Programme 1988 – Oliver


14 – 21 MAY 1988

Photo caption – George Cruikshank

Napier Operatic Society Inc.
(A Foundation Member of the New Zealand Federation of Operatic Societies)

Patron:   Bob Wright

President:   Peter Shepherd

Vice-President:   John Briggs

Immediate Past President:   Fred Twyford

Chairman:   Bill Shirras

Executive Committee:
Barbara Brown, Marc Collier, Ian Collins, Gavin Etheridge, Alan Jones, Robert Lockyer, Sue Page, Bill Perry, Ros Van de Ven, Glen Ward.

Secretary:   Ian Reid

Treasurer:   Lyndsay Browne

Hon. Auditor:  Les Robertson

Hon. Solicitor:   John Matthews

Hon. Photographer:   James White

Life Members:
Hazel Collier, Bob Wright, Dawn Unsworth, Bob Houston, Alan Jones, John Collier, Don Hurley, Fred Twyford.

President’s Message

As we enter into our 101st year what better way to celebrate this occasion by staging the wonderful musical “Oliver” based on the novel written over 140 years ago by the immortal Charles Dickens.

We hope Oliver will appeal to young and old and give you as much pleasure as we have enjoyed in bringing it to you.


Napier Operatic Society Inc.

Lionel Bart’s


14th – 21st MAY 1988

Directed By:   Bruce Murray

Musical Director:   Barry Fell

Chorus Mistress:   Karyn Briggs

The Story

The lot of the poor in London in the 1930/40’s was hard indeed. The story opens on the spare and gloomy dining room of the Parish workhouse, where the boys wait for their daily ration of gruel, their spirits broken by the pompous Beadle, Mr Bumble and his housekeeper, eventually to become his wife, Widow Corney. Oliver alone dares to ask for more and is ejected from the workhouse, bag and baggage. He is sold to the local undertaker for a mere five pounds, and again is hungry, overworked and bullied. He escapes and finds his way to London where he is picked up by the Artful Dodger, and taken to Fagin’s kitchen, the home of the sinister and wily master of the gang of youthful pickpockets. Nancy, (Bill Sikes girl) and Bet arrive and for the first time in his young life Oliver experiences some real affection and enjoyment.

Fagin sends his boys out on their daily tasks, Oliver amongst them. He is caught, not for stealing but merely for looking guilty, and when his innocence is established he is befriended by the very gentleman who had him arrested and taken to his home.

We meet the dregs of London in the Tavern, their jollity soon to be killed by the appearance of the brutal Bill Sikes. Fagin and Bill despatch Nancy to get Oliver back. She does this, but then regrets her part in the capture, and arranges with Mr Brownlow to return Oliver to him at midnight. In the tense and dramatic closing scene of the show, Nancy is killed by Sikes, who in turn is killed and Oliver returned to the home where he will know love and caring, and a family of his own, for the kindly old gentleman is his own grandfather.

Director:   Bruce Murray

Originally from Hastings Bruce grew up with theatre in his blood, following his father’s footsteps, Bob Murray. He was at an early age performing with the Hastings Musical Comedy Co, Hastings Light Opera Co and finally with the Napier Operatic Society in My Fair Lady. The quest for more experience lead him overseas in 1975, where, for ten years he developed skills as a singer, director and arts administrator. As a member of the South London Theatre Centre, he produced 25 musicals and plays as well as appearing regularly in productions such as “Company”; “I Do! I Do!”; “Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and living in Paris”; “Starting Here, Starting Now”; “Finian’s Rainbow” and “Pippin”. All this, coupled with being administrator of the Lambeth Orchestra and Chairman of the Lambeth Arts Council afforded him considerable insight and experience in one of the great theatre capitals of the world.

Following his return to New Zealand in 1985, Bruce joined the North Shore Operatic Society to play King Arthur in “Camelot”. The success of this performance opened many doors on the Auckland Music scene, he joined Perkel Opera to sing with Patricia Aldersley in “The Telephone” and “Susanna’s Secret” and subsequently appeared as Dr Malatesta in Donizettis “Don Pasquale” and in “Perkel” G & S Revueue [Revue] “Here a How-De-Do”.

Following his engagement as director of ‘Oliver’ Bruce is to appear with Auckland Operacorp in “Riders to the Sea and the Bear” in June and October.

Musical Director:   Barry Fell

Barry was born and educated in Hamilton where he also studied piano, singing and violin. He first became involved with operatic productions in 1964 where he was chorus master for the Hamilton Operatics 50th Jubilee production of ‘Belle of New York’. Since moving to Napier, Barry has been very involved on the music scene in secondary schools and in recent years with the various operatic groups in the city. He has been music director for the Hawke’s Bay Song and Opera Workshop productions and for the Napier Operatics centennial production of ‘The Sorcerer’. He is Senior Master at Colenso High School, where he has taught for 23 years. Barry has also adjudicated at various competition societies, is on the panel of accompanists for broadcasting and is the music critic for the Hawke’s Bay Herald Tribune.

Chorus Mistress:   Karyn Briggs

Karyn was born and educated in Napier and has been involved with music all her life with her mother, a music teacher, and Karyn following in her footsteps. She studied piano and singing to Diploma level and dancing. She was a member of the Deepdene Choir from the age of seven until Miss Dyke’s retirement last year. Karyn teaches piano at Hastings Boys High School and Napier Boys High School where she also trains a young mans choir. Karyn is also a committee member for the Napier Performing Arts Society. She has been involved with theatre for more than twenty years appearing in shows for the Hastings Operatic Society, Frivs and Napier Operatic Society.

Last year Karyn enjoyed being chorus mistress for Napier Operatic Society’s Centenial [Centennial] Production “Nostalgia” and is enjoying again her association with the chorus of “Oliver”.

(L to R)   Robert Freeman – Artful Dodger, Aaron Cooke – Oliver

(L to R)   Christiaan Briggs – Artful Dodger, Thomas McArdle – Oliver

Lex Barker – Fagin

Stan Simmonds – Bill Sikes

(L to R) Sarah Reid – Bet, Sue Wilton – Nancy

Mel Griffiths – Mr Bumble, Gillian Davies – Widow Corney

(L to R) Tony Scott – Mr Brownlow, Catherine Barker – Mrs Bedwin, Doug Bowey – Dr Grimwig

Tony Fullerton Smith – Mr Sowerberry, Elizabeth Graney – Mrs Sowerberry

William Waitoa – Noah Claypole, Jane Pierard – Charlotte


Scenes and Music



Scene 1   The Workhouse   “Food, Glorious Food” (Oliver and Boys)
“Oliver” (Mr Bumble, Widow Corney and Boys)

2   The Workhouse Parlour (into the