Outward Bound

Outward Bound!



Divisional Signals, N.Z.A.S.C., 6th Field Ambulance.



SOMEWHERE a woman, in her firm, sweet way,
Faces the future bravely for your sake,
Toils on from dawn till dark; from day to day,
Fights back her tears, nor heeds the bitter ache ;
She loves you, trusts you, breathes in prayer your name
Soil not her faith in you, by sin or shame.

Somewhere a woman – mother, Sweetheart, wife,
Waits betwixt hopes and fears, for your return,
Her kiss, her words, will haunt you in the strife,
When death itself confronts you, grim and stern;
But let her image all your reverence claim,
While base temptations scorch you with their flame.

Somewhere a woman watches, thrill’d with pride,
Shrined in her heart, you share a place with none,
She toils, she waits, she prays, till side by side,
You stand together when the battle’s done:
O keep for her dear sake, a stainless name,
Take back to her a manhood free from shame!




Like our counterparts of old, we were a lucky band to have travelled in the Good Ship “–”; or was it UUCCC, 12A, T3, or some other hush, hush, well camouflaged name. We were lucky because she was a fine ship – although I’ve been told she was fairly active – because she had friendly, efficient, officers, and a willing. helpful Ship’s Company; because we enjoyed good weather, and because a spirit of comradeship and co-operation prevailed throughout.

Our farewell glimpse of the seaward Kaikouras in the dawn of our first day out, augured well for the following days at sea. And it was so. None aboard will ever forget the pleasure of the hot days slipping by. the glimpse of Australia, the roll of the Bight, how we learned what starboard was and how far it was to port. And, finally, after some vicissitudes, “dark as midnight hour slipping past the first stop after Frisco”, and “lurkin” through the usual channels, we came upon this fair land where,’tis said, milk and honey used to flow.

In the pages of our magazine are recorded some sentiments of the voyage, a few but heartfelt words of appreciation for the company which sailed us here, and the names of those fortunates who left New Zealand with us.

We often think of our training days, and of “the piping times of peace” as a distant prelude to Egypt – George with his “verry gund nuse”’ and “Mussolini as unmentionable”, and we are looking forward in these momentous times, to greater things – Hitler and his crew.




(Verboten equals the Name – Censored – of our Transport)

In presenting this humble record of the doings aboard the good ship Verboten, we feel that pride of place must be given to the officers and men of the Mercantile Marine. Through fair and foul, they keep the commerce of the Empire afloat, often in great danger, even in Peace time. In the days of war, they are in constant peril not only from the sea, but from our enemies on land, sea, and in the air.

Their cheerful acceptance of risks and their firm determination to serve the Empire faithfully, not counting the cost, must be and is an inspiration to those of us who were privileged to travel under their care.

To Captain Fox and Staff Commander Burnand and the Officers and Ship’s Company of Verboten we extend our grateful thanks. We share their pride in the fine ship which was our home for twenty days. Their traditions of service we adopt for ourselves. A part of us, we hope, lives on in their ship. Good luck and all the best to Verboten.



The transport contains all the features of the Ark – but perhaps we should start with an explanation of the Ship’s name, the derivation of which, if not as old as the Ark, at least dates back to Roman times.
Caesar’s ‘armour-plated Centurans gave the name to the Orkney Islands and till this day the men of Orkney call themselves Orcadeans. Any ship might well be proud to bear the name of islands inhabited even now by the descendants of the Norse sea-kings.
“-” is sometimes mispronounced and, to save argument, the second syllable is short, as in “Cingalese.” A classical proof of this appears in Pope’s “Essay on Man” which runs:
“Ask where’s the North?
At York’ tis on the Tweed;
In Scotland at the Orcades; and there,
At Greenland, Zembla, or the Lord knows where.”



Some of the troops of this Battalion who lived like lotus-eaters on the Verboten and then descended to the other end of the scale and travelled the last “furlong” of the cruise on a vessel that in contrast had appointments that differed as does chalk to cheese, quickly learnt to share the pride that the first officer of the Verboten expressed about that luxury liner in all his talks to his passengers. But in days such as these, when troops are on the move all the time, from the Empire inwards and from Britain outwards, cramped quarters, uninviting food, and a monotony that matches a speed dictated by a slow convoy have to be accepted with the best of grace.

It is interesting (and consoling) to gather from soldiers of other countries information relating to their shipboard conditions. As far as could be ascertained in Cairo from a representative source very few of these soldiers tasted the luxuries that faced one on every hand on the Verboten and the other ships that were in convoy with her on the major stage of the voyage from “down under.’ These men from other parts of the British Empire followed the same pattern in their descriptions, made all the more vivid after a few bottles of beer which one emptied with them within the portals of the Empire Services Club, the Tipperary Club, and other less reputable haunts.

Here is the sum total of the picture that was unfolded.

They Brave Discomfort

All kinds of ships are pressed into service, one was told. The few regular “lobster-pots’ maintained by Britain have not the capacity to handle the tremendous amount of overseas military traffic necessitated by war. Into open hatchways endless streams of soldiers disappear. Down below all is confusion. So many men are allotted to each mess. They are shown an absurdly tiny rack supposed to be capable of housing their rifles and kits. It seems impossible that these necessities of martial life will ever be satisfactorily stowed away, but at last the apparently impossible is accomplished and the men are marched aft to the quartermaster’s stores to draw eating implements and hammocks.

Forty Winks

There is some consternation when night falls and then men discover that they must sling their hammocks over their respective mess tables. These items of furniture are only just large enough to accommodate the troops when they are seated on either side, and two into one obviously will not go. A sergeant curtly explains that if they sleep head and foot together all will be done according to King’s Regulations. But there are doubters. Three nights later, with cold weather nothing more than a bad dream, most of the men are to be found sleeping on deck. Sometimes a hammock is slung from a guy-rope to a stanchion and every roll of the ship swings it and its unconsious [unconscious] occupant over the sea. One man discovers a ready-slung hammock in the dip of a deck awning; he sleeps there like a tired child. Others forsake the hammock entirely and dispose themselves on the hard deck, apparently without discomfort.

Sleeping on deck has its disadvantages. Occasionally there are night showers. As the first few drops fall the sleepers instinctively cover their faces with the corner of a blanket, and lulled into a false security, sleep peacefully until the rain has given them a thorough soaking. Then, one by one, damp ghosts arise and disappear into the black mouths of the hatchways. Even if the night is fine, there is every chance of a wetting in the first chill hours of dawn. At 5.30 a.m. the deck-swabbing gang. armed with hoses and brooms, begins its labours. The hose-men are as relentless as Nemesis. They play the thick streams of water straight ahead as they advance, regardless of what may lie in their path.

Day after glorious day passes. The ship forges its steady way through a burnished sea: showers of flying-fish start up from the bows like sparks from an anvil. Once the perfunctory


“jerks’’ parade is over and the day’s fatigues performed, the men are free. In a fortnight the meagre ship’s library has been read and re-read and even the stodgiest recruit is drawn to the magic circle where rough-voiced barkers cry “Housey-housey.”

High Finance

These gambling-device proprietors are cunning fellows. They attract custom by means of a mysterious description of certain favoured numbers. Many a resolute anti-gambler has joined the game merely to find out the meaning of such cryptic phrases as “Ducks-in-the Pond,” “Clickety-click,” and “Kelly’s Eye.” In the secret places of the ship there gather furtive crowds around crown-and-anchor boards. Here again the patter is definitely alluring. “Who says a bit on the old mud-hook?” chants the custodian, if the anchor should seem to be thinly sprinkled with coins. “The more you put down the more you pick up, me lucky lads? An anchor came up last time, remember, and where there’s one there’s always two. Plank it down thick and heavy.”

Card experts find their recreation in a game of pontoon. The “school’’ takes the precaution of squaring the ship’s policemen and their illegal sport is secure, except for unlikely interruptions by restless officers.

Terra Firma Again

Halcyon days, these, consisting of a pleasant monotony sufficiently broken by occasional rushes to the rail to view the spouting of a whale or the black sail of a shark’s fin cutting through the water. When the time comes to disembark, the troops leave the old lobster-pot with sentimental regret, which soon changes as they suffer agonies during their first march ashore. (Shades of Bombay!) Lounging on deck has taken the fine edge away from their aggressive physical fitness. Packs seem twice as heavy and the loads are cruel to feet grown soft. In less than a week, however, the men are hard again and they resume their journey overland to the front line of some outpost of Empire. (By J.P.B.).


All New Zealand soldiers have a profound respect for Winston Churchill. They share with the people of England, who have a more “personal” contact with him, the realisation that no other wartime Prime Minister in our history has been so well equipped to lead the nation in times of crises. But how many of us know that he has a first-class knowledge of desert warfare conditions!

As a young man he fought in the fiercest of all desert campaigns – the reconquest of the Sudan from the followers of the Mahdi, a campaign which culminated with the battle of Omdurman. His description of the desert fits to perfection what the New Zealand soldier might express more harshly on many a route march in Egypt. This is what he says about the desert:- “Rainless storms dance tirelessly over the flat, crisp surface of the ground. The fine sand, driven by the wind, gathers into deep drifts, and silts among the dark rocks of the hills, exactly as snow hangs about an alpine summit; only it is a fiery snow, such as might fall in hell. The earth burns with the quenchless thirst of ages, and in the steel blue sky scarcely a cloud obstructs the unrelenting triumph of the sun.”

When we, who have not all tasted the atmospheric vagaries of the desert, digest this description by Britain’s Prime Minister, we can admire all the more the accomplishments of the British and Indian troops who opened the offensive that ended in the retreat of the Italians from Egypt. For this first phase of the campaign was begun under the identical weather conditions that Winston Churchill had to contend with when he himself was a soldier.



Rugby history was made by a team drawn from the Third Echelon that played at Bombay on September 23. It was the first time that a New Zealand fifteen had been fielded in India. and in keeping with the importance of the occasion the side gave an exhibition that was very warmly praised by the Bombay Press. The game was against Bombay Gymkana [Gymkhana], and was won by the Army side by 15-nil. It was described as easily the best match of the season, devoid of any dull patches and contested at a terrfic [terrific] speed.

“There was not a passenger in the New Zealand side,” stated the Bombay ‘Times,’ and if some outshone their fellows it was only by virtue of particular brilliance. Two players, especially, caught the eye, Lieut. Wesney, the captain of the side, and an International, who justified his reputation with a very polished display at centre three-quarter, and Silcock, the first five-eighth, who has figured in a provincial side in New Zealand, and who proved the value of a player of his class in a position equivalent to a stand-off half. Seemingly impervious to fatigue and possessing remarkable speed and resource without limit, Silcock, by his performance, served as an inspiring example. His recoveries were astonishing; often he would pick up the ball almost off an opponent’s boot and start off an electrifying movement. There is not much of Silcock, but what there is, is very good – out of all proportion to his size.

The New Zealand forwards packed 3-4-1 in contrast to the Gymkana’s 3-2-3, ‘and they demonstrated how successfully, in this formation, a hooker can do his job if the other seven concentrate on pushing. and pushing hard. The fact that Gymkana prevented the New Zealander’s from scoring in the first 25 minutes reflects great credit on their efforts.”

‘The Army side opened the scoring just before the interval, Stubbs capping a fine passing movement by swinging in from the left for a try under the posts. Wesney’s kick failed. Three minutes after the resumption, following a cross-kick by Collins, McKenzie scored. Wesney’s attempt to convert again did not succeed but later he kicked a penalty goal. Ling was the next to score, aided by Silcock and McLennan, and Stubbs enabled Wesney to complete the New Zealander’s tally near the end of the game. Neither of these tries was converted.

The Army side was as follows:- Pte Olsen: Pte Collins, Lieut. Wesney and Lieut. Stubbs; Pte Silcock and Pte Bathgate; Pte McLennan; Pte Adams, Sgt. Northover, Pte McKenzie, Sgt. Ling, Pte Leamy, 2/Lieut. Armour, Pte Smith, Pte Alexander.



To leave all – the vista of blue hills,
The sweep of the gum-tips reaching to the sky,
The thrush’s song as in its joy it spills
Its throbbing notes, and passes swiftly by.

To leave all this – the dear and homelike things
That with the years have more familiar grown,
Scarce noticed in life’s rush – such potent strings
Are these to hold you back from the unknown.

To leave all this – the friendships you have made,
The glory of the dew upon the rose;
Security; and peace; limbs weary laid
Upon a couch’s comfort. Yet I chose

To leave all this, and chose it undismayed
I chose it gladly, knowing but one goal
Was worth the striving. Knowing if I stayed
These things might perish with my cowards soul.

And so I leave all this:- soon to become
A tiny unit merged in War’s vast scene,
Closing my soul to beauty – Speechles – numb,
Forgetting all the things that might have been;

Living from day to day. from hour to hour;
The past erased the future too unsure
To ponder on. But were it in my power
I’d not draw back for all the glittering lure

Of safety. Better far to die and go
Out into the deeps and leave behind
Me all the lovely things I used to know,
Than live here with a conscience-haunted mind.


It is fit that we should knit
But what we knit should also fit
Remember the soldier lad who wrote – to wit

“Thank you, kind lady, for them socks you knit,
They sure were nice and such a dandy fit:
One made a helmet, the other a mitt.”
So I prithee, maidens. as you do “your bit”.
From ths [this] warriors letter reap some benefit.
Though maps may change and borders vaporize,
Both a soldiers feet are the same size.

