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this considerably under par. Why it should be under par I do not know, but still, when we are buying it up, that is to the interest of the Company. The Reserve Account stands at £40,000, the same as last year. I am sorry to say that the business has not been good enough to add to the account this year. Advances against Shipments are £178,272, against £127,585 last year; that shows an increase of £50,686, but these are bills drawn against the consignments of produce, and it is an accident as to what they happened to be at the moment the accounts are made up. As a matter of fact, you see this year they were £50,000 more than last year. Debts due by the Company amount to £55,000, against £46,000 last year, or an increase of £9,594. The Profit and Loss amounts to £27,295, against £32,570. Now these are really the important figures in the Balance Sheet, which shows a decrease of profit for the year of £5,275. We are paying the same dividend, but, as you see by the Balance Sheet, we are carrying forward a considerably less sum than we did last year. This decrease of profit is caused by the comparatively low price at which Meat was sold in this country during the past year. With regard to our farm properties, we have about 22,000 or 23,000 acres, and in common with all New Zealand farmers, we have done extremely well, not only in the price of Mutton, which has been high there, but wool, tallow and pelts, have realised very good prices, so that we have been prosperous in that particular department, although not so prosperous as Frozen Meat importers. On the other side of the Balance Sheet (Property and Assets), Freehold Land stands at £145,972, against £I45,376 last year, showing an increase of £596. We have purchased during the year 536 acres of land, and we have sold 33 acres, the difference between the sale and purchase amounting to the figures I have given. Buildings, Machinery and Plant stand at £102,557, against £109,862, a decrease of £7,305. I may say that we have written off for Depreciation £8,780. We have spent on Repairs £7,392, and on Estate Improvements £565. The whole of this added together represents £16,665, which has all been charged against Revenue. (Hear, hear.) There have been some slight additions which make the difference between the two figures I have mentioned. Investments stand at £321,328, against £321,961, showing a decrease of £633. That difference is represented by our own Debentures, which we had bought at the commencement of the year, and had not then cancelled, but which we have cancelled since. Stocks on hand and in transit amount to £186,911, against
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