1000 sites in Brookvale Block
Arataki Honey and nearby vineyard operations might have to relocate if houses are built in the Brookvale area of Havelock North, says a consultant’s report prepared for the Hastings District Council.
Beca Carter Hollings and Ferner has told the council that unless a buffer zone was created, the future of those operations was in doubt. They would either have to move, close down or adopt less efficient production practices.
The Brookvale area contains 100 hectares that are expected to yield around 1000 house sites. The engineering cost of the development of this relatively flat part of Havelock North is estimated to be $14.3-million. The use of the Brookvale block would boost Havelock North’s population by 2500. It would also satisfy 30 per cent of the district’s housing demand to the year 2016.
Beca says there is little question that Brookvale would be sought-after by house buyers. Surveys had found that Havelock North offered an attractive living environment preferred by a broad cross-section of people.
“While it can be expected that Havelock North land will continue to fetch higher prices than land on the Hastings fringe, it is also possible that the availability of a greater landbank for development may reduce section prices by removing artificial market constraints.
“The Brookvale area therefore may have the potential to satisfy a broader cross section of market demand,” Beca said.
This is the fourth in a series of future expansion options for the in the Hastings district by Herald-Tribune reporter Mike Tod.
Development of Brookvale would result in the establishment of a new commercial sector in Havelock North. About 4ha would be required for shops and community recreation uses. Further areas could be needed for sporting activities.
“Given the expected rate of development, it is not considered practicable to commerce work on social or community facilities from the outset. The establishment of these should be staged along with a programme for residential subdivision,” Beca said.
“Brookvale is not remote from existing urban facilities, so it is unlikely social problems (such as those that plagued Flaxmere) would emerge in the early development phases before shopping and community services were established.”
Beca said housing at Brookvale was unlikely to have any adverse impact on the landscape, which had a northerly aspect offering limited views.
One of the biggest consequences of allowing a large increase in houses will be the financial cost of upgrading the roading system. About $1.2-million would have to be spent for the first stage of constructing a northern bypass between Havelock North and Hastings. Other roading upgrades of $1-million were likely to be required.
Report says rezone research centre land
The site of a top research centre in Goddard Lane, Havelock North, should be rezoned so that houses can be built on it, says Beca Carter Hollings and Ferner.
Beca said the HortResearch centre could be relocated at a cost of $500,000. This would result in enough land becoming available to build 90 houses.
However, the future availability of the centre is uncertain.
The HortResearch site is the largest remaining vacant land block within the existing urban area of Hastings district. Beca said the land was considered to be very important for research because it was highly productive and had a cross-section of the soil types common on the Heretaunga Plains.
But the Hastings District Council should use rezoning as a way to encourage housing if the centre was closed or shifted said the consultants.
“Alternative land at Lawn Rd is currently being developed for research purposes. However it is apparent that it does not offer the same soil and growing conditions found at Goddard Lane,” Beca said.
“Therefore, it is apparent the future availability of this land remains in doubt. It would be unwise to rely upon this land as a sole or principal development option. Instead it should be viewed as a possible future resource which may allow housing on other sites to be deferred.”
Development of the Goddard Lane block would increase Havelock North’s population by between 180 and 225 strip of at least 100m-150m would required as a floodplain and buffer alongside the Karamu Stream.
* The series on future housing expansion options in the Hastings district will continue on Saturday, with a look was in Clive and Te Awanga.
Map captions – The Brookvale Rd-Arataki Rd area on Havelock North’s boundary, shown above, could provide enough building sites to meet 30 per cent of the likely demand in the next 23 years.
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