Back – 2/Lieut. C. Gatenby, Lieut. C.D.F. Bowie, Lieut. L.G. Smith, 2/Lieut. J.E. Matheson, 2/Lieut. H.H. Deans, Lieut. F.M Ollivier, Lieut. J.J.D. Sinciair, 2/Lieut. C.W.J. Pierson, Lieut. W.M. Tolerton, 2/Lieut. W.T. Nidd, Capt. J.W. McKergow, 2/Lieut. J.P. Cook, 2/Lieut. R. Bethell.

Centre – Lieut H.J.H. Horrell, Capt. H.G. McQuade, Capt. F.W. Wilson, 2/Lieut. F.C. Preston, 2/Lieut. P.H. Wood, Capt. E.F. Walden, Capt. T. Milliken, Capt. W.W. Little, Lieut. F.G.B. Evenden, Capt. O.J. Hutchison, 2/Lieut. H.H. Davies, 2/Lieut. W.G. Ryder, Lieut. A.W. Wesney, 2/Lieut. I.A. Bird.

Front – Capt F.W. Huggins, Major J.M. Samson, Lieut.-Col. J.R. Page, Capt. G.C. Weston, Major F.J. Brook,

Absent – 2/Lieut. W.D. Westenra, Capt. J. Downs, Capt. J.S. Strang, C.F.


[Handwritten] which being translated means literally “So much for authority”
[Handwritten] This is one of my effusions written in some annoyance at being dragged off to a conference at midnight – […]

(Some lines dedicated to all Lieuts. and 2/Lieuts. on H.M. Troopship Verboten)

When I was a care free private,
A really important rank,
I itched to be somewhat higher,
To be honest and truly frank.

So I curbed all my naughty ways,
And frowned on the wet canteen,
And abandoned all such pleasures
Considering them poor and mean.

I was up before Reveille,
Continuing as I’ve said..
To improve my general bearing,
No longer got cursed in bed.

I took no further chances,
And learned the ‘at ease’ and ‘attention’,
The various other stances
Peculiar to the army.

Soon I acquired a stripe,
Gave commands in a serious way,
Continued to set an example –
Was glad of the extra pay.

I gained the C.O’S favour
Performing the allotted task,
Of orderly corporal and the like-
“To what purpose?” you may ask.

But I rapidly rose in rank,
Developed a certain finesse,
Assumed a more dignified pose,
Got drunk in the Sergeant’s mess.

I was picked as a likely young blood;
Promotion soon came free,
Was gazetted a second Lieutenant,
Passing out from the O.T.C.

But now life is much more drear,
Although I possess two pips,
For lieutenants need lose all feeling,
Sustaining sarcastic quips.

“The general condition of cabins,
On board this confounded ship,
Is a disgrace to the unit -”
Damned if we see the slip.

And then these routine orders,
And conferences night and day,
Late hours and early mornings,
Conductive to sloth and decay.

The view of the army manuals
Is the men need a mother’s care.
You must carefully see them washed.
And their bed-clothes put to air.

At night they are tucked in snug,
Note – “Beds must be specially spread.”
At Reveille gently woken. One wonders if
We should serve them tea in bed.

So though I am now called “Sir,”
To be honest and truly frank,
I am really quite small fry, and wish
For my previous important rank!

[Handwritten] I think it was Bayu’s[?] company who shipped this time.

[Handwritten] W. army […]

(Whither Goest Thou ?)
There is a fascination in going – just going – something alluring and intriguing, so secretive and mystifying there is something about it all that appeals.

Day after day, sailing serenely along through a calm, placid sea, or tossing and rolling on a wild restless ocean, now, pushing her nose deep into the singing waves, now lifting her head high in defiance of the power of the sea, that leviathian, Verboten, sails eagerly onward as if catching the spirit of adventure and allurement in our going.

Every day, every hour, every moment, we’re going; never stopping, never growing tired, always forging ahead in our great adventure of going; never seeming to get any nearer, never arriving – just going.

Daily it grows hotter, daily the atmosphere becomes more stifling, daily more orders are issued, daily we carry out our routine tasks, daily we each do our share of grumbling, daily there is more excitement, daily more rumours. But it never alters our great purpose, for we are going – just going.

“Men may come and men may go,” but we, it seems, go on forever. Where to? We know not. Nobody knows. All we know is that we are going – just going.


With us we have a handful of old soldiers apparently all born in 1905 who have been an invaluable help in settling the soldiers of 1940 into the military machine, housie, housie, and all the tricks. Whilst drill may be altered traditions never alter and the friendly advice of the old soldiers makes many realise the comradeship of the Army.



To the majority of “Maorilanders” speed might not seem to be a guiding watchword of Government departments in New Zealand. The Post office system, for instance, operates in a pondering, pompous way. But such criticism is effectively stifled after a taste of the methods of the Post Office system in India. Sending parcels to relations and friends “away down under” almost nullifies the sentiment that actuates the purchase.

The first trial of strength when the Indian Post Office has been at last located is to fight one’s way through a dense mass of unclean and malodorous humanity; the next is to find the likeliest place to transact one’s business. The man who is about to undergo the ordeal for the first time has no conception of the pitfalls that await him. If he is bold and patient enough to experience the sensation a second time he prepares himself beforehand, summoning up all the resolution and courage he possesses for days in advance, like a martyr destined for the torture chamber and the stake.

The Indian postal service has a slowness of progression which makes it the envy of all the public departments throughout the entire world! Without any exaggeration the average time taken to post a parcel overseas is about three and a half hours. It has been known to be completed in ‘as little as 2 ½ hours, but this is regarded as a dangerous speed. The first difficulty is to get the parcel properly wrapped up and sealed; the next is to persuade the official to accept it for delivery. The chances are that he will return the article on the score that it is not properly enclosed with paper. Having done this all over again, the polite Indian will desire to known why no monogram has been placed on the seals. He will then spend about half-an-hour reading the address, and then another half-hour reading the declaration form, holding a discussion meanwhile with other officials as to whether these particulars are correct. Then he will probably ask: “Is this parcel going to New Zealand?” And that notwithstanding the fact that New Zealand has been written all over it in block capitals. Then comes some more discussion with his colleagues, after which he will weigh the parcel, a long and complicated task. It then usually transpires that he has not got sufficient stamps, or else a large quantity of stamps of such small value has been affixed that by the time they are put on the parcel it is impossible to see the address. The next phase involves the hours for accepting overseas mail.

When eventually the task is completed, the consignee staggers from the counter in a stage of complete mental and physical prostration. Verily, he has ample opportunity to reflect on the proverb that “the wheels of India grind exceeding slow but they grind exceeding small.”
D.W.F. Field Ambulance.


Oh Burnham, you gave us a beautiful day,
When we Rookies arrived in the middle of May;
The Camp seemed so peaceful, the buildings so new,
The Staff seemed so pleasant, how little we knew.
The first day they clothed us and showed us our home,
A mattress of straw and a bed hard as stone.
Then came a parade, it seemed like a dream,
Till out came the “Bull, by Heavens he screamed:
Day in and day out until months passed by,
He screamed and he yelled, till we prayed he would die.
Till one day came a rumour, very hard to believe,
On Thursday the Echelon will start Final Leave.
And Final Leave came and passed all too soon;
Back to Burnham and Drill, to work out the Home Brew.
Then a march through the city of Christchurch, so fair,
And a march past the Colonel, to a real martial air,
At Lyttelton, one day, a huge ship glided in,
Everyone grew impatient for Embarkation to begin.
We did not wait long for the day to dawn,
When we boarded the troopship, and our adventure began.
Good-bye to old Burnham, your frosts and your stew,
In the sands of the desert we will oft think of you.
To the folks back in N.Z. we send our regards,
Excuse the rough verse from one of the “bards”


Enter Dvr. J.W.B.: Sir, I wish to report the breaking of my glasses at gas drill this morning.
S.S.M. to O.C.: Sir, these sergeants are impossible; any sergeant who does not instruct men to remove glasses before A-G should pay for breakages. In fact, Sir, with your permission, I’ll deal with the matter. I’ll see that your sergeant pays for the damage.
B. commences to retire but is called back by the S.S.M.
S.S.M.: By the way B……… who took you for that period?
B……… : You did, Sir.
(Collapse of O.C. and Staff.)


(By one who knows and has known)

DRAMATA PERSONÆ (in order of appearance)

THE GENTLEMAN.   Bull as usual
CABIN STEWARD   Kindly lent by. O.S.N.C
THE COLONEL   The Bearded Warrior
THE ADJUTANT   Politeness Personified.
THE SHIP’S Q.M.   The Subversive Rumbler.
THE S.M.O.   A High “Flyer.”
THE CAPTAIN   A Simple Mariner.
HIS No.1   “I do all the work says the Sergeant.”
CABIN BOY   Frugalling Fred.
THE FIERY GALLOPING MAJOR   Slattery’s Mounted Foot (ex-Imp.).


Curtain rises to find The Gent busy inspecting a large tray of Hors d’oeuvres, with the Steward standing expectantly by.

GENT.:   Have you the shaker Raiker?
STEWARD.:   ‘Ere it is Sir.
GENT.:   I think I’ll give the girls a little naval milk this evening.
STEWARD.:   Just as you say, Sir,
GENT.:   Quite!
STEWARD.:   Here are the doings, Sir.
GENT.:   Well let me see – yes you do it.
Gent supervises Steward’s preparation of cocktails. Knock without.
GENT.:   That will be the girls. (Very pleasantly.) Come in.
Enter the Colonel and the Adjutant.
COL.:   Good day. Ha! expecting company?
These look good.
He helps himself to a hors d’evuvre.
GENT.:   Have a drink.
COL.:   Gin and water, thanks.
ADJ.:   Thank you Sir, I’ll just have a very small whisky and soda Sir, if I may.
They all get drinks and sit down.
COL.:   I’ve just been thinking……
GENT.:   Quite.
ADJ.:   Are you sure Sir that……
COL.:   Just a minute. Now supposing the Infantry hang their washing on B Deck, and the Medicals have their lectures in the bottom canteen and cafe. The A.S.C. can occupy the poker school on the after end of E deck, and the Div Sigs. will be completely frugalled.
ADJ.:   I’ll see the Major and get it done right away Sir.
The Adjutant rises to go.
COL.:   No! Sit down damn you. I haven’t finished yet.
ADJ.:   I’m awfully sorry Sir, but you remember we have to see the Purser. Perhaps Sir, don’t you think I’d better run along Sir, and get something started. We can easily cancel it if its wrong Sir. I don’t think anybody would mind Sir.
COL.:   Alright. I’ll stay here.
Exit the Adjutant.
A deep voice outside.
Is the Colonel in there?
COL.:   Oh that’s Mac. Come in Mac.
GENT.:   Yes do come in.
Enter Ship’s Q.M.
Q.M.:   Oh there you are Sir. I’ve been looking all over the ship for you.
COL.:   What’s the matter Mac?
GENT.:   Have something to drink.


Q.M.:   Well I’ve had one already this evening but – oh well, yes, a little gin thank you.
You know how the sports gear has to be checked by the Orderly corporal. There was a hell of a frugal today. It seems that the corporal counted the 26th gear on A deck; and before he could get down to E deck, the 26th and A.S.C. had swopped a lot of gear and we ended up by having more than we started with, and the whole thing had to be done again.
COL.:   Yes you had better get it back. We must have all our returns right. What about that S245. Did you get that fixed?
Q.M.:   Well there was a bit of a mess up there. It appears that it was asked for in quadruplicate, and we handed over five copies at Freemantle. Now they want it in octuplicate and instead of being by companies in alphabetical order, they now want it by Regimental districts alphabetically in reverse starting from Z.
GENT.:   By the way, seeing I have the two of you here together, weren’t there supposed to be a lot of training manuals on the ship?
COL.:   Yes. What have you done with them Mac?
Q.M.:   The copy of Grimm’s Fairy Tales I’ve issued to 26 Bn., two copies of “What A Young Girl Ought To Know” to the Nurses, one-very old part worn copy of “Alice in Wonderland” to the Div. Sigs., and one copy of Mrs Beatson’s Household Management,” with several pages torn out, to the A.S.C., 249 copies of the Handbook Of “Animal Surgery,” I’m going to issue to the Sick Field Ambulance, and I have in reserve 6 copies of Foot Drill For R.H.A. Regiments, and 6 copies of Tactical Handling Of Field Artillery which I thought you might like to keep for yourself. There are also 59 copies of the Handling of Army Tank Battalions. I thought of handing those over to the Wet Canteen.
By the way Sir, I have a request here from the 26 Bn. for some copies of Infantry Sec. Leading 1938. It seems a most extraordinary request, don’t you think?
There is also one copy of Truby King’s “Feeding and Care Of Baby.” I don’t know who on earth to give that to.
GENT.:   I suggest you might hand that over to the Purser.
Enter Adjutant accompanied by S.M.O.
ADJ.:   Sorry to intrude Sir, but the S.M.O. has just told me that we have two cases of gin on board, and he wants 3 cases for the inaugural meeting of the Brewers’ Club (Maritime Branch) which is being held tonight in his cabin.
COL.:   Is that right Doctor?
S.M.O.:   Yes Sir, they are, of course, in addition to the two cases of measles and two cases of unspeakables we have on board.
GENT.:   Have a drink old man.
S.M.O.:   I’ve only had about 16 already, but another is well within my capacity. Thanks, I will.
COL.:   By the way, how did the old inspection go today?
S.M.O.:   Very well – busy day – by Jove I’ve had my hands full today.
COL.:   Well what’s doing tomorrow?
S.M.O.:   It looks as though the vaccinations are clearing up and the troops may be fit to do some training, but I have a plan to knock that on the head.
COL.:   What next!
S.M.O.:   I have received instructions from New Zealand to intoxicate every officer and man on the ship. It will be the big frugal of the trip.
Enter cabin boy.
CABIN BOY.:   Excuse me gentlemen. The Sisters asked me to give this message. They called but seeing there was a conference being held they did not wait and have gone up to the lounge.
GENT.:   That’s frugalled my party.
COL.:   Never mind. I can drink all you have there and I need it.
GENT.:   Oh Lord, who’s that?
Enter Fiery Galloping Major.
F.G.M.:   Sir, I have a complaint.
COL.:   Say on.
F.G.M.:   I was playing my second set of deck tennis when they came along to holystone the decks. I went below to my cabin to have a shower – the water was turned off – the Orderly Corporal brought this note signed by the R.S.M. to me – to me, mark you – all my company to parade on B deck at 0815 hours tomorrow for intoxication by the S.M.O. All my men are in the second sitting – they go to breakfast at 8.15. Bah! Slattery’s Mounted Foot what!
COL.:   For heaven’s sake give him a drink.
Enter Chief Officer followed by Captain.
No. 1.:   Why is this cabin not blacked out?
Your window, Sir, is open on D deck again. And what’s more Colonel, some fool has blocked the outlet of the swimming pool again, and we’re being flooded. Heavens the ship will sink. I’m going to sound boat stations right away.
CAPT.:   No Chief, you can’t do that. It’s just 4 minutes after the half hour. We must all go at once to dinner. Anyone after 7.35 will be late.
J.M.S. (Handwritten: tavely) [Stavely]


