Newspaper Article – Plunket Society Annual Meeting

Plunket Society


The annual meeting of the Woodville Sub-branch of the Royal Plunket Society was held in the Borough Council Chambers on Friday afternoon. In the absence of the President, Mrs. J. Halpin, the chair was taken by Mrs. H.P. Horne.

The report and balance sheet were read and adopted. It was shown that the financial position of the Society is quite satisfactory. The resignations of Mesdames Graham, Johnston and Hartridge were accepted. A special tribute being paid to Mrs. Graham, who was a foundation member of the society and held the office of secretary and treasurer for nine consecutive years. A vote of thanks was recorded also to the retiring president, Mrs Halpin.

The election of officers was as follows:- president, Mrs. H.P. Horne; vice-presidents, Mesdames J. Halpin and A.H. Hustwick; Committee, Mesdames Burnett, Davidson, Dorrington, Gilliland, Grinlinton, Haigh, Halpin, Hustwick, Miller, Mules, Mountfort, M.M. Munro, Slane and Westoby; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. L.J. Whittington; representatives to Pahiatua Branch Committee, Mesdames Horne and Whittington.

A vote of thanks and appreciation was accorded Miss Audrey Lawrence for her assistance in connection with the Plunket rooms.

The annual report was as follows:-

In presenting the tenth annual report for the year ending March 31, 1933, we have pleasure in recording a year of marked progress. The most important event was the severance of our committee with the Dannevirke Branch owing to excess of work in that district and the linking up with Pahiatua. This meant increased liability in that we would receive services of the nurse for a whole day weekly instead of half a day as formerly. Added to that was the question of the nurse’s travelling expenses. The Pahiatua Committee generously offered the services of their nurse for a full day weekly on the same terms as we had received from Dannevirke for half a day. However, it is a matter of great satisfaction to know that we have been able to pay the full assessment.

At the beginning  of the year our financial position caused us some anxiety and it was decided that a deputation wait on the Borough Council to solicit a remission of the rent. This was granted and the deputation later met the County Council, who generously donated the sum of  £5.

We much appreciated the unsolicited help of the Papatawa Women’s Institute, which held  a stall at one of their meetings and was thereby able to donate the sum of  £1 16s 7d.

During the winter a series of bridge evenings was held with a nett result of  £6. Raffles brought in a further sum of  £2 5s 6d and a street stall realised  £12 17s 6d. A picture benefit by courtesy of Woodville Amusements, Ltd., added the sum of  £7 2s 6d to the funds.

Kariol is now on the open market. The Plunket Rooms have received our attention lately, and various small improvements have added to the comfort and pleasure of the nurse as well as of the mothers.

Subscriptions and donations are a little in excess of last year. But we still feel that there are many mothers who could, and ought to, afford the small sum of five shillings annually that constitutes a membership fee. The amount received in the collection box at the Plunket Room is disappointingly small.

We wish to place on record our appreciation of the services of Nurse McDonald who has spared no effort to help the mothers and build up the work here. Our thanks are due to the auditor, Mr. J.M. Graham, to Mr. Hustwick for regular contributions from his weighing machine, to Mr. E.R. Grinlinton for his many services, to the “Examiner” for publishing the society’s reports, and the Borough Council for use of the room.

Subscriptions are now due and may be paid either to Nurse McDonald at the Plunket Room or to the secretary, Mrs. L.J. Whittington.

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Woodville Plunket Society

Format of the original

Newspaper article


  • Mr and Mrs M J Graham
  • Mr and Mrs E R Grinlinton
  • Mrs J Halpin
  • Mrs H P Horne
  • Mr and Mrs A H Lustwick
  • Miss Audrey Lawrence
  • Nurse McDonald
  • Mrs M M Munro
  • Mrs L J Whittington
  • Mesdames Burnet, Davidson, Dorrington, Gilliland, Haigh, Hartridge, Johnstone, Miller, Mountfort, Mules, Slane, Westoby

Accession number


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