Omahu Child Development Project 1978


The Omahu Maori children belong to a traditional Pa life style environment and have little or no experience in sharing in wholesome development activities with Pakeha children (other than what the Fernhill school offers them up to the end of their primary school leaving age).

In recognition of the above need, a program was launched according to the aims as shown below which demanded a tremendous amount of community salesmanship to overcome problems with organisation, volunteer help, materials, transportation, finance, administration, and seeking out suitable activity organisations. The method of programming the children was as follows:

(a)   segregate children into age groups and class groups (attained through cooperation with the Fernhill school).

(b)   Expose children by age or class groups to a variety of activities throughout Napier and Hastings (as per aims),

(c)   Program children into activities of their own choice mixed and balanced with Pakeha children where possible.

(d)   Maintain progress and problem reports both individual and by group.

(e)   Follow up all problems (mostly encouraging parents to meet standards required for their childrens activities e.g. fees, transport costs, cleanliness, dress and limiting their childrens excessive spending money).

Types of activities programmed were as follows:

Activity   Place   Age   Yrs   Weekdays & Evenings
Trampoline   Napier YMCA   10 – 11   Wednesdays
Karate   Napier YMCA   10   Tuesdays
Scouting   Napier   12   Tuesdays (6 weeks)
Badminton   Napier YMCA   11-12   Mondays
Basketball   Various   11 – 12   Thursdays
Basketball   Various    15 – 17   Wednesdays
Open night   Hastings YMCA   10 – 13   Fridays
Gymnastics   Napier YMCA   Under 5   Saturday
Gymnastics   Napier YMCA   5 – 7   Saturday
Swimming Lessons   Onekawa Pools   8 – 9   Saturday
Swimming lessons   Various   6 – 7   Saturday
Scenic visits   Various   9 – 11   Saturday
Piano lessons   Hastings   8 – 11    Saturday (cost prob)
Model aero club   Hastings 10 – 12   Sundays (cost prob)
Maori culture   Omahu All   As required
Table Tennis   Omahu   10 – 12 – 18   Tuesdays
Camps   Various   10 – 13   2 for year
Variety trips   Various   By Class   1 per month

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The program as outlined above catered for 115 children on a regular weekly basis which proved successful and beyond our expectations over a trial period of 12 months.

I believe that racist attitudes on the part of the children were unintentionally and unavoidably born at a primary school level and if left unattended will develop a generation of social misfits. The above project as detailed below will be a realistic approach based on previous successful experience and will extend further into more meaningful development activities in providing the missing links to equip Maori children with individual skills, abilities and achievements embracing intellectual, spiritual and physical programs.

Aims:   To provide the opportunity for Maori children of the Omahu district, exposure to a variety of experiences such as hobby groups, sporting bodies, music and cultural activities, drama societies, educational and occupational interest through intergrated [integrated] programs in an effort to bring compatible attitudes in all things necessary to our Maori children for their future well being within our multiracial society.

It is interesting to note that awareness to develop along Pakeha lines was realised by a local chief “Renata Kawepo” in 1872 where he committed himself to building the first Omahu school and paid part of the salaries of its teachers.

Project Outlined

The project is seen as complimenting the school program by extending into the community and is seen to be both supportative [supportive] and consolidative of the learning process of a developing Maori child. A project coordinator (hopefully a full time salaried worker) would provide liaision [liaison] between the school teachers, the community leaders, parents and voluntary workers. Careful planning and recording is envisaged showing progress, problems and type of action to be taken. The documentation would demonstrate both individual and group achievements leading to more detailed follow up work and corrective procedures.

Project coordinator responsibilities will also include attending daily school staff meetings to make reports of previous days activity and of intended activities and to monitor and give assistance to problems reported from teachers.

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The project coordinator will also establish relationships with a greater variety of organisations to properly cater for our aims.

The program times will be as follows:

Monday through Friday – These activities will commence after 3 pm and will not exceed 1¼ hours in length.

Saturdays – Several activities will take place during the day none to exceed 2 hours

Sundays – Day off except where camps and trips away from the district are programmed

Operation costs will be financed by the children themselves and will not exceed one dollar per activity including transportation except in cases of camps and trips away. In cases of hardship no demand will be placed on any individual. Rather costs to be carried and made up through other money collection methods.

Brown Kamau

Original digital file


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Format of the original

Typed document

Date published


Creator / Author

  • Brown Kamau

Accession number


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Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.