From left to right:- 2/Lt. A.G. Hulquist, M.P.; Lt. N. Laugesen; Lt. L. Froude; Major G.H. Heal; Lt. A.S.D. Rose; Lt, T.H. Jory.

Back Row:- Lieut. A.G. Gilchrist, Lieut. I.J, Wilson, Lieut. A.H. Boyce, Lieut. J.M. Stavely, Capt. A.A. Lovell.
Front Row:- Lieut. D.A. Ballantyne, Major J.L. R. Plimmer, Lieut. Col. W.H.B. Bull, Capt. B.C. Rennie.

OUTWARD BOUND!   Thirteen.


Hitler decides to march on England. On seeing a small steamer, he said, “I want the Verboten to cross in.”
“But!,” said the King’s Equery [Equerry]
“Don’t ‘But’ me,” he said, “the Verboten or I march” So the Verboten it was.
Arrived at Dover he said, “Is this the Royal train?”
“No,” said the Equery “But it’s the “Flying Scotsman.”
“Don’t ‘But’ me,” said Hitler “The Royal train or I march.” So the Royal train it was.
Arrived in London he was taken to St. James Palace. He said, “Is this Buckingham Palace?”
“No!” said the Equery, “the King lives here.”
“Well,” said Hitler, “I want it’.
“But!” said the Equery.
“Don’t ‘But.’ me,” said Hitler. “Buckingham Palace or I march.”
So the Palace it was.
He then asked to see the All Blacks play England in a Rugger match.
“But!” said the Equerry,” that would upset things, for they are not playing.”
“All Blacks and England or I march,” said Hitler.
“Well march, and be damned to you,” said the Equery” we can’t upset the Football season for you!”


Some may call us body snatchers, or some other jeering name
But we’re in this fight to help them, and they need us just the same
When a fellow’s lying wounded, with a bullet in his side
He’ll be pleased when stretcher-bearers come and “take him for a ride”.

He’ll be taken back from danger. to the nearest A.D.S.
When we get him to the hospital. then he’ll be mighty glad I guess
And he’ll lose the funny notions that he had back at the start.
Realising that the Ambulance plays a quite important part.

For whatever be our unit. we’re all helping in this war.
With the Signallers and Rifles. and the Army Service Corps
And as we work together, and each soldier does his bit
Then this Echelon will win a name and we’ll be proud of it


I’m going to chuck my flag and join the A.S.C.
I’m [I’m] sick of all the mud they sling at me,
I’m goin’ to say goodbye to Sigs.
I’m goin’ to find some other digs
Block my earholes up with tin
So that the dit-dahs can’t get in
I’m goin’ to chuck my “Don 3” and my semaphore
For I don’t want to play at Signals any more
And if I never see our Sarge again
Thats soon enough for me
I’m goin’ to chuck the Sigs and join the A.S.C.

I’m goin to chuck my lamp and throw away the key
I’m sick of all the dots they flash at me
I’m goin’ to throw away my gun
I’m goin’ to go back on the bum
Even if we’re doing well
Our officer still gives us hell
I’m going to chuck my flag and drive a truck one more
For signalling always was a ruddy bore
And if I never see our pip again
Thats soon enough for me.
I’m goin’ to chuck the Sigs and join the A.S.C.

Sing to the tune of “I’m goin’ to lock my heart and throw away the key.”
26th Bn. SIGS. SONG


It happened in a Military Camp in N.Z. The Sgt. of the guard had been advised that a visiting Colonel would be calling at the camp that morning. Feeling rather annoyed that his guard would have to be turned out to pay the necessary compliments, he stamped along to a very raw recruit on sentry duty for the first time.

“When you see a big car coming along with a flag in the front, call out and let me know”
Recruit. “Yes Sir! But who’s in it?”
“Just Col… and I’m looking for the…”
This rather upset the recruit who was not keen to see anyone in trouble, so when the awaited car arrived, he gallantly stood in the gateway with his rifle at the ready. The car pulled up and the recruit walked to the side of the car and peeped his head in.
“Are you Col…?”
“Yes my man”.
“Well you’d better get to h… out of this pretty quick, cause the Sergeant’s looking for you!!

Fourteen.   OUTWARD BOUND!

ONE, OF A HOST OF LUXURY FEATURES: There are two swimming baths on the Verboten and this one is the larger of the two. A «dip» did a lot to dispel lethargy brought about by the clammy heat of tropic seas. Bathing togs were a necessity; nursing Sisters were on board !

To probe the ear of an Egyptian labourer working in the camp and make the amazing and unique discovery that a barley seed actually had taken root was the recent experience of a New Zealand medical officer. Even to the most casual observer the standards of hygiene of the average Gyppo often make one gasp, so this particular result of personal neglect is quite feasible, though at first glance the occurrence might appear merely to be the figment of a latrine-lounger’s fertile imagination. And then, of course, the authenticity of this singular happening (it should certainly be brought to the notice of the “Lancet,” the British Medical Association’s official organ) has the backing of the M.O. concerned.

It happened thus. He was approached by the Gyppo, who was obviously in pain and who complained of a sore head, incidentally not the kind of head the troops know only too well the morning after pay day. Out of the goodness of his heart the medical officer said he would look at the dust-blackened sufferer. An examination soon showed the cause of the trouble. For in addition to an incredible amount of dirt and sand the M.O. also located in the inner recesses of the man’s ear – a seed of barley! And the roots extended somewhere beyond (probably into, the Gyppo’s brain). So to the consternation of the patient and the amusement of the officer the barley was removed, roots and all. The consultation was over.


Ample room for games is provided on the Verboten especially on A Deck, where marching in formation of three was a routine part of the daily training. The size of the top hamper, as illustrated in this photograph of a game of deck tennis in progress, denotes the massive construction of this fine vessel.



Prisons and those who fill them are always certain to have the blinding glare of publicity turned full on them. They will have the close examination of the morbidly curious so long as books are written and films screened – so long, to reach the root of the matter, as there are prisons. But there is one phase of the theme that seems to have escaped author and Hollywood alike. That is prison life (or to use the less descriptive and harsh military term) guard room activity on board a transport. Hence the reason for exploiting this interesting branch of enforced detention, perhaps for the first time. Whether those facts are bared by culprit or guard does not seem important. What is, should the military authorities allow them to be known generally by all on board, is that the “oil’’ about the guard room should do a lot to dispel some astounding rumours about the discomfort endured by its unfortunate inmates.

To begin with, this decidedly individual compartment, thankfully situated near the crew’s quarters, and comprising four cells (one padded!) is not a glorified torture chamber. Certainly, it cannot vie in its appointments with the cabins. What if its sole furniture consists only of a wooden bed with a block of wood at one end fashioned to receive a head throbbing after a meeting with Bacchus that ended in confusion? One might sooner be reclining on terra firma on a less comfortable couch. Two blankets, skilfully laid, do a lot to banish discomfort. If the temperature is several degrees higher at night in this “clink” than in one’s quarters, there are at least those God-sent blowers to ease the flow of perspiration.

Military life gives no quarter so far as solitude with one’s thoughts is concerned. Here. surely, is the ideal haven. Here one can brood on the infinite without having a soliloquy rudely interrupted. Certainly no books or cigarettes are allowed. But these prohibitions are technicalities. Nuff sed! Then there are the guards (human beings after all), always sympathetic, sometimes ungenerous, often decidedly comic – but human beings. The officers who pass to and fro, to a lesser degree offer interest. If those whose military duties take them to the guard house stage the background of interest for the one “behind the bars” the crew provides most of the colour. They have a truly philosophic outlook. And, after all, their outlook, from a philosophical viewpoint is the sea. Ask Joseph Conrad.

If any of us has the misfortune to become “guests of His Majesty’ (without pay) let him accept his lot in a philosophic spirit. And don’t cast the blame on his superiors. It was probably his fault. Here are three major points for the guidance of those on troopships other than this one who fall from grace: Become proficient in “The Prisoner’s Song; keep your pecker up and your food down; maintain a philosophic outlook.
(for obvious reasons)



The 26 are lucky mob
With their strong and silent men,
They have three Majors on the job.
To beard the enemy in his den.

First there’s Major Samson,
Who sports a flourishing mo’
Which. Fu Manchu had taHen him on grow,
He wasn’t game to grow.

In fact it’s coming along so well,
It’ll clean up the Colonel’s joy,
The O.C. will probably say “Oh hell
Shave it off! Shave it off. my boy”

Then there comes another guy.
Who no interference would Brook.
If he saw wild flowers growing near by.
Them flowers was good as took.

When he came back from leave I’m told,
All spared from pains and harms.
You couldn’t see the warrior bold,
For the wild flowers in his arms.

There is also a major, who likes to get up
On a horse full of spirit and dash,
TaHe a long strong pull at the stirrup cup
And ride to hounds with never a crash.

His favourite steed was a terror to go,
Turning over in his mind a few names,
He appropriately labelled it Golden Glow,
In memory of his Palestine games.

With a trio like this we’ll go a long way,
They’re better than three Musketeers.
So to finish this off, just please let me say,
For our trio of Majors, Three Cheers.


1.   Roll out the Mortars, now that the fight has begun,
Roll out the Mortars we have the Hun on the run,
Bring on your Nazi’s, drag in Italians as well
We’ll show them that we’re sons of Diggers
And blow them all to Hell.

2.   Roll out the Mortar, we’re Number 1 on parade
Roll out the Mortar, they know that we’ll make the grade
We’ll never trust them, those who have struck us again
We’ll fight and show them that our fathers
Never died in vain.

3.   Roll out the Mortars, Hitler is now on his toes,
We from down under make him shake only knows
Adolf has started something, yet can’t be done
Till Col. Page commands the Mortars to bring up their gun.

4.   Roll out the Mortar, roll it out on foreign land
Roll out the Mortars we’re here to stay and to stand
Come on you Dagoes lets see how good you can be
When you find you’re on the wrong end of a nice H.E…


It was during rather a hectic spell in the trenches that an officer saw a digger running back down a communication trench.
“What are you running for, my man?” he asked.
“Cause I can’t ruddy well fly!” was the quick retort.


Then there was the soldier who thought that “C.B.” was Canteen Beer.

Then there was the soldier who thought that interior economy was mess time.

A well known English General approached an equally well know N.Z. General in a London Street.

“Gad, Sir! Never in all my life have I seen such slack and lazy troops as you have. Coming along this street I have passed no less than 100 of your men and not one saluted me.”

The N.Z. General, trying to hide a smile, said, “Come back with me.” They went back along the street and passed many Diggers. In the whole distance only one rather slack courtesy was paid.

The N.Z. General then turned to his companion and remarked, “Well, they all know me and I only got one. So what can you, a stranger, expect?


Oh, where art thou West wind, that blows from Egmont’s peak;
Oh, whither blow ye West wind, in winter cold and bleak:
I search for thee, oh West wind, in the Tropic’s noonday heat:
I long for thee, oh West wind when darkness is complete.

Oh, whither blow ye West wind, that cools my native land.
Oh, whither blow ye West wind, upon that golden sand.
I cursed thee, oh West wind, in Winter’s icy blast;
I long for thee now West wind, in this nature’s haulocast [holocaust].

Oh, where art thou West wind, washing ripples on the shore;
Oh, where art thou West wind, that I knew in days of Yore.
Come to me, oh West wind, and breathe upon my brow;
For all I cursed ye West wind, I’m yearning for thee now.
W.T.F., 26th BN.


He grabbed me by my slender neck,
I could not call or scream,
He dragged me to his dingy room
Where he could not be seen.

