Pakowhai Country Park Report 1975-76




I am glad to report that the past year has seen further substantial progress in the development of the Park, On the north bank, the pine plantation established by the combined efforts of the H.B. Farm Forestry Association and Messrs Carter Holt Ltd. has made excellent growth thanks to the wet summer, We hope that the first thinning will be possible this summer to provide a crop of Christmas trees to be sold in co-operation with Service Clubs.

Some seventy further amenity trees have been interplanted by Mr Barry Keating and the Napier Tree Society to give variety to the conifers, while in the triangular area to the west designated for a wild life sanctuary, a number of oaks have been planted to provide fodder for water fowl. This area has now been fenced off, and the boundaries of the Park are now hopefully stockproof; to maintain a perennially wet environment, some excavation is in progress to achieve ponding, necessary since the water table has dropped following the deepening and alteration of the bed of the Raupare Stream flowing into the old Ngaruroro bed, We had discussed the feasibility of establishing one or more shallow barrages to flood a larger area for water fowl, but this proved impractical and the Catchment Board has now completed alterations to the Stream that will ensure better drainage, It is hoped to create a shallow, shaded backwater in the stream to encourage trout breeding, as part of the Acclimatisation Society’s plan to establish an angling school to encourage youngsters to cultivate this pastime.

The Raupare Stream has now been bridged above the bend, using rustic materials donated by the N.Z. Electricity Department, the P. & T. Department, Messrs Odlins Ltd., and constructed by a band of volunteers ably directed by Mr Ivan Jacques using equipment generously loaned by P.B. Lattey Ltd.

This bridge now leads into the oldest planted area of the Park, originally established by the now defunct Beautifying Society, covering between 2 and 3 acres densly [densely] planted with wellgrown tree lucerne. Under this canopy, in a microclimate moister, warmer and stiller than without, a host of native plants has been established, largely through the efforts of Mr Earl Lee, Mr John Taylor and their helpers, Areas within this plantation are now being allotted to individual families for care and developmant, and applications should be directed to Mr R.E.L. Lee, 434 Memi Street, Hastings During the year, two Hayter mowers have been acquired for control of vegetation.

The next area to be developed, was planted last year with 5,000 tree lucerne, Unfortunately, severe frosts after planting took their toll, and considerable replacement will be necessary this year, A working bee will be scheduled for early July.

Moving further east, a screen of willows has been left along the south bank as a windbreak, but most of the remaining poplars have now been felled, cut up, and bulldozed over the bank, leaving a bare flat area for development, After consultation with David Bone, the landscape architect, we have decided to mould this area with bulldozer and blade into a gently undulating landscape which will be planted later this season with large park trees.

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1.   Dump. A source of anxiety is the proposal of the Hastings City Council to establish a rubbish dump adjacent to the north border of the Park, If this takes Place, the concept of the Park as a native reserve and public recreational area loses credibility. We are determind to resist these proposals with all means at our disposal.

2.   Access. This is still an unsolved problem, and must await decision concerning the future of the Pakowhai Bridge and its approaches. A solution will doubtless be found.


The shape and future of the Park are falling very satisfactorily into place, and apart from some further poplar felling and tidying up, the major landscaping problems are being overcome, From now on our prime need will be for voluntary helpers to plant and maintain trees, control weed growth, and lop and spray poplar and willow suckers until the stage is reached where controlled grazing can be instituted. A certain amount of mowing will be needed for a year or two to prevent fire hazard.

To encourage general support for what is after all a public amenity, we should like more people to become ”Friends of Pakowhai” at an annual subscription of $5:00 or life subscription of $100:00.


Once again I should like to thank our hardworking committee, particularly Mrs Marissa Devine, our retiring hon, secretary, whose excellent control of our affairs has made our work that much easier, and to welcome her successor, Mrs Linda Bignell, We have been particularly grateful to the H.B. Catchment Board and its engineer, Mr Peter Simon, for their continuing help and encouragment.


Vice-Chairman   Mr Guy Natusch, Napier Rotary Club

Hon. Secretary   Mrs Linda Bignell

Hon. Treasurer   Mr John Nimon, Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society.

Chairman, Works Committee   Mr Ken Grant, Hastings Rotary Club

Assistant Chairman, Works Committee   Mr Barry Keating, Napier Jaycee

Members   Mr Selwyn Begley, H.B. County Council
Dr H. G. McPherson
Mr Earl Lee


Will be at 8 p.m. Wednesday July 14th at the Hastings City Council Chambers, by courtesy of the Hastings City Council.

Our guest speaker for the occasion will be Mrs Muriel Fisher of Auckland, well known for her publications on cultivation and propogation [propagation] of native trees.

Secretaries of constituent organisations are particularly requested to see that their nominees to the Trust Board are appointed and briefed in good time.

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Hastings City Council
Hawkes Bay County Council
Hawkes Catchment Board
Hawkes Bay Acclimatisation Society
Hawkes Bay Farm Forestry Association
Hawkes Bay Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society
Rotary Clubs of Napier, Hastings, Stortford Lodge, Ahuriri
Rotoact [Rotoract] of Napier and Hastings
Napier Tree Society
Napier Jaycee
Fruitgrowers’ Federation

The Annual Accounts will be circulated at the meeting.

Dr M.I. Bostock
Michael Bostock

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Business / Organisation

Pakowhai Country Park Trust Board Incorporated

Format of the original

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Date published


Creator / Author

  • Selwyn Begley
  • Mrs Linda Bignell
  • Dr Michael Bostock
  • Ken Grant
  • Ivan Jacques
  • Barry Keating
  • Earl Lee
  • R E L Lee
  • Dr H G McPherson
  • Guy Natusch
  • John Nimon
  • Peter Simon
  • John Taylor

Accession number


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