Newspaper Article 1985 – Guthrie Park stream takes new direction

Guthrie Park stream takes new direction

The upgrading of Havelock North’s Guthrie Park is underway with the re-alignment of the Te Kahika Stream.

The re-alignment is the first stage of the project which includes reshaping the park to provide soccer fields, softball diamonds, a playground, sports pavilion and club rooms.

The Havelock North Borough Council decided to go ahead with the work despite objections by some residents that the stream would be about 16 metres from their properties.

Residents wanted the council to look at re-aligning the stream through the centre of the park, piping the stream.

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Guthrie Park, Havelock North

Format of the original

Newspaper article

Date published

21 September 1985


The Hawke's Bay Herald-Tribune


Published with permission of Hawke's Bay Today

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