He tore from me my flimsy wrap
And gazed upon my form
I was so cold, so scared and damp
He was so big and strong.

His feverish lips he pressed to mine
I gave him every drop,
He took from me my very soul
I could not make him stop.

He made me what I am to-day
That’s why you find me here,
A broken Bottle, thrown away
That once was filled with beer.


Edited by:
Capt. J.S. STRANG, C.F.
Pte. J.P. BELL,
Who gratefully acknowledge the assistance they have received from all who have shared in the compiling of this publication.

OUTWARD BOUND!   Seventeen.

We Three were Brethren in Arms . . .
. . . and Sworn Companions We.
Robert Lindsay Gordon

Battalion Headquarters.
Lt.Col. Page, J.R.
Major Samson, J.M.A.
Capt. Foley, W.C.T.
Lieut. Sinclair, J.J.D.
W.O.1 Seal, J.E.
Sgt. Robertson, J.H.B.
A/Sgt. Trewhella, H.J.
A/Sgt. Williamson, H.
Cpl. Coury, R.E.
Cpl. Thomson, P.A.
L/Cpl. Lonie, A.D.
L/Cpl. Phillipson, E.A.
Pte. Archer, G.R.J
Pte. Barron, J.S.
Pte. Burke, P.A.
Pte. Burns, J.G.
Pte. Campbell, A.M.
Pte. Carrington, R.S.
Pte. Chamberlain, R.L.
Pte. Cockburn, J.L.
Pte. Cook, G.C.
Pte. Cosgrove, D.V.
Pte. Dallow, A.J.
Pte. Ferguson, A.J.
Pte. Frew, C.
Pte. Gallop, E.P.
Pte. Graham, L.F.
Pte. Hefferen, H.A.
Pte. Hosken, E.F.
Pte. Hope, R.W.
Pte. Ives, C.E.
Pte. Jephson, R.
Pte. Jones, S.G.
Pte. McCormick, J.H.
Pte. McElrea, W.
Pte. McLean, DS.
Pte. Milter, E.H.
Pte. Moore, E.D.
Pte. Moore, S.F.
Pte. Murdock, T.A.
Pte. Poole, G.A.
Pte. Ryan, J.J.
Pte. Stamp, F.J.
Pte. Stone, C.B.
Pte. Whelan, C.P.
Pte. Wildermoth, G.
Pte. Williams, E.D.

Company Headquarters
Capt. Huggins, F.W.
W.O.2 Kennedy, J.R.J.
S/Sgt. Cross, D.H.
L/Cpl. Davis, R.
Pte. Frost, H.K.
Pte. Liddell, W.
Pte. McMahon, R.H.T.

No.1 Platoon
Lieut. Tolerton, W.M.
Sgt. King, A.B.
Cpl. Reeves, W.A.
L/Cpl. Hefford, C.L.
L/Cpl. Hewson, G.F.
L/Cpl. Hurrell, J.K.
Pte. Aslett, B.
Pte. Clark, J.W.T.
Pte. Clent, P.G.
Pte. Cowper, A.S
Pte. Dromgool, N.R.V.
Pte. Edmonds, J.W.
Pte. Geary, T.G.
Pte. Golding, L.W.
Pte. Hagerty, S.A.
Pte. Illingworth, A.
Pte. Jennings, A.C.
Pte. Johnston, D.W.
Pte. Johnstone, G.O.
Pte. Lees, E.N.
Pte. Martin, P.N.J.
Pte. McCarthy, B.R.
Pte. McClymont, D.
Pte. McIntosh, G.K.
Pte. McMechan, J.W.
Pte. Morrish, W.G.
Pte. Nicholls, A.G.
Pte. Peters, A.M.
Pte. Phillips, G.J.
Pte. Powell, A.T.
Pte. Ricketts, F.A.
Pte. Scott, L.L.
Pte. Shine, T.T.
Pte. Stammers, L.G.

No.2 Platoon
2/Lt. Pierson, C.W.J.
Sgt. Johnston, J.B.
Cpl. Poli, D.
L/Cpl. Iles, A.W.G.
Pte. Bushell, A.H.
Pte. Butler-Judd, R.
Pte. Campbell, G.M.
Pte. Cogle, A.J.
Pte. Costello, E.M.
Pte. Curtis, P.F.
Pte. Drummond, L.K.
Pte. Dunn, W.
Pte. Evans, J.G.
Pte. Lamont, J.G.
Pte. McLaughlin, W.A.
Pte. McMillan, S.

No.3 Platoon
2/Lt. Matheson, J.E.
Sgt. Macmillan, A.B.
Cpl. Cassels, D.O.
Cpl. Kerr, T.E.
Cpl. Low, H.J.G.
L/Cpl. McIntosh, G.R.
Pte. Buckley, W.C.
Pte. Clent, J.P.
Pte. Cowie, K.W.
Pte. Davie, W.V.
Pte. Gillan, N.V.
Pte. Gulliver, J.F.
Pte. Mair, LS.A.
Pte. Miles, M.W.C.
Pte. Patterson, G.A.
Pte. Tabley, N.D.
Pte. Webster, H.

No.4 Platoon
Lieut. Young, R.M.
Sgt. Anderson, M.B.
Sgt. Midgley, A.C.
Cpl. Densem, D.
Cpl. Townsend, R.J.
L/Cpl. Adams, F.V.
L/Cpl. Inglis, A.D.
L/Cpl. York, S.C.
Pte. Bowes, F.
Pte. Brown, J.R.
Pte. Carston, T.A.
Pte. Cattermole, J.A.
Pte. Clark, K.W.
Pte. Devlin, J.F.
Pte. Findlay, R.M.
Pte. Ferguson, C.F.
Pte. Gilmore, G.T.
Pte. Girvan, H.A.
Pte. Green, H.M.
Pte. Gutberlet, P.R.
Pte. Hill, I.A.
Pte. Jennings, J.T.
Pte. Kirby, J.M.
Pte. Munro, N.P.
Pte. Parr, J.R.
Pte. Patterson, V.G.
Pte. Sheary, FJ.
Pte. Tong, L.H.
Pte. Turner, C.G.
Pte. Webber, C.J.

No.5 Platoon
2/Lt. Nidd, W.T.
L/Sgt. Fitzgerald, J.T.
Cpl. Deason, RJ.
L/Cpl. Goldsmid, L.C.
Pte. Balmer, G.
Pte. Bateman, E.J.
Pte. Boucher, H.J.
Pte. Chick, F.H.
Pte Dwan, S.W.
Pte. Harris, H.G.
Pte. Ockwell, V.C.
Pte. Pepperell, G.A.
Pte. Philpott, G.G.
Pte. Pocock, H.R.
Pte. Rosewarne, R.W.
Pte. Silcock, F.L.
Pte. Sykes, A.
Pte. Symes, R.G.
Pte. Trotman, H.
Pte. Walsh, J.P.

No.6 Platoon
Capt. Wilson, F.W.
2/Lt. Bethell, R.
W.O.1 Brown, F.
Sgt. Costello, W.E.
Sgt. Cromie, J.S.
L/Sgt. Jones, D.W.C.
Cpl. Don, J.F.
Cpl. McMeekan, W.E.
L/Cpl. Blyth, W.O.
L/Cpl. Butler, T.
L/Cpl. Iles, I.W.
L/Cpl. Kerr, J.M.
L/Cpl. King, J.N.
L/Cpl. Lankshear, A.J.R
L/Cpl. McDonald, A.G.
L/Cpl. Phair, A.
Pte. Abraham, M.R.
Pte. Bailey, C.D.
Pte. Bamford, M.P.
Pte. Batchelor, K.
Pte. Benson, J.M.C.J.
Pte. Black, R.
Pte. Bone, H.J.
Pte. Bryan, D.
Pte. Bruhn, H.G.
Pte. Carman, J.A.
Pte. Chiles, W.E.
Pte. Clark, A.E.
Pte. Clark, E.
Pte. Clark, J.
Pte. Crook, J.I.
Pte. Daly, M.T.
Pte. Davis, C.T.
Pte. Delany, F.O.
Pte. Denton, J.E.
Pte. Dodds, G.
Pte. Downes, E.J.
Pte. Ellison, G.H.
Pte. Fitzgibbon, M.W.
Pte. Ford, A.T.
Pte. Fraher, R.J.
Pte. Gemmel, L.W.
Pte. Griffin, D.A.A.
Pte. Grant, D.J.
Pte. Greer, F.H.
Pte. Hamilton, R.H.L.
Pte. Higgs, J.M.
Pte. Huband, C.R.
Pte. Ingram, G.C.
Pte. James, E.
Pte. Johnston, J.H.
Pte. Kemp, K.J.F.
Pte. Kennedy, K.M.
Pte. Kerr, J.
Pte. King, R.H.
Pte. Law, N.E.
Pte. Lester, R.W.
Pte. Lister, F.D.H.
Pte. Lum, G.
Pte. Mattson, J.R.F.
Pte. McCutchan, J.A.
Pte. McEvoy, D.P.
Pte. McIntosh, JS.
Pte. McKay, H.
Pte. McKean, W.W.
Pte. McMahon, J.M.C.
Pte. McNeill, H.V.
Pte. McRob, G.L.
Pte. Metzger, M.W.
Pte. Miller, D.
Pte. Newport, R.F.
Pte. Nicolle, G.J.
Pte. Norrie, H.H.
Pte. O’Sullivan, J.H.
Pte. Pavelka, G.W.T.E.
Pte. Page, W.R.
Pte. Peat, D.E.
Pte. Porterfield, T.J.
Pte. Pratley, M.A.
Pte. Roberts, T.E.K.
Pte. Robinson, A.R.
Pte. Romeril, K.A.
Pte. Ryan, P.R.
Pte. Saggers, H.E.
Pte. Sharp, W.
Pte. Shaw, A.
Pte. South, E.A.
Pte. Tod, H.D.
Pte. Wassell, S.F.
Pte. Watson, A.E.
Pte. Yager, F.L.

Headquarter. Company Attached
Capt. Little, W.W.
Sgt. Greensill, W.J.M.
L/Cpl. Philpot, H.G.
Pte. Finn, J.A.
Pte. O’Connor, T.
Pte. Ross, P.D.

Attached Personnel for Voyage
Capt. Strang, J.S.
Capt. McKay, J.
Sgt. Cater, R.C.
Sgt. Le Cren L.J.
Sgt. O’Donohue, J.W.
Sgt. Russell, R.G.
Sgt. Wilson, G.
Cpl. Dyer, I.G.
Sgt. Patterson, G.C.
Sgt. Waiters, H.T.
Mr. Beaven, J.H.

A Company Headquarters
Capt. Milliken, T.
Capt. Downs, J.
C.S.M. Lomas, L.H.
C.Q.M.S. Longley, R.O.
T/Cpl. Healy, J.M.
L/Cpl. Newman, P.
Pte. Benbow, G.W.H.
Pte. Campbell, D.
Pte. Charteris, W.R.
Pte. Cusdin, A.P.
Pte. Haydon, L.I.
Pte. McAnaulty, W.

No.7 Platoon
Lieut. Weston, G.C.
Sgt. Hardwicke, J.W.
Cpl. Duff, G.A.
L/Cp. Dorward, R.W.
L/Cp. Flaherty, J.M.
Pte. Bellwood, J.C.
Pte. Bracken, R.H.
Pte. Cox, C.G.
Pte. Cusdin, A.G.
Pte. Day, D.S.
Pte. Duffield, C.H.
Pte. Duffield, J.T.
Pte. Dwyer, J.
Pte. Dyce, R.G.
Pte. Elstob, H.E.
Pte. Entwistle, C.A.
Pte. Finlayson, C.E.
Pte. Forrester, T.C.
Pte. Hammond, R.T.
Pte. Hobbs, J.H.
Pte. Osborne, J.
Pte. Roberts, R.T.
Pte. Smith, W.B.
Pte. Snowling, T.D.

Eighteen.   OUTWARD BOUND!

Pte. Stowell, D.A.
Pte. Stuart, T.J.
Pte. Stubbs, K.
Pte. Sugrue, J.J.
Pte. Taylor, A.E.
Pte. Whitlow, J.H.

No.8 Platoon
2/Lt. Westenra, W.D.
Sgt. LeCompte, M.A.
A/Sgt. Gaffin, J.M.
Cpl. Healy, T.V.
L/Cpl. Baker, I.
Pte. Anderson, T.L.
Pte. Andrews, J.R.
Pte. Allan, A.W.
Pte. Armstrong, R.W.
Pte. Banks, H.O.
Pte. Bell, C.J.
Pte. Bryant, H.N.L.
Pte. Burgess, C.H.
Pte. Chapman, H.M.
Pte. Clark, T.H.D.
Pte. Cook, T.H.
Pte. Craig, W.A.
Pte. Davie, A.C.
Pte. Dickens, R.
Pte. Dowie, E.W.P.
Pte. Dysart, C.C.
Pte. Engert, D.C.
Pte. Farrell, R.P.
Pte. Gale, B.E.
Pte. Hyde, R.G.
Pte. Manning, L.F.
Pte. Meynell, CJ.
Pte. Reid, E.T.F.
Pte. Smith, A.

