Programme 1963 – The Merry Widow
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Surnames in this programme –
Ace, Adams, Adset, Alexander, Alsop, Amner, Amyes, Andersen, Anderson, Apperley, Armour, Atkin, Atkinson, Averill, Bain, Baker, Barclay, Barker, Barnett, Barr, Barrington, Barton, Bayliss, Beaton, Bell, Bettington, Bird, Black, Blackford, Blewdon, Bon, Botherway, Bowes, Boyd, Brayton, Brazier, Breen, Briggs, Brindley, Brooker, Brown, Browne, Brunton, Bryant, Budd, Burr, Burton, Bush, Campbell, Carlson, Carlyon, Carson, Chambers, Chapman Christofferson, Clark, Clements, Clifford, Clover, Colbert, Coles, Collier, Colwill, Cook, Corbett, Cowie, Cox, Coyle Coyne, Crawford, Cross, Daily, Daniell, Davidson, Davis, Day, De deux, Desbarwick, Dick, Driberg/Drieberg, Duff, Dunlop, Dunn, Dunnett, Durie, Duthie, Earnshaw, Edmundson, Elliot, Ellis, Elsie, Elton, Etheridge, Falvey, Farquhar, Farquharson, Ferguson, Flavel, Flavell, Forbes, Forest, Frame, Fraser, Gadd, Garner, Gasparich, Geenty, Genet, Giles, Gilmore, Girvan, Gollop, Goodall, Gordon, Graham, Gray, Grey, Hague, Hannah, Hannan, Hannay, Harrison, Hart, Hatton, Hayden, Heaps, Heath, Henney, Higgins, Hindmarsh, Hocking, Hood, Hooper, Horsefield, Houston, Hunter, Hurley, Husheer, Hyde, Ingle, Irving, Isbister, Ivey, Jackson, Jamieson, Jeffry, Jensen, Jessep, Johnson, Jones, Kearney, Kemp, Keogh, Kingston, Kuiper, Laird, Lane, Langley, Lascelles, Laurent, Lehar, Lilly-White, Lindeman, Logan, London, Lucas, Lutman, Mahoney, Martin, Mayo, McAuslin, McCarthy, McCluskey, McConnell, McDonagh, McDonald, McGregor, McLachlan, McLaren, McLean, McNiven, McRae, Merrick, Miller, Minett, Mitchell, Monrad, Mooney, Morgan, Muir, Mulholland, Munro, Neild, Neumegan, Newcombe, Newman, Newton, Nielson, Northe, Oldroyd, Olsen, Owen, Painter, Palmer, Park, Patterson, Pattullo, Paxie, Petersen, Pettitt, Phillips, Pirie, Pottinger, Poynter, Quarrie, Railey, Reade, Reid, Retemeyer, Rieper, Roberts, Robbinson, Rolls, Ronberg, Ross, Rossiter, Rouse, Rowell, Rudd, Ruffeli, Rushbidge, Saggers, Salvigny, Sanderson, Sands, Saxon, Schlaifer, Sesegamky, Seton, Shaw, Sheffield, Shepherd, Shield, Shirley, Simpkin, Singleton, Sisson, Slade, Smith, Sorrel, Sorrell, Speakman, Spriggs, Standidge, Steel, Steele, Storkey, Strickland, Sykes, Tawse, Temperton, Theakstonen, Thomas, Thomson, Thorp, Titter, Turnbull, Varga, Venables, Verschafelt, Wade, Wakely, Walker, Wall, Ward, Watson, Whincop, White, White, Will, Williams, Williamson Wilson, Wilton, Wolfe, Wood, Wright, Yates
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