Newspaper Article 1899 – Taradale Concert


A concert was held in the Oddfellow’ Hall, Taradale, last evening, in aid of the family of the late T. Coster. There was a large attendance, the hall being well filled. Musically, the concert was one of the best of the many good ones which have been given in Taradale, and the organisers are to be congratulated upon having got together such an array of talent. The programme was a long one, and encores were so numerous that it was almost duplicated. Mr S. F. Anderson presided. The items were all so good that it is almost invidious to single out any for special mention, but Miss Lorkin’s solo, “The Wishing Cup,” and encore piece, “Banbury Cross,” Miss Malone’s two songs, “Killarney” and “Scenes that are Brightest” and the duet “In the Dusk of the Twilight,” by Misses Ridgway and Lorkin, were the .gems of a most successful concert.

The following was the programme:- Pianoforte duet, Misses Dolbel; song, “The Wishing Cup,” Miss Lorkin; encore “Banbury Cross”; recitation, “The Other Man,” Mr W. Reading; song, “When True Hearts Meet,” Miss King; song, “Sunshine Above,” Mr W. Forsythe; song, “The Man that Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo,” Mr E. Ricketts; encore, “Do, Do”; song, “’The Toilers,” Miss Ridgway ; Irish Jig, Messrs P. Clarkin and J. Mullaney; song, “For Ever,” Miss Scheele; song, “Alabama Coon, ” J. G. Hughes (encored); song, “The Irish Maid, ” Miss Sellars; pianoforte solo, Miss Lorkin; song, “My Turn Next,” Mr L. Freedman; encore, “The Silver Moon;” song “The Lost Child,” Mr W. Reading; pianoforte solo, Miss H. Dolbel; song, “Dreaming,” Miss E. Scheele; cornet solo, Mr May, duet ”In the Dusk of the Twilight,” Misses Ridgway and Lorkin; song, “Killarney,” Miss Malone; encore, “Scenes That are Brightest”; song, “Tommy Atkins,” Mr J. G. Hughes (encored); song, “Water Lilies” Miss Sellars; song, “Sons of the Sea,” Mr J. H. Edmundson; clog dance, Messrs Clarkin and Mullaney; comic song , “Is it Possible?” Mr E. Ricketts (encored); song, “Sunshine and Rain,” Miss King; song, “Tooralooral,” Mr W. Reading; comic song, “My Time,” Mr May; song, “I Love But Thee,” Miss Beach. The accompaniments were played by Misses Dolbel (2), Lorkin, King, and Scheele, and Messrs Eagar and Hooper.

The Chairman briefly thanked the performers and who had assisted to make the concert such a success, and also on behalf of Mrs Coster and family, thanked Mrs Dolbel for her efforts in organising the concert. Refreshments were provided for the performers. A most enjoyable entertainment was brought to a close with the National Anthem.

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Format of the original

Newspaper article

Date published

12 June 1899


  • S F Anderson
  • P Clarkin
  • Mrs Coster
  • T Coster
  • Miss H Dolbel
  • Mrs Dolbel
  • j H Edmundson
  • W Forsythe
  • J G Hughes
  • Miss King
  • Miss Lorkin
  • Miss Malone
  • J Mullaney
  • W Reading
  • E Ricketts
  • Miss Ridgway
  • Miss E Scheele
  • Miss Sellars

Accession number


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