No.9 Platoon
2/Lt. Wood, P.H.
Sgt. Robertson, A.C.T.
L/Sgt. Evans, J.P.
Cpl. Keys, F.R.
L/Cpl. Mooney, W.
L/Cpl. Preston, W.E.
Pte. Berg, J.A.
Pte. Haydon, R.T.H.
Pte. Hewitt, G.A.
Pte. Huston, J.
Pte. Johnson, A.
Pte. Kemp, H.E.K.
Pte. Kiddey, H.J.
Pte. Laird, E.
Pte. Maxwell, G.D.
Pte. Minogue, W.M.
Pte. McCrae, C.G.
Pte. McCrea, M.H.
Pte. McHolm, A.J.
Pte. Morrison, A.R.
Pte. Nolan, C.
Pte. O’Donnell, J.
Pte. Penwell, I.
Pte. Powell, H.W.T.
Pte. Rodger, J.
Pte. Rolston, E.C.
Pte. Rendall, H.S.
Pte. Scobie, R.W.
Pte. Williams, H.H.

B Company
Capt. McQuade, H.G.
Capt. Walden, E.F.
W.O.2 Bathelor, I.R.
C.Q.M.S. Mangos, A.D.
L/Cpl. Taylor, M.H.
L/Cpl. Thomas, W.W.
Pte. Jack, C.
Pte. Martin, H.B.
Pte. Roughan, W.M.
Pte. Smith, J.W.
Pte. Stewart, T.R.
Pte. Wilson, G.D.

No.10 Platoon
2/Lt. Deans, H.H.
Sgt. Horton, E.N.
Cpl. Rutherford, A.M.
L/Cpl. Burnett, A.M.
L/Cpl. Williamson, G.H.
Pte. Clark, W.H.H.
Pte. Forde, J.K.
Pte. Hamlin, F.A.
Pte. Hansen, H.P.
Pte. Haslemore, A.J.
Pte. Heads, A.R.
Pte. Henderson, G.W.
Pte. Herriott, E.G.
Pte. Herriott, R.M.
Pte. Hodge, W.J.
Pte. Hughes, A.
Pte. Hughes, J.H.
Pte. Jarvis, G.R.
Pte. King, N.R.
Pte. Latchford, W.F.
Pte. Lennon, R.W.
Pte. Linton, S.J.
Pte. Locke, A.R.G.
Pte. Mackie, E.H.
Pte. Maxwell, J.J.
Pte. Roy, W.
Pte. Scobie, G.V.
Pte. Todd, G.
Pte. Walsh, J.E.
Pte. Wilson, M.A.

No.11 Platoon
2/Lt. Gatenby, C.
Sgt. Foster, E.G.
L/Sgt. Hutherford, F.D.
Cpl. Welsh, C.W.
L/Cpl. McEwan, F.H.
Pte. Findlay, J.
Pte. Inglis, C.A.
Pte. Gorman, F.J.P.
Pte. Jenkins, J.H.
Pte. Kel’y, D.N.
Pte. Maskill, D.J.
Pte. McDonald, J.H.
Pte. McGibbon, W.
Pte. McIlwrick, G.H.
Pte. McKinnon, W.M.
Pte. Moir, L.R.
Pte. Norman, W.C.
Pte. O’Connor, A.G.
Pte. O’Connor, E.J.
Pte. O’Neill, P.A.
Pte. O’Kane, J.D.
Pte. Palmer, W.J.F.
Pte. Patterson, L.A.
Pte. Pearce, A.M.
Pte. Pearce, J.R.
Pte. Poole, A.R.
Pte. Richardson, E.
Pte. Thompson, W.R.H.
Pte. Wilson, W.G.

No.12 Platoon
2/Lt. Ryder W.G.
Sgt. Simpson, R.F.
L/Sgt. Rankin, H.
L/Cpl. Dickson, C.A.
L/Cpl. Potts, A.T.
Pte. Christie, F.
Pte. Dunick, M.D.
Pte. Dwyer, L.E.
Pte. Fiynn, R.
Pte. Greer, G.A.
Pte. Hatton, C.
Pte. Hatton, W.J.
Pte. Kennedy, E.M.
Pte. Lamond, B.E.
Pte. Laurie, I.R.
Pte. Leonard, W.M.
Pte. Low, L.P.
Pte. O’Keefe, J.D.
Pte. Paterson, J.D.
Pte. Patterson, W.R.
Pte. Pope, E.H.
Pte. Queale, W.J.
Pte. Rutherford, W.
Pte. Stark, D.E.
Pte. Stewart, A.
Pte. Thomson, W.J.
Pte. Watkinson, D.L.
Pte. Weavers, E.L.
Pte. White, L.H.

C Company
Maj. Rattray, N.A.
Cpt. Hutchison, O.J.
C.S.M. Gaynor, C.W.
Q.M.S. Collins, D.E.
Cpl. Neal, H.H.C.
L/Cpl. Brown, ‘T.P.
Pte. Webster, R.C.
Pte. Gillespie, C.R.L.
Pte. Burke, M.B.
Pte. Dobson, N.V.
Pte. Parlane, W.L.
Pte. Strachan, D.L

No.13 Platoon
Lieut. Mead, T.A.
Sgt. Gibson, R.I.
Cpl. McDermott, H.
Cpl. Petterson, B.A.C.
Cpl. Smith, I.D.
Pte. Bannan, J.R.
Pte. Baigent, W.V.
Pte. Bailey, C.J.
Pte. Carter, R.J.V.
Pte. Chapman, C.W.
Pte. Chivers, L.O.
Pte. Fowler, M.F.
Pte. Fincham, H.J.C.
Pte. Hadfield, R.G.
Pte. Holdaway, S.H.
Pte. Johnson, J.J.
Pte. Johnson, J.C.
Pte. Kempthorne, J.S.
Pte. Lee, I.G.
Pte. Lawson, J.A.
Pte. McCallum, J.D.
Pte. Pinkham, R.A.
Pte. Pearce, B.W.
Pte. Peard, R.
Pte. Lamb, W.L.
Pte. Schwass, A.G.
Pte. Shand, B.C.
Pte. Tutbury, A.H.
Pte. Wafer, J.B.
Pte. Wilson, R.J.

No.14 Platoon
Lieut. Bowie, C.D.F.
Sgt. Tikey, A.J.
Col. Fountaine, R.T
Cpl. Pearson, W.J.
Cpl. Baker, P.I.
Pte. Alexander, J.C.
Pte. Bennett, A.W.
Pte. Bennett, M.S.
Pte. Collins, G.T.
Pte. Cox, O.G.
Pte. De Malmanche, J.C.
Pte. Donnell, C.
Pte. Fairhall, W.M.
Pte. Fraser, E.T.
Pte. Granger, W.G.A.
Pte. Hall, G.N.
Pte. Irving, L.O.
Pte. Kennedy, P.J.
Pte. Morgan, W.J.
Pte. O’Connor, J.
Pte. Rogers, F.H.
Pte. Robinson, H.J.
Pte. Somerville, R.
Pte. Smith, R.E.
Pte. Thorne, D.F.
Pte. Vincent, A.W.
Pte. Wafer, N.E.
Pte. Williams, L.P.
Pte. Williams, E.R.

No.15 Platoon
2/Lt. Preston, F.C.
Sgt. Hansen, A.C.
L/Sgt. Growcott, C.N.
Cpl. Stacey, R.W.
L/Cpl. Waite, W.F.G.
Pte. Armstrong, N.R.
Pte. Climo, A.W.
Pte. Carter, C.
Pte. Connieg, J.V.
Pte. Dalzell, H.J.
Pte. De Malmanche., G.H.
Pte. Dittman, L.A.
Pte. Dobson, D.R.
Pte. Edwards, G.
Pte. Hocking, G.E.
Pte. Johnson, C.E.
Pte. Lee, H.L.
Pte. McIntosh, K.A.
Pte. McLay, H.J.
Pte. Mark, J.F.
Pte. Miles, B.G.
Pte. Ray, A.
Pte. Moar, J.M.
Pte. Rekowski, S.J.
Pte. Rutland, C.A.
Pte. Stollery, F.E.
Pte. Scott, F.H.
Pte. Stokes, L.D.
Pte. Wall, V.H.

D Company
Maj. Brook, F.J.
Cpt. McKergow, J.W.
C.S.M. McLauchlan, P.G.
Q.M.S. Hardie, W.J.
L/Cpl. Church, D.M.
L/Cpl. Isaacs, N.H.
Pte. Cameron, R.T.
Pte. Edwards, M.A.
Pte. Kennard, J.R.
Pte. Marett, J.F.
Pte. Morrison, J.R.
Pte. Ryan, R.J.

No.16 Platoon
Lieut. Smith, L.G.
Sgt. Fraser, J.E.
Cpl. Buchanan, N.
Cpl. Jackman, R.H.
L/Cpl. Marett, A.C.
Pte. Anderson, L.
Pte. Bigham, D.
Pte. Butler, S.A.
Pte. Brown, W.GS.
Pte. Calder, D.A.
Pte. Cheesman, G.F.
Pte. Gawn, W.A.
Pte. Howie, J.F.H.
Pte. Key, W.M.
Pte. Lamb, A.J.
Pte. Lynch, J.O.
Pte. Manley, E.B.
Pte. Maynard, P.A.
Pte. McKenzie, F.J.
Pte. Menzies, J.
Pte. Miller, G.S.
Pte. Munro, D.J.
Pte. McDowell, T.
Pte. McKay, T.D.
Pte. Nelson, A.J.
Pte. Patterson, F.G.
Pte. Porter, W.R.
Pte. Stewart, H.
Pte. Tosh, J.
Pte. Wilson, H.W.

No.17 Platoon
2/Lt. Edie, L.D.M.
Sgt. Dodds, G.M.
L/Sgt. Neilson, C.W.
Cpl. Carlton, A.H.
L/Cpl. Derry, J.B.
L/Cpl. Cameron, M.A.
Pte. Brownlie, A.H.
Pte. Carson, G.A.
Pte. Clarke, W.
Pte. Clarkson, S.R.
Pte. Clements, G.
Pte. Clements, I.E.
Pte. Clements, L.
Pte. Coombe, M.
Pte. Crawshaw, N.L.
Pte. Davies, W.A.
Pte. Ede, B.I.
Pte. Everett, W.M.
Pte. Hunt, R.C.R.
Pte. Jane, P.SJ.
Pte. Nicholson, G.E.
Pte. Rae, J.R.
Pte. Reid, R.
Pte. Stuart, A.A.
Pte. Torrance, E.
Pte. Tudor, J.S.
Pte. Walker, W.H.D.
Pte. Watt, I.A.

No.18 Platoon
2/Lt. Cook, J.P.
Sgt. Millar, T.W.
L/Sgt. Thomson, L.J.
L/Cpl. Dunn, O.W.
L/Cpl. Hunter, J.
Pte. Campbell, D.R.F.
Pte. Clearie, A.
Pte. Coward, J.J.
Pte. Cockerill, C.T.W.
Pte. Fletcher, M.N.
Pte. Golder, E.J.
Pte. Halliday, J.W.C.
Pte. Holden, R.N.
Pte. Illes, E.
Pte. Johnston, R.E.B.
Pte. Johnstone, W.A.
Pte. Joseph, J.R.
Pte. Keenan, P.H.
Pte. Kinraid, L.C.
Pte. Lvall, A.H.
Pte. Madden, J.L.
Pte. Muir, H.J.T.
Pte. Muir, R.
Pte. McKenzie, G.J.
Pte. McKenzie, I.A.
Pte. Pierce, N.D.
Pte. Price, L.I.A.
Pte. Todd, J.R.
Pte. Underwood, S.G.

1st Infantry
Reinforcement Coy.
Lieut. Danks, T.L.
Lieut. Evenden, F.G.B.
Lieut. Wesney, A.W.
C.S.M. Marshall, N.V.

No.1 Platoon
Lieut. Horrell, H.J.H.
Sgt. McBeth, D.
Cpl. Anderson A.
A/Cpl. Harraway, A.R.
T/L/Cpl. Smith, J.D.
T/L/Cpl. Whithead, B.M.
Pte. Abernethy, T.R.
Pte. Boss, K.H.
Pte. Brandham, J.A.
Pte. Clark, K.L.

OUTWARD BOUND!   Nineteen.

Pte. Daly, M.T.
Pte. Green, T.C.
Pte. Hill, E.P.
Pte. Johnston, L.
Pte. Lloyd, W.E.
Pte. McQuoid, A.L.
Pte. Richards, N.F.
Pte. Samson, N.M.
Pte. Samson, W.J.
Pte. Scott, W.J.
Pte. Sheppard, R.J.
Pte. Smith, E.R.
Pte. Smith, R.G.
Pte. Smyth, D.G.W.
Pte. Struthers, H.E.
Pte. Sutherland, S.J.
Pte. Tait, T.M.
Pte. West, I.H.
Pte. Whitfield, J.W.
Pte. Whittlestone, H.
Pte. Wilson, I.
Pte. Wilson, R.A.
Pte. Woods, J.P.

No.2 Platoon
2/Lieut. Bird, I.A.
Sgt. Armstrong, M.E.
L/Col. Avente, S.D.
L/Cpl. Brown, R.L.
L/Cpl. Hall, A.
L/Cpl. Hinton, A.J.
L/Cpl. Walker, A.N.
Pte. Alexander, D.
Pte. Allan, J.A.
Pte. Allison, D.E.R.
Pte. Allison, H.D.
Pte. Andreasend, A.D.
Pte. Armstrong, A.W.
Pte. Binney, A.H.
Pte. Bridges, R.W.
Pte. Brown, H.W.P
Pte. Cochrane, R.
Pte. Freer, R.T.
Pte. Godfery, D.L.
Pte. Healey, M.B.E.
Pte. Hogg, T.C.
Pte. Hunt, G.H.
Pte. McDonald, D.
Pte. Robert, A.
Pte. Roberts, W.A.M.
Pte. Robinson, E.H.
Pte. Roughan, A.P.
Pte. Roughan, J.J.W.
Pte. Treloar, R.
Pte. Webster, G.T.
Pte. Wilson, T.T.
Pte. Young, J.

