Newspaper Article – Pakeke Lions changeover

Pakeke Lions Changeover

AT the recent annual meeting of the Waipukurau Pakeke Lions Club past-deputy district governor David Bray installed Frank Tombleson president of the club.

Prior to the handing over of the president’s chain-of-office, past-president Charles Anderton presented his annual report.

He stressed how honoured he had been to hold office as president, especially as the club had been selected as the best club in district 202B (East Coast) and awarded the Bill Ashdown Trophy.

Some of the projects which led to the achievement were, installation of smoke detectors in homes of aged persons, the club provides two drivers each week to pick up and deliver home aged persons attending the Godfrey Centre twice a week, helping in many ways those less fortunate, and collecting for charitable institutions.

He expressed none of this would have been possible without the full support of members and their wives.

During the year the club had honoured two members, secretary Fred Spinley and project chairman Merv Osborne with membership of the Lloyd Morgan Lions Clubs Charitable Trust.

Thanks were extended to the public who have supported club projects from time to time which has allowed the club to donate a total of $5590 to various organisations in Central Hawke’s Bay and to other national organisations, some of them were the Cancer Society, PSSA, Blind Foundation, Guide Dog Appeal, CCS, Childrens Camps and Programme.

In all the club has endeavoured to honour its motto “We Serve”, he said.

Photo Captions –
Incoming Pakeke Lions president; Frank Tombleson.
Outgoing Pakeke Lions president; Charles Anderton

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Waipukurau Pakeke Lions Club

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Newspaper article


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