Adrianne Bangs

To fill the fourth position as Cornerman is Vic Viggers, who becomes Mr Sambo. Vic has been a leading comedian in Hawke’s Bay for many years, playing various leading roles for the Frivs. This year he is the mercurial Squanderer Abdul Albul – The Shriek of Araby.

The important role of Cornermen has been played for many years by the above members, who also take leading part in each year’s Pantomime. Shown in the picture are (left) Len Dadson as Mr Bones, (centre) Trevor Dockery (Rastus) and Bob Ross (Moses)

We Introduce Our Orchestra

Left to right (back row) W. Mitchell, J. Seton, G. Pell, D. Robinson. Left to right (front row): W. Mayo, Mrs R. Mardon, Mrs D. Smith, S. Boston. Absent: A. Clarke.

Ted Collier
Cedric White

Original digital file


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Business / Organisation

Napier Frivolity Minstrels

Format of the original

Magazine article photos mounted on cardboard

Date published



  • Jill Alsop
  • Stella Astwood
  • Trevor Atkin
  • Adrianne Bangs
  • Ian Barber
  • S Boston
  • A Clarke
  • Ted Collier
  • Len Dadson
  • Trevor Dockery
  • Norm Etheridge
  • Alison Gibson
  • Allan Hall
  • Douglas Hardgrave
  • G Harris
  • Sidney Henney
  • Fay Kayser
  • Joy Kayser
  • Peter Kellond
  • Lois Kersey
  • Margaret Kersey
  • Margaret Langstone
  • Joan Leonard
  • Noeline Leonard
  • Bill Mardon
  • Mrs R Mardon
  • Dawn Mayo
  • W Mayo
  • Des McVicar
  • W Mitchell
  • Don O'Brien
  • G Pell
  • D Robinson
  • Bob Ross
  • J Seton
  • Mrs D Smith
  • Stan Smith
  • Jock Stevenson
  • Bryant Viggers
  • Vic Viggers
  • Barbara Welch
  • Jennifer Wells
  • Max West
  • Cedric White
  • C H Wilkie
  • Ron Willis

Accession number


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