No.3 Platoon
2/Lieut. Davies, H.H.
Sgt. Warren, S.
S/Sgt. Wilson, F.R.
T/Cpl. Wornall, J.C.
T/L/Cpl. Watson, W.R.
T/L/Cpl. Weston, A.G.
A/Cpl. Walker, A.N.
Pte. Bell, F.W.
Pte. Bell, J.P.
Pte. Bell, P.H.
Pte. Hall, J.R.
Pte. Hay, A.C.
Pte. Lodge, R.S.
Pte. Lodge, T.A.
Pte. McIlroy, F.A.
Pte. McKinnon, G.
Pte. McLeod, D.G.
Pte. Rillstone, L.S.
Pte. Smith, A.J.
Pte. Tate, A.C.
Pte. Tregoning, C.L.
Pte. Turner, E.
Pte. Vaudrey, R.
Pte. Waites, A.C.
Pte. Watson, C.
Pte. Willan, L.R.
Pte. Williams, P.C.
Pte. Wilson, D.V.F.M.
Pte. Wilson, J.A.
Pte. Wilson, N.S.
Pte. Woods, W.J.
Pte. Wright, M.E.

No.4 Platoon
Lieut. Ollivier, F.N.
Sgt. Walters, L.S.
T/Cpl. Gregg, G.
T/L/Cpl. Dallow, T.
T/L/Cpl. Vaatau, T.K.
Pte. Ashworth, T.
Pte. Bathgate, N.S.
Pte. Brodie, C.W.
Pte. Bunting, W.J.
Pte. Dette, R.C.A.
Pte. Gardner, L.T.
Pte. Girvan, J.F.
Pte. Goddard, W.M.B.
Pte. Griffen, C.P.
Pte. Hampstead,, N.
Pte. Harding, S.J.
Pte. Harding, S.P.
Pte. Harrop, A.W.
Pte. Harrop, J.F.
Pte. Hill, R.W.
Pte. Johnstone, T.W.
Pte. Knight, A.H.
Pte. Laver, C.C.
Pte. McKinney, R.J.
Pte. Maclean, R.M.
Pte. Sheppard, J.M.
Pte. Smith, C.C.
Pte. Thompson, N.A.
Pte. Wareing, R.P.
Pte. Wilson, A.S.
Pte. Woolliams, H.G.V.
Pte. Wright, J.C.

General Infantry
Reinforcement Coy
No.1 Platoon
Capt. Chestermna, E.R.
Lt. Roberts, L.
Lt. Stubbs, C.L.
C.S.M. Taylor, G.N.
C.Q.M.S. Hayter, C.
Sgt. Campbell, R.
Sgt. Ling, R.J.
Cpl. Corcoran, J.J.
Cpl. Ferguson, D.K.
Cpl. McCarthy, J.J.
L/Cpl. Edwards, E.N.
L/Cpl. Giles, F.R.
L/Cpl. Martin, H.C.
Pte. Alcock, W.L.
Pte. Allan, W.D.
Pte. Brown, B.G.
Pte. Burgess, L.B.
Pte. Carmichael, T.F.
Pte. Caskie, J.D.
Pte. Craig, C.A.
Pte. Dalton, A.E.
Pte. Deed, L.S.
Pte. Edwards, J.G.
Pte. Fennessy, J.O.
Pte. Fergusson, E.J.
Pte. Flint, C.R.
Pte. Forde, C.F.
Pte. Hawkes, W.H.C.
Pte. Jackson, M.
Pte. Jones, F.
Pte. Lewis, P.C.
Pte. Lunam, J.D.
Pte. Lynch, A.M.
Pte. McCreath, C.R.
Pte. McCreath, T.G.
Pte. Murphy, J.J.
Pte. Newman, G.B.
Pte. Newton, F.
Pte. North, S.C.
Pte. O’Meagher, H.J.
Pte. Smyth, K.M.
Pte. Sle, E.J.
Pte. Taylor, F.H.
Pte. Taylor, J.H.
Pte. Tisdall, R.W.

No.2 Platoon
2/Lt. Galbraith, A.S.
Sgt. Bonishae, R.R.
L/Cpl. Holliday, W.V.
L/Cpl. Massey, A.A.
L/Cpl. Stafford, L.
Pte. Armit, G.N.
Pte. Collier, R.W.
Pte. Hanning, B.A.
Pte. Hawkes, W.H.R.
Pte. Haynes, H.W.
Pte. Hickey, S.F.
Pte. Horler, H.R.
Pte. Howatson, H.R.
Pte. Hulena, S.M.
Pte. Idour, V.G.
Pte. Johnston, F.G.
Pte. Mitchell, L.G.
Pte. Rayner, A.H.
Pte. Reid, J.J.
Pte. Robinson, J.T.
Pte. Rollo, D.R.
Pte. Scoble, W.G.E.
Pte. Selander, C.O.W.
Pte. Spain, R.A.
Pte. Spring, W.
Pte. Taylor, C.H.

No.3 Platoon
Lt. O’Rorke, F.
Sgt. Malloch, F.G.
Cpl. Madden, W.L.
Cpl. Simpson, G.H.
L/Cpl. Millin, W.E.
Pte. Anderson, P.H.
Pte. Brown, J.V.
Pte. Brundell, D.
Pte. Buchanan, W.
Pte. Burns, J.D.
Pte. Campbell, W.P.
Pte. Collins, G.G.
Pte. Gleeson, N.K.
Pte. McCaw, H.H.
Pte. Markham, T.F.
Pte. Menzies, W.J.
Pte. Meredith, A.M.
Pte. Miles, A.W.
Pte. Moore, H.
Pte. O’Malley, J.C.
Pte. O’Malley, J.E.C.
Pte. Price, L.G.
Pte. Reilly, E.M.
Pte. Smith, N.
Pte. Tibbotts, E.J.
Pte. Wilson, H.R.

No.4 Platoon
2/Lt. Sams, C.G.A.
Sgt. Iles, L.E.
Col. Buckingham, A.D.
Cpl. Collie, A.F.
Cpl. Gallagher, E.J.
Cpl. Jackson, T.
L/Cpl. Easton, J.
L/Cpl. Reilly, R.G.
L/Cpl. Walker, J.S.
Pte. Aiken, F.
Pte. Andrews, S.M.
Pte. Coatsworth, F.J.C.
Pte. Cunninghame, S.G.
Pte. Dundas, C.A.
Pte. Edwards, W.M.
Pte. Gardner, M.
Pte. Glover, R.G.
Pte. Hancock, I.S.
Pte. Harrison, A.M.
Pte. Jones, P.D.
Pte. Jordan, R.A.
Pte. Lamb, L.C.
Pte. Louden, F.G.W.
Pte. Manson, R.
Pte. Marsh, W.J.
Pte. Moore, N.W.
Pte. Moyle, J.E.
Pte. Peacock, H.S.
Pte. Reid, S.C.
Pte. Reilly, W.H.
Pte. Rees, E.
Pte. Ross, A.T.
Pte. Sands, H.
Pte. Stewart, L.C.
Pte. Stewart, J.R.
Pte. Taylor, D.E.
Pte. Tisdall, S.D.
Pte. Walker, B.E.J.
Pte. Waller, A.J.
Pte. Winter, C.L.

Headquarters Coy.
L/Col. Bull, W.H.B.
Maj. Plimmer, J.L.R.
Cpt. Dawson, F.O.
Cpt. Cook, C.C.
Lieut. Gilchrist, A.G.
Lieut. Wilson, I.J.
R.S.M. Murie, R.A.
R.Q.M.S. Baker, A.C.
Sgt. Penn, S.R.
Sgt. Farrant, J.D.
Sgt. Ford, D.W.
Sgt. Campbell, G.G.
Sgt. Given, KD.
Cpl. Hunter, B.C.
Cpl. Smith, M.W.
Cpl. Miller, R.G.
Cpl. Watt, F.
L/Cpl. Kirk, J.
L/Cpl. Curtis, P.H.
Pte. Adams, E.C.
Pte. Arden, H.J.
Pte. Baker, H.C.
Pte. Bennett, W.H.
Pte. Berghan, J.R.
Pte. Bowman, C.D.
Pte. Branks, A.E.
Pte. Bristow, G.W.
Pte. Burtt, G.W.
Pte. Caley, R.W.
Pte. Chalmers, D.S.
Pte. Clark, N.O.
Pte. Claxton, M.
Pte. Conder, V.S.
Pte. Craven, I.0.R.J.
Pte. De Roo. L.W.
Pte. Dockrill, N.H.
Pte. Dudfield, J.H.
Pte. Fiddes, T.G.
Pte. Gair, G.J.
Pte. Giffen, W.J.
Pte. Glasgow, R.J.
Pte. Glover, H.G.
Pte. Hakaraia, B.
Pte. Hammond, D.H.M.
Pte. Haydon, E.R.
Pte. Jenkins, A.
Pte. Johnston, E.R.
Pte. Lorimer, A.R.
Pte. McLonald, D.A.
Pte. McPherson, H.
Pte. McWilliam, L.D.J.
Pte. Meares, B.D.
Pte. Miller, H.I.
Pte. Munn, R.D.
Pte. Neil, J.T.
Pte. Noakes, D.W.
Pte. Pearce, C.
Pte. Price, W.A.
Pte. Ryburn, A.J.
Pte. Ryburn, I.G.
Pte. Sampson, D.W.
Pte. Shaw, J.W.
Pte. Silcock, J.C.
Pte. Tebbutt, C.R.
Pte. Upshall, V.J.
Pte. Walding, T.N.
Pte. Walker, C.R.

A.S.C. Attached
Lieut. Boyce, A.H.
C.S.M. Sucklin, J.A.P.
Sgt. McAlister, P.
Cpl. Shaw, I.L.D.
Cpl. McKechnie, F.H.
Act.Cpl. Broonan, E.M.
L/Cpl. Ensor, D.A.
L/Cpl. Douglas, J.S.
Act/L/Cpl. Suckling G.A.P.
Dvr. Anderson, R.
Dvr. Anderson, R.H.
Dvr. Barker, C.
Dvr. Brown, V.O.
Dvr. Buckingham, L.M.
Dvr. Burke, P.T.
Dvr. Buschmann, E.E.
Dvr. Collins, A.L.
Dvr. Davis, M.
Dvr. DeMalmanche, E.W.
Dvr. Goldfinch, A.
Dvr. Hill, S.W.
Dvr. Howell, T.H.
Dvr. Howells, G.
Dvr. Humphrey, N.H.
Dvr. Laney, E.A.
Dvr. Lawer, R.A.V.
Dvr. Logan, C.M.
Dvr. McCrory, W.G.
Dvr. McDiarmid, D.C.
Dvr. Marlow, G.
Dvr. Merrylees, H.H.
Dvr. Nelson, H.
Dvr. Nelson, S.
Dvr. Parker, H.G.
Dvr. Pearsall, W.A.G.
Dvr. Pryor, K.E.
Dvr. Shepherd, A.D.
Dvr. Strachan, R.B.
Dvr. Uden, J.
Dvr. Ward, J.M.
Dvr. Webster, G.H.

A Company
Lieut. Ballantyne, D.A.
Lieut. Corswell, W.R.
Lieut. Sutherland, A.W.
S/Sgt. Muir, R.B.
Sgt. Garnham, H.A.L.
Sgt. Stewart, G.S.D.
Cpl. Cathro, G.M.
Cpl. Kaye, G.O.
Cpl. Lazarus, M.
L/Cpl. Achworth, J.N.
L/Cpl. Bradley, R.D.
Pte. Aiken, A.M.G.
Pte. Aitken, H.I.
Pte. Aukelt, F.C.
Pte. Baird, C.L.
Pte. Bastion, B.H.
Pte. Beveredge, W.M.
Pte. Brady, R.H.
Pte. Broconing, F.B.


Pte. Brown, A.I.
Pte. Buckingham, C.R.
Pte. Campbell, D.W.
Pte. Cardno, J.J.
Pte. Clay, H.E.
Pte. Clay, I.H.
Pte. Collett, J.P.C.
Pte. Dike, L.A.
Pte. Dowse, J.T.
Pte. Drummond, H.A.
Pte. Ellis, J.H.
Pte. Francis, L.R.T.
Pte. Gardner, D.T.
Pte. Hand, W.
Pte. Herbert, L.R.
Pte. Hume, E.A.
Pte. Inwood, P.J.
Pte. Jardine, N.S.
Pte. Jones, D.K.
Pte. Ley, W.T.
Pte. Luckock, B.
Pte. Mackenzie, D.N.
Pte. Mackail, R.A.
Pte. Patton, W.D.A.
Pte. Puddle, H.R.
Pte. Shaw, M.B.
Pte. Simpson, R.D.L.
Pte. Smith J.H.
Pte. Smith, J.R.
Pte. Smyth, P.B.
Pte. Tonson, R.E.T.
Pte. Watson, J.J.
Pte. Watson, L.A.
Pte. Webb, F.N.
Pte. Williams, A.J.
Pte. Williams, L.B.
Cpl. MacGregor, M.C.
Dvr. Chapman, R.H.C.
Motor C/L Chapman, S.T.
Motor C/L Clark, J.M.T.
Dvr. Devlen, T.G.
Dvr. Gerring, C.H.
Dvr. Rees, V.H.
BAT.Dvr. Rowsell, B.W.

