Newspaper Article 1897 – Mr Harold A Russell to Miss Nelson


A pretty and fashionable wedding took place on the 29th November at St. Matthew’s Church, Hastings, when Harold Arthur, eldest son of the Hon. Captain Russell, M.H.R., and Eva, third daughter of Mr William Nelson, Waikoko, Tomoana, were united in wedlock by Archdeacon Samuel Williams.

The front seats of the church had been specially reserved for the immediate friends and relatives of the respective families, but were quite inadequate to accommodate them all.

Captain, Mrs, and Miss Russell, Mr and Mrs Jack Lane, Mrs Harry Nelson and her small daughter were the first of the relatives to arrive at the church.

Punctually at 2.30 the bride, accompanied by her father, walked up the aisle, attended by her bridesmaids, Miss Gertrude M. Nelson and Misses Violet and Marjorie Russell.

The bride looked radiant in a beautiful white dress, trimmed with real lace and insertion.  She carried an exquisitely arranged shower bouquet.

The bridesmaids wore primrose muslin dresses, fichus trimmed with narrow lilac satin ribbon, lilac satin belts, with streamers of ribbon, pretty Leghorn hats, with chiffon and ribbon bows and roses under the brim.  They carried beautiful bouquets to match their dresses and wore opal pins, the gift of the bridegroom.

The Rev. I. Hobbs directed the service, which began by singing the well-known hymn ‘How Welcome Was the Call.’

During the service the choir sang the ‘Deus Misereatur,’ and at the conclusion ‘Oh, Perfect Love’ was sung before going to the vestry to sign the marriage contract.

On the return of the wedding party from the vestry, Miss Kelly, who presided at the organ, played the time-honoured ‘Wedding March.’

The happy pair no sooner reached the vestibule than they were assailed by a perfect shower of rice and rose-leaves, and were glad to obtain shelter in their carriage.

After Mr and Mrs Harold A. Russell had received the congratulations of their numerous friends, they drove to Flaxmere, where a brief stay was made to allow the bride to assume her travelling dress preparatory to driving to Olrig Park, the estate of Mr and Mrs C. A. Smith, which, during their absence, they have kindly lent for the honeymoon.

The guests drove to Waikoko, where Mr and Mrs William Nelson entertained them at a garden party in their lovely grounds.

The lake looked clear and beautiful, and flowers and gay dresses made a most animated scene.

Mrs Nelson wore a beautiful brocaded silk dress, and small bonnet, with flowers; Mrs Russell, black silk crepon, trimmed with heliotrope, black bonnet, with heliotrope flowers, and carried a large bouquet of sweet peas; Miss Russell looked charming in a lemon-coloured crepon, trimmed with green satin ribbon veiled in lace, becoming hat; Mrs J. E. Lane was becomingly dressed in white silk, large white hat, trimmed with white plumes, chiffon and roses under the brim; Mrs C. A. Smith wore a beautiful grey silk, the bodice trimmed with pale blue satin, veiled in embroidered chiffon, white hat, with yellow flowers; Mrs Harry Nelson, stylish white gown, pink silk vest, trimmed with lace, black hat, with plumes and pink roses; her little daughter looked pretty in white silk, with blue sash; Mrs Montague Nelson wore a pretty rose and pale blue shot gown, trimmed with silk, white hat, with chiffon and flowers; Miss Hilda Nelson, in white muslin, trimmed with real lace and pink sash, large Leghorn hat, with pink daisies on it; Mrs Fredk. Nelson, who came out from England to be present at the wedding, wore a charming gown of brown silk, veiled in accordion – pleated chiffon, pretty toque, with flowers; Mrs Townsend, black silk dress, mantle, and pretty chiffon ruffle; Mrs Frank Nelson, pretty fawn gown, hat with flowers; her little daughter, in white, with white bonnet; Mrs Guy Russell, a charming gown of green and pale blue, with bonnet to match; Mrs Samuel Williams, black silk, with white on the bodice; Mrs James Williams, mauve silk, veiled in black, bonnet to match; Mrs Joe Williams, grey silk; Mrs Fred. Williams, stylish gown, black hat, with roses; Mrs Coleman, blue silk; Miss Watt, green canvas, trimmed with lace; Miss F. Watt, fawn canvas.

