Newspaper Article 1960 – Mrs Bate sees poverty in Pusan

Mrs Bate sees poverty in Pusan

The poverty in Pusan and Masan, Korea, was distressing, said Mrs. W. E. Bate, Hastings, in a letter to an official of the Hastings branch of the Save the Children Fund. Mrs. Bate recently visited Korea in the course of a Far Eastern tour.

Mrs. Bate met Sister Elsie Leipst, a Hastings nurse who has gone to a Korean hospital to work for the Save the Children Fund. She said Sister Leipst was looking well and happy in her chosen work, though the SCF personnel were working under very difficult conditions.

Mrs. Bate said there was virtually no sanitation or ventilation in the places she visited, and most water seemed to be sold by street vendors from drums. “No wonder Tb is such a menace. These four European girls in Masan do a grand job.”

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Newspaper article

Date published

October 1960


The Hawke's Bay Herald-Tribune


Published with permission of Hawke's Bay Today


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