B Company
Capt. Lovell, A.A.
Capt. Rennie, B.C.
Lieut. Staveley, J.M.
S/Sgt. Woodham, C.W.
Sgt. Morse, B.W.
Sgt. Weir, D.T.
Cpl. Gollan, J.L.
Cpl. Harris, A.H.
Cpl. Nicholas, J.L.
Cpl. Stone, A.C.
L/Cpl. Andrews, R.W.
L/Cpl. Caldwell, F.R.
Pte. Abercrombie, N.D.
Pte. Adams, R.J.
Pte. Anderson, O.
Pte. Barnett, H.L.
Pte. Brice, R.P.
Pte. Buddle, E.T.J.
Pte. Bulmer, J.R.
Pte. Buxton, D.S.
Pte. Coxon, E.R.
Pte. Denmead, N.A.
Pte. Dodson, T.H.
Pte. Evans, F.M.
Pte. Fredrickson, H.D.
Pte. Gambrill, J.R.
Pte. Gardiner, W.C.
Pte. Hanrahan, K.P.
Pte. Hasler, G.O.
Pte. Hoskin, C.E.
Pte. Hudson, J.H.
Pte. Hughes, A.M.
Pte. Hunter, C.C.
Pte. Hutchison, A.W.A.
Pte. Jones, A.
Pte. King, O.F.
Pte. Matthews, B.A.
Pte. McDonald, S.A.
Pte. McDowall, C.
Pte. McLennan, D.G.
Pte. McMillan, J.
Pte. McMullen, C.F.
Pte. McTavish, A.W.D.
Pte. Olsen, J.R.
Pte. Painter, R.G.
Pte. Sharp, P.P.F.
Pte. Smith, R.G.
Pte. Smith, W.G.
Pte. Stevens, J.P.
Pte. Symons, S.O.
Pte. Symons, P.
Pte. Thomas, A.H.
Pte. Wells, M.H.
Pte. Wilkinson, R.W.
Pte. Williams, R.G.
Pte. Wilson, W.G.

Reinforcements Attached
Pte. Baker, A.
Pte. Lees, A.R.
Pte. McPherson, I.H.
Pte. Mulrine, W.J.
Pte. Robinson, W.W.
Pte. Lyon, H.J.
Pte. Brent, S.
Pte. Dustin, A.P.
Pte. Hart, E.
Pte. Hunt, N.F.H.
Pte. Joveit, G.H.K.
Pte. Moore, G.C.
Pte. Robb, I.A.

Div.AMN. Coy.
Capt. Veitch, J.
2/Lt. Fenton, J.D.
S.M. Dillon, W.L.
Sgt. Dahl, W.A.
Sgt. Manning, A.N.
Cpl. McEwen, A.
Dvr. Aro, C.N.
Dvr. Arblaster, C.F.
Dvr. Black, E.
Dvr. Bowers, H.S.
Dvr. Clayton, M.R.
Dvr. Cartwright, E.T.N.
Dvr. Deam, J.H.
Dvr. Fastlake, A.
Dvr. Eather, W.P.
Dvr. Gamble, R.E.
Dvr. Gosper, S.G.
Dvr. Hagerty, D.R.
Dvr. Hall, H.S.
Dvr. Harold, F.R.
Dvr. Hallmond, A.G.
Dvr. Harper, E.W.
Dvr. Head, A.W.G.
Dvr. King, A.J.
Dvr. Kinniard, F.H.
Dvr. Jones, W.H.
Dvr. Lane, M.V.
Dvr. Lyon, K.
Dvr. Le Comte, C.G.
Dvr. Larsen, L.A.
Dvr. Priestly, F.R.
Dvr. Moore, R.W.
Dvr. Moore, P.L.
Dvr. Sankey, S.B.
Dvr. Marshall, W.E.
Dvr. McDonald, W.D.
Dvr. Power, M.T.
Dvr. Robinson, L.S.H.
Dvr. Sarsfield, D.E.R.
Dvr. Steele, A.H.
Dvr. Stevens, A.J.
Dvr. Tarrant, J.P.
Dvr. Taylor, R.W.
Dvr. Wallace, J.B.
Dvr. Wickman, R.O.

Sub-Section No.9
Cpl. Hintz, R.O.
L/Cpl. Aro, R.G.
Dvr. Andrew, A.L.
Dvr. Cameron, R.
Dvr. Davie, A.C.
Dvr. Dalton, M.D.
Dvr. Dolphin, R.J.W.
Dvr. Hourigan, D.
Dvr. Howden, A.F.
Dvr. Lee, D.G.
Dvr. Moss, M.W.

Sub-Section No.10
Cpl. Grinter, C.J.
L/Cpl. Shaw, J.
Dvr. Burrell, R.W.
Dvr. Davies, W.H.
Dvr. Donnelly, E.V.
Dvr. Johnston, A.F.
Dvr. Leathwick, T.B.
Dvr. Malcolm, E.S.
Dvr. McNee, R.R.
Dvr. Snowdon, T.
Dvr. Weston, D.C.

Sub-Section No.11
Cpl. Gwatkin, E.J.T.
L/Cpl. Mills, A.F.
Dvr. Brough, L.
Dvr. Day, L.S.
Dvr. Farrell, R.J.
Dvr. Hearn, A.F.
Dvr. Hill, L.W.
Dvr. Jerome, S.
Dvr. McDonald, H.R.
Dvr. McCabe, R.M.
Dvr. Murdoch, J.I.
Dvr. Troughear, R.
Dvr. Wood, W.
Cpl. Houghton, F.G.
L/Cpl. Codling, R.D.
Dvr. Carter, H.S.
Dvr. Colvin, F.L.
Dvr. Danks, M.A.
Dvr. Donaldson, R.L.
Dvr. Lovell, R.D.
Dvr. Martin, D.G.
Dvr. McKenzie, H.W.
Dvr. O’Connor, F.E.
Dvr. Sanson, N.R.

Div. Petrol
(Workshops Sec)
Sgt. Hindle, L.A.
Cpl. Ballie, J.K.
L/Cpl. Bradley, R.A.
Dvr. Barrett, W.J.
Dvr. Collis, F.B.
Dvr. Elliot, C.W.
Dvr. Gillies, R.H.
Dvr. Grant, E.M.
Dvr. Graham, D.V.
Dvr. Hall, W.H.
Dvr. Hammond, C.
Dvr. Hayes, J.E.
Dvr. Love, T.
Dvr. O’Keefe, D.C.
Dvr. Quincey, F.
Dvr. Rouse, F.
Dvr. Snelgar, F.V.
Dvr. Thornton, G.C.
Dvr. Tripp, J.A.

Div. Supply Column
(Section B)
2/Lt. Henshaw, D.J.
Sgt. Williams, H.
Cpl. Jefcoate, H.P.
Cpl. McPherson, D.
L/Cp. Catchpole, C.P.
L/Cp. Taylor, L.
Dvr. Bardsley, J.
Dvr. Barker, C.J.
Dvr. Bee, J.C.
Dvr. Campbell, G.S.
Dvr. Carson, W.M.
Dvr. Hampton, C.L.
Dvr. Leighton, C.E.
Dvr. McLeod, N.C.
Dvr. Newman, T.W.
Dvr. Payton, F.T.B.
Dvr. Riches, W.A.
Dvr. Taylor, W.G.
Dvr. Taylor, W.K.
Dvr. Thompson, D.D.
Dvr. Walker, H.L.
Dvr. Washer, L.H.
Dvr. West, A.J.

Section H.
2/Lt. Surgenor, G.R.
Sgt. Brunsdon, J.M.
Cpl. Cheyne, G.
Cpl. Kennerley, R.D.
L/C. Kilgour, J.J.
L/C. Rich, J.H.
Dvr. Bradshaw, J.S.
Dvr. Buchan, C.A.
Dvr. Coutts, C.H.
Dvr. Dewar, A.R.
Dvr. Dunbier, R.W.
Dvr. Faisandier, P.
Dvr. Flintoft, D.A.
Dvr. Kane, R.J.
Dvr. Lohoar, J.H.
Dvr. Nicholson, W.B.
Dvr. Overton, H.F.
Dvr. Price, A.F.V.
Dvr. Richardson, A.
Dvr. Shefford, N.
Dvr. Teece, C.M.
Dvr. Welsh, J.W.F.
Dvr. Wood, R.H.L.

Major Heal, G.H.
Lieut. Froude, LJ.
Lieut. Jory, T.H.
Lieut. Laugesen, N.W.
Lieut. Hose, A.S.D.
2/Lieut. Hultquist, A.G.
W.O. Foubister, R.W.
Sjt. Jones, E.H.
Sjt. McCready, A.
Sit. Schofield, D.V.
Sjt. Shelton, H.C.
Sjt. Snow, J.D.
L/Sjt. Pierce, C.S.
Cpl. Edwards, T.
Cpl. Ellison, K.
Cpl. Ely, I.D.
Cpl. Fitton, E.L.
Cpl. Gerrie, G.W.
Cpl. Gill, J.T.
Cpl. Knowles, J.E.R.
Cpl. Missen, V.P.
Cpl. Spry, A.L.
L/Cpl. Baird, J.W.
L/Cpl. Bateup, E.A.
L/Cpl. Carson, R.W.
L/Cpl. De La Mare I.C.
L/Cpl. Dixon, J.W.
L/Cpl. Gordon, J.J.V.
L/Cpl. Hanrahan, J.S.
L/Cpl. McMillan, S.C.
L/Cpl. Maling, P.R.H.
L/Cpl. Miller, H.J.R.
L/Cpl. Morris, D.G.
L/Cpl. Silvester, L.G.
L/Cpl. Smith, S.J.
L/Cpl. Tomlinson, D.H.
Sigmn. Agnew, I.J.
Sigmn. Ansley, N.
Sigmn. Bennett, D.P.
Sigmn. Bennett, R.C.
Sigmn. Booth, E.R.
Sigmn. Bramley, T.G.
Sigmn. Burt, D.W.
Sigmn. Cameron, K.
Sigmn. Carnegie, D.G.
Sigmn. Carran, J.W.S.
Sigmn. Childs, A.H.
Sigmn. Connolly, L.J.
Sigmn. Coote, P.R.
Sigmn. Corby, A.C.S.
Sigmn. Davies, A.G.
Sigmn. Davies, D.L.
Sigmn. Densem, J.
Sigmn. Devlin, C.N.
Sigmn. Dick, A.
Sigmn. Eddy, J.
Sigmn. Fell, H.A.
Sigmn. Gardner, O.R.
Sigmn. Gavan, J.P.
Sigmn. Goodin, K.H.
Sigmn. Grubb, A.J.
Sigmn. Gurr, R.S.
Sigmn. Hannay, P.L
Sigmn. Hannifin, P.A.
Sigmn. Hansen, C.M.
Sigmn. Harlock, W.R.
Sigmn. Hattersley, S.G.
Sigmn. Hill, R.V.D.
Sigmn. Hubbard, W.F.
Sigmn. Hunter, B.F.
Sigmn. Irons, I.D.
Sigmn. Johnston, T.L.
Sigmn. Leslie, P.
Sigmn. McGoldrick, G.P.
Sigmn. McIvor, F.J.
Sigmn. McKenzie, E.W.
Sigmn. McKenzie, J.R.
Sigmn. McVeigh, M.D.
Sigmn. Mathews, R.J.
Sigmn. Marfell, J.L.
Sigmn. Merrett, G.A.
Sigmn. Messenger, N.C.
Sigmn. Munro, W.J.R.
Sigmn. Neilson, G.D.
Sigmn. Oliver, T.W.
Sigmn. Orange, R.C.
Sigmn. Ouston, E.T.
Sigmn. Pemberton, D.M.
Sigmn. Perry, R.S.
Sigmn. Phillips, F.L.
Sigmn. Ryan, L.K.
Sigmn. Sampson, R.C.
Sigmn. Simmonds, J.H.
Sigmn. Smith, G.J.
Sigmn. Smith, J.W.
Sigmn. Smith, L.W.
Sigmn. Stewart, D.G.R.
Sigmn. Stewart, R.J.
Sigmn. Svenson, K.J.
Sigmn. Tate, H.C.
Sigmn. Sycamore, R.
Sigmn. Tetley, W.
Sigmn. Thexton, N.C.
Sigmn. Tomlinson, T.W.
Sigmn. Tuckey, F.G.
Sigmn. Walker, C.E.
Sigmn. Ward, N.H.
Sigmn. White, W.G.
Sigmn. Wickstead, C.G.
Sigmn. Wigzell, J.
Sigmn. Yates, L.D.
Sigmn. Young, T.H.

Harvey, W.C.
Dewar, P.S.
Preston, L.J.
Gown, A.M.
McMillan, T.M.


Printed by
Société Orientale de Publicité
21, Sh. Calal – Cairo.

