Newspaper Article 1913 – San Toy Review

H B Tribune Nov. 15th 1913




When the curtain rose on the third performance of “San Toy” by the Hastings Operatic Society last night, the Princess Theatre was, literally speaking, packed from floor to ceiling. The capacity of the building was fully taxed half-an-hour before the overture, and it is estimated that from 250 to 300 people had to be refused admission. The performance was even better than on the preceding night. The work of the amateurs exceeded even the most sanguine expectations, and the enthusiasm displayed by the audience showed that the production was thoroughly enjoyed. Owing to the phenomenal success of the season, and to the fact that so many people had to be turned away last night, it has been decided to give another performance this evening, and it is quite safe to predict another crowded house.

After last night’s performance the members of the company were entertained at light refreshments in the Venetian Tea Rooms by the president of the Operatic Society (Mr. W. Hart), the vice-president (Mr W. C. Whitlock) and Mr. E. Basil Jones. Mr. Hart presided. Congratulatory speeches were made by the chairman, Mr. Whitlock, and Mr. Basil Jones, who complimented the members on their excellent performance, and said that the society was one of which the town had good reason to feel proud. The speakers made eulogistic reference to the work of the stage manager (Mr. Leon Fail), Mr. J.A. Rosewarne (who put on the finishing touches), the musical director (Mr. A.R. Don), the orchestra, the hon pianist (Mr. G.W. Brownhill), the wardrobe committee (Mesdames Basil Jones and Rogers), Miss Basil Jones, the secretary (Mr. I.W. Fowler), Mr. S.H. Knight, the limelight mechanic (Mr. Allan Bishop), Mr. Rogers and Mr. Cyril Cook (who were responsible for the electrical effects), and all those who assisted in various ways to make the season such a success. Cheers were given for those mentioned and the hosts, and after a lively half-hour the company dispersed.

The Hastings School Committee are making a big effort to raise funds to purchase an acre of land, and the following letter was forwarded to the presedent [president] of the Operatic Society by the chairman of the school committee: – “As you know, the District High School wish to purchase an acre of land for agricultural purposes. The committee has collected £60 of the £100 required and are now asking if your society will give a matinee performance of “San Toy” ” in aid of this fund. Apart from the nature of the object proposed to be benefitted, the committee would be glad of affording the children an opportunity to see the excellent performance of your society. Personally, I have seen all the amateur performances, and this one stands out on its own for staging, acting, singing and the general delight and brightness of all the performers. The School Committee are, of course, prepared to guarantee any expenses, and will arrange for sale of tickets. Should the proposal meet with favour, I would suggest a matinee for Wednesday, 26th.” The committee of the Operatic Society, after considering the letter, found that, owing to the absence of some performers and other reasons, it was impossible to give the suggested matinee, but intend to make a donation out of tonight’s proceeds towards purchasing the land. The amount of the donation will, of course, be decided by the takings.

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Operatic Society

Format of the original

Newspaper article

Date published

15 November 1913


The Hawke's Bay Tribune


Published with permission of Hawke's Bay Today


  • E Basil-Jones
  • Mrs Basil-Jones
  • Miss Basil-Jones
  • G W Brownhill
  • Allan Bishop
  • Cyril Cook
  • A R Don
  • Leon Fail
  • L W Fowler
  • W Hart
  • S H Knight
  • Mr and Mrs Rogers
  • J A Rosewarne
  • W C Whitlock

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