Newspaper Article 1991 – Veteran’s beacon put to test

Veteran’s beacon put to test

NZPA   Christchurch

A locator homing device given to Vietnam War veteran Ian Bradford was put to the test for the first time yesterday and it came up trumps.

Mr Bradford went missing from his home at Aranui in Christchurch, but was found walking along South Brighton beach 40 minutes later.

Mr Bradford, who has memory blackouts and goes missing, sometimes for weeks on end, has been wearing a transmitter around his neck since late May.

It emits a silent signal that can be picked up by a receiver, held by his partner, Pam Drake.

She said Mr Bradford went missing about 3.50pm when he wandered off down the street. By the time she got into her car to pursue him he had gone.

“The police picked me up and went looking for him.”

The signal indicated Mr Bradford was walking toward the estuary, but he changed direction and headed for the beach.

“We drove up to the beach and we got a full beep, and there he was walking down the beach.” .

The $2500 device, designed by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, was paid for by an anonymous American who read in May of Mr Bradford’s need for a beacon.

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Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.

Format of the original

Newspaper article

Date published

7 August 1991


Hawkes Bay Herald-Tribune


Published with permission of Hawke's Bay Today


  • Ian Bradford
  • Pam Drake

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