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This magazine provides a glimpse of life aboard an unnamed troop ship transporting military personnel and others, including recently-qualified Lieutenant (Doctor) DA Ballantyne, from their departure port of Lyttelton, New Zealand, to an unidentified destination in Egypt, early in the second world war.

Surnames in this magazine –
Abercrombie, Abernethy, Abraham, Achworth, Adams, Agnew, Aiken, Alcock, Alexander, Allan, Allison, Anderson, Andreasend, Andrew, Ansley, Arblaster, Archer, Arden, Armit, Armour, Armstrong, Aro, Ashworth, Aslett, Aukelt, Avente, Baigent, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Ballantyne, Ballie, Balmer, Bamford, Banks, Bannan, Bardsley, Barker, Barnett, Barron, Bastion, Batchelor, Bateman, Bateup, Bathelor, Bathgate, Beaven, Bee,Bell, Bellwood, Benbow, Bennett, Benson, Berg, Berghan, Bethell, Beveredge, Bigham, Binney, Bird, Black, Blyth, Bone, Bonishae, Booth, Boss, Boucher, Bowers,Bowes, Bowie, Bowman, Boyce, Bracken, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brady, Bramley, Brandham, Branks, Brent, Brice, Bridges, Bristow, Broconing, Brodie, Brook, Broonan, Brough, Brown, Brownlie, Bruhn, Brundell, Brunsdon, Bryan, Bryant, Buchan, Buchanan, Buckingham, Buckley, Buddle, Bull, Bulmer, Bunting, Burgess, Burke, Burnett, Burns, Burrell, Burt, Burtt, Buschmann, Bushell, Butler-Judd, Butler, Buxton, Calder, Caldwell, Caley, Cameron, Campbell, Cardno, Carlton, Carman, Carmichael, Carnegie, Carran, Carrington, Carson, Carston, Carter, Cartwright, Caskie, Cassels, .Catchpole, Cater, Cathro, Cattermole, Chalmers, Chamberlain, Chapman, Charteris, Cheesman, Chesterman, Cheyne, Chick, Childs, Chiles, Chivers, Christie, Church, Churchill, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Claxton, Clay, Clayton, Clearie, Clements, Clent, Climo, Coatsworth, Cochrane, Cockburn, Cockerill, Codling, Cogle, Collett, Collie, Collier, Collins, Collis, Colvin, Conder, Connieg, Connolly, Cook,Coombe, Coote, Corby, Corcoran, Corswell, Cosgrove, Costello, Coury, Coutts, Coward, Cowie, Cowper, Cox, Coxon, Craig, Craven, Crawshaw, Cromie, Crook, Cross, Cunninghame, Curtis, Cusdin, Dahl, Dallow, Dalton, Daly, Dalzell, Danks, Davie, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Day, De La Mare, De Malmanche, De Roo. Deam, Deans, Deason, Deed, Delany, Denmead, Densem, Denton, Derry, Dette, Devlen, Devlin, Dewar, Dick, Dickens, Dickson, Dike, Dillon, Dittman, Dixon, Dobson, Dockrill, Dodds, Dodson, Dolphin, Don, Donaldson, Donnell, Donnelly, Dorward, Douglas, Dowie, Downes, Downs, Dowse, Dromgool, Drummond, Dudfield, Duff, Duffield, Dunbier, Dundas, Dunick, Dunn, Dustin, Dwan, Dwyer, Dyce, Dyer, Dysart, Easton, Eather, Eddy, Ede, Edie, Edmonds, Edwards, Elliot, Ellis, Ellison, Elstob, Ely, Engert, Ensor, Entwistle, Evans, Evenden, Everett, Fairhall, Faisandier, Farrant, Farrell, Fastlake, Fell, Fennessy, Fenton, Ferguson, Fiddes, Fincham, Findlay, Finlayson, Finn, Fitton, Fitzgerald, Fitzgibbon, Flaherty, Fletcher, Flint, Flintoft, Flynn, Foley, Ford, Forde, Forrester, Foster, Foubister, Fountaine, Fowler, Fraher, Francis, Fraser, Fredrickson, Freer, Frew, Frost, Froude, Gaffin, Gair, Galbraith, Gale, Gallagher, Gallop, Gamble, Gambrill, Gardiner, Gardner, Garnham, Gatenby, Gavan, Gawn, Gaynor, Geary, Gemmel, Gerrie, Gerring, Gibson, Giffen, Gilchrist, Giles, Gill, Gillan, Gillespie, Gillies, Gilmore, Girvan, Given, Glasgow, Gleeson, Glover, Goddard, Godfery, Golder, Goldfinch, Golding, Goldsmid, Gollan, Goodin, Gordon, Gorman, Gosper, Gown, Graham, Granger, Grant, Green, Greensill, Greer, Gregg, Griffen, Griffin, Grinter, Growcott, Grubb, Gulliver, Gurr, Gutberlet, Gwatkin, Hadfield, Hagerty, Hakaraia, Hall, Halliday, Hallmond, Hamilton, Hamlin, Hammond, Hampstead, Hampton, Hancock, Hand, Hannay, Hannifin, Hanning, Hanrahan, Hanrahan, Hansen, Hardie, Harding, Hardwicke, Harlock, Harold, Harper, Harraway, Harris, Harrison, Harrop, Hart, Harvey, Haslemore, Hasler, Hattersley, Hatton, Hawkes, Hay, Haydon, Hayes, Haynes, Hayter, Head, Heads, Heal, Healey, Healy,Hearn, Hefferen, Hefford, Henderson, Henshaw, Herbert, Herriott, Hewitt, Hewson, Hickey, Higgs, Hill, Hindle, Hinton, Hintz, Hobbs, Hocking, Hodge, Hogg, Holdaway, Holden, Holliday, Hope, Horler, Horrell, Horton, Hose, Hosken, Hoskin, Houghton, Hourigan, Howatson, Howden, Howell, Howells, Howie, Huband, Hubbard, Hudson, Huggins, Hughes, Hulena, Hulquist, Hume, Humphrey, Hunt, Hunter, Hurrell, Huston, Hutchison, Hutherford, Hyde, Idour, Iles, Illingworth, Inglis, Ingram, Inwood, Irons, Irving, Isaacs, Ives, Jack, Jackman, Jackson, James, Jane, Jardine, Jarvis, Jefcoate, Jenkins, Jennings, Jephson, Jerome, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Jordan, Jory, Joseph, Joveit, Kane, Kaye, Keenan, Kelly, Kemp, Kempthorne, Kennard, Kennedy, Kennerley, Kerr, Key, Keys, Kiddey, Kilgour, King, Kinniard, Kinraid, Kirby, Kirk, Knight, Knowles, Laird, Lamb, Lamond, Lamont, Lane, Laney, Lankshear, Larsen, Latchford, Laugesen, Laurie, Laver, Law, Lawer, Lawson, Lazarus, Le Cren, Leamy, Leathwick, LeComite, LeCompte, Lee, Lees, Leighton, Lennon, Leonard, Leslie, Lester, Lewis, Ley, Liddell, Ling, Linton, Lister, Little, Lloyd, Locke, Lodge, Logan, Lohoar, Lomas, Longley, Lonie, Lorimer, Louden, Love, Lovell, Low, Luckock, Lum, Lunam, Lvall, Lynch, Lyon, MacGregor, Mackail, Mackenzie, Mackie, Maclean, Macmillan, Madden, Mair, Malcolm, Maling, Malloch, Mangos, Manley, Manning, Manson, Marett, Marfell, Mark, Markham, Marlow, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Maskill, Massey, Matheson, Mathews, Matthews, Mattson, Maxwell, Maynard, McAlister, McAnaulty, McBeth, McCabe, McCallum, McCarthy, McCaw, McClymont, McCormick, McCrae, McCrea, McCready, McCreath, McCrory, McCutchan, McDermott, McDiarmid, McDonald, McDowall, McDowell, McElrea, McEvoy, McEwan, McEwen, McGibbon, McGoldrick, McHolm, McIlroy, McIlwrick, McIntosh, McIvor, McKay, McKean, McKechnie, MKenzie, McKergow, McKinney, McKinnon, McLauchlan, McLay, McLean, McLennan, McLeod, McLonald, McMahon, McMechan, McMeekan, McMillan, McMillan, McMullen, McNee, McNeill, McPherson, McQuade, McQuoid, McRob, McTavish, McVeigh, McWilliam, Mead, Meares, Melville, Menzies, Meredith, Merrett, Merrylees, Messenger, Metzger, Meynell, Midgley, Miles, Millar, Miller, Milliken, Millin, Mills, Milter, Minogue, Missen, Mitchell, Moar, Moir, Mooney, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrish, Morrison, Morse, Moss, Moyle, Muir, Mulrine, Munn, Munro, Murdoch, Murie, Murphy, Neal, Neil, Neilson, Nelson, Newman, Newport, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nicolle, Nidd, Noakes, Nolan, Norman, Norrie, North, Northover, O’Meagher, O’Neill, O’Rorke, O’Sullivan, O’Donnell, O’Kane, O’Keefe, O’Malley, Ockwell, Oliver, Ollivier, Olsen, Orange, Osborne, Ouston, Overton, Page, Painter, Palmer, Parker, Parlane, Parr, Paterson, Patterson, Patton, Pavelka, Payton, Peacock, Pearce, Peard, Pearsall, Pearson, Peat, Pemberton, Penn, Penwell, Pepperell, Perry, Peters, Petterson, Phair, Phillips, Phillipson, Philpot, Pierce, Pierson, Pinkham, Plimmer, Pocock, Poli, Pope, Porter, Porterfield, Potts, Powell, Power, Pratley, Preston, Price, Priestly, Pryor, Puddle, Queale, Quincey, Rae, Rankin, Rattray, Ray, Rayner, Rees, Reeves, Reid, Reilly, Rekowski, Rendall, Rennie, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Riches, Ricketts, Rillstone, Robb, Robert, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rodger, Rogers, Rollo, Rolston, Romeril, Rose, Rosewarne, Ross, Roughan, Rouse, Rowsell, Roy, Russell, Rutherford, Rutland, Ryan, Ryburn, Ryder, Saggers, Sampson, Sams, Samson, Sands, Sankey, Sanson, Sarsfield, Schofield, Schwass, Scobie, Scoble, Scott, Seal, Selander, Shand, Sharp, Shaw, Sheary, Shefford, Shelton, Shepherd, Shine, Silcock, Silvester, Simmonds, Simpson, Sinclair, Sle, Smith, Smyth, Snelgar, Snow, Snowdon, Snowling, Somerville, South, Spain, Spring, Spry, Stacey, Stafford, Stammers, Stamp, Stark, Staveley, Stavely, Steele, Stevens, Stewart, Stokes, Stollery, Stone, Stowell, Strachan, Strang, Struthers, Stuart, Stubbs, Sucklin, Suckling, Sugrue, Surgenor, Sutherland, Svenson, Sycamore, Sykes, Symes, Symons, Tabley, Tait, Tarrant, Tate, Taylor, Tebbutt, Teece, Tetley, Thexton, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorne, Thornton, Tibbotts, Tikey, Tisdall, Tod, Todd, Tolerton, Tomlinson, Tong, Tonson, Torrance, Tosh, Townsend, Tregoning, Treloar, Trewhella, Tripp, Trotman, Troughear, Tuckey, Tudor, Turner, Tutbury, Uden, Underwood, Upshall, Vaatau, Vaudrey, Veitch, Vincent, Wafer, Waite, Waiters, Waites, Walden, Walding, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Waller,Walsh, Walters, Ward, Wareing, Warren, Washer, Wassell, Watkinson, Watson, Watt, Weavers, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weir, Wells, Welsh, Wesney, West, Westenra, Weston, Whelan, White, Whitfield, Whithead, Whitlow, Whittlestone, Wickman, Wickstead, Wigzell, Wilkinson, Willan, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winter, Witdermoth, Wood, Woodham, Woods, Woolliams, Wornall, Wright, Yager, Yates, York, Young

Military Rank of people listed in this magazine –
2/Lieut.   Second Lieutenant
2/Lt.   Second Lieutenant
A/Cpl.   Acting Corporal
A/Sgt.   Acting Sergeant
Act.Cpl.   Acting Corporal
Act/L/Cpl.   Acting Lance Corporal
BAT.Dvr.   Battalion Driver
C.Q.M.S.   Company Quartermaster Sergeant
C.S.M.   Company Sergeant Major
Capt.   Captain
Col.   Colonel
Cpl.   Corporal
Cpt.   Captain
Dvr.   Driver
L/C.   Lance Corporal
L/Cnl.   Lieutenant Colonel
L/Col.   Lieutenant Colonel
L/Cp.   Lance Corporal
L/Cpl.   Lance Corporal
L/Sgt.   […]
Lieut.   Lieutenant
Lt.   Lieutenant
Lt.Col.   Lieutenant Colonel
Maj.   Major
Major   Major
Motor C/L   […]
Pte.   Private
Q.M.S.   Quartermaster Sergeant
R.Q.M.S.   Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant
R.S.M.   Regimental Sergeant Major
S.M.   Sergeant Major
S/Sgt.   Staff Sergeant
SISTERS   Sisters (Nursing)
Sgt.   Sergeant
Sigmn.   Signalman
Sit.   […]
Sjt.   […]
T/Cpl.   […]
T/L/Cpl.   […]
W.O.   Warrant Officer
W.O.1   Warrant Officer 1st class
W.O.2   Warrant Officer 2nd class


Format of the original


Accession number


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