Many others I noticed were Madames Nairn, Ormond, Collins (England), Lowry, Beamish, Pinckney, Galwey, Fenwicke, Morison, Hobbs, Bilby, Misses Hodge, Morgan, Nairn, Edwards, FitzRoy, Williams, Captain Russell, Captain Todd, Mr Fred Nelson (England), Mr Coleman, Messrs Lane, C. A. Smith, Harry Nelson, Montague, George, Gruest, Oswald, and Jack Nelson, Guy Russell, Frank, Alfred, Arthur, and E. W. Nelson, Fred Williams, Dr. Nairn, C. A. FitzRoy, and many others.

Noticeable amongst the presents was a very handsome silver cigarette-box, presented by the Opposition members of the House of Representatives, accompanied by the following letter: – ‘Wellington, November 26th, 1897.  Dear Captain Russell, – The members of the Opposition are anxious to convey to you an expression of their hearty good wishes on the happy occasion of the marriage of your son and Miss Nelson on Monday next, and they hope the young couple will accept this as a trifling token of their regard. – Yours sincerely, WILLIAM ROLLESTON.’  There was also a very beautiful silver fruit, cream, and sugar set from Sir Montague Nelson; a silver tea and coffee set, massive, and of elegant design, presented by the Flaxmere employees and household; and a marble clock and ornaments given by the Sherenden employees.


The following is a list of the presents, and it is correct to say that the great majority of the donors were present to add their personal support at the happy event: – Bridegroom to bride, opal diamond brooch and pair silver candlesticks; bride to bridegroom, silver cigarette-case and ebony-back brushes; Mr Nelson to bride, cheque; Mr Nelson to bride-groom, a buggy; Mrs Nelson, house linen and sewing machine; Captain Russell, table silver and cheque; Mrs Russell, piano and cheque; Mrs Townsend, cushion; Mr and Mrs J. E. Lane, afternoon tea service; Mrs Long, cheque; Mr and Mrs A. F. Williams, large china vase; Mr and Mrs Fred Nelson, revolving breakfast dish; Sir Montague and Lady Nelson, silver and gilt cake and fruit service; Mr and Mrs J. N. Brown, silver salt-cellars; Miss Scruby, tea cloth; Mr and Mrs Bullock, egg and toast stand; Mr and Mrs Denniston, silver napkin rings; Mr Colyer, bridle; Miss G. M. Nelson, egg stand; Master Jack and Hilda Nelson, pair vases; Archdeacon and Mrs Williams, cheque; Mrs Charles Nelson, silver mustard pot; Miss Alice Nelson, jam jar; Mr Alfred Nelson, silver tea spoons; Miss Flor-Nelson, silver tea spoons; Miss Florence Watt, button-hook, shoehorn, and picture; Mr and Mrs F. M. Nelson, gold-mounted purse; Mr and Mrs Canning, satin quilt; Mr and Mrs W. H,. Nelson, lamp; Misses Williams, Hukarere, table vases; Mr and Mrs Jamison, cruet; Mr and Mrs T. J. C. Warren, water jugs; Miss Beamish, Maltese handkerchief; Mrs Herrick, silver teaspoons; Mrs Charles White, silver pocket knife; Captain Hamilton Russell, cheque; Mrs Herbert, revolving bookcase; Mr and Mrs Tanner, gong; Mrs Lang, silver sugar basin; Mr Walsh, gold pin, brooch, and cheque; Mr and Miss Warren, carvers; Miss E. Williams, silver tea caddy; Mr and Mrs Coleman, armchair; E. W. Nelson, diamond 1897 brooch; Mr E. W. Nelson, case of pipes; Mr and Mrs C. Gordon, lamp; Mrs Timms, E. Wilson, and J. Power, preserving pan; Mrs and Miss Braithwaite, pincushion and toilet mats; Mr and Mrs N. E. Beamish, silver candlestick; Mrs Ormond, silver teapot; Canon St. Hill, butter dish; the Misses St. Hill, cushion; Miss Busby and Miss T. Busby, tray cloth; Mrs Busby, tray cloth; Miss Watt, tortoiseshell and silver caddy; Mr Biddles, butter knife and jam spoon; Miss Bicknell, pair d’oylies; Miss Todhunter, sardine dish; Mr and Mrs King, w.j. candlesticks;

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Surnames in this newspaper article –
Beamish, Bilby, Brown, Bullock, Canning, Coleman, Collins, Colyer, Denniston, Edwards, Fenwicke, Fitzroy, Galwey, Hobbs, Hodge, Hukarere, Jamison, Kelly, Lane, Long, Lowry, Morgan, Nairn, Nelson, Ormond, Pinckney, Rolleston, Russell, Scruby, Smith, Todd, Townsend, Warren, Watt, Williams

Format of the original

Newspaper article

Date published

December 1897

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