First Birthday Today
The three daughters of Mr and Mrs J.C. Anderson, of Kahuranaki, who were born on Coronation Day last year, today celebrate their first birthday.
It was a pleasant surprise for everyone a year ago when the triplets were born, and it was pleasing to hear from their mother this morning that “they were the three healthiest babies in Hawke’s Bay and a credit to the Plunket system.
Mrs Anderson was making the birthday cake when interviewed, and said that the babies had not looked back from the day they were born. “Yes, they are just beginning to crawl and find their voices now,” she said. “The country air is ideal for them, and I think that one unhealthy baby would be more work than the three of them. Lately they have grown wonderfully and seem more like little girls.
“We still have visitors out here to see them,” continued Mrs Anderson, “and when I go to town with them public interest is so great I can hardly get along the streets. People seem to be so surprised to see three such bonny babies in one pram. Of course we are having a party tonight. Rose, Elizabeth and Mary will have to go to bed early, but there is plenty of time for them yet.
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