Newspaper Article 1953 – Disadvantages Being Triplets Say Hastings Three

Women’s World


Hastings’ Coronation triplets – they were born on May 12,1937 – are friendly, unaffected girls who don’t like publicity. Sixteen-year-old Mary, Elizabeth and Rose Anderson (born in that order), daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Anderson, St. George’s Road North, want to be treated like their girl friends.

The triplets were born in a private hospital in Hastings on the day King George VI. was crowned. He sent each a pound note.

Overnight the Anderson family increased from four to seven children. Hastings residents gave practical support. They raised money to send the triplets to a Karitane home and buy additional layettes.

“Hastings people were so kind to us when we were born, and although we don’t like this sort of thing (interviews) it is a way of letting them know how we are getting on” said Rose.

How do they enjoy being triplets? There were several disadvantages, said Elizabeth emphatically, but the greatest was dress.

The Anderson sisters are individualists. They don’t like dressing alike as appears to be expected of them. Each has her own idea about dress, especially in accessories.

Born on a Royal occasion and named after members of the Royal family, the Anderson triplets could be expected to have an unusual interest in Royalty. But they haven’t.

“We take a normal interest, just like other people,” said Elizabeth.

And the Coronation? All spoke at once. “We listened in until she was crowned. We are feeling it today.”

At 16 Mary is a clerk, Elizabeth a photographer and Rose a salesgirl. When she is old enough Rose will go nursing.

The Anderson home is a busy household. Each triplet has her “chores.” Once it included helping milk four cows.

“But cows are a tie.” said Mary.

“We like to be independent,” interrupted Rose.

“Dad does them now.” explained Elizabeth.

The Anderson triplets were interviewed in their lunch hour. They kept an anxious note of the time. They mustn’t be late for work. The girls left a little before 1 o’clock, slightly worried about “more publicity.”

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Format of the original

Newspaper article

Date published

4 June 1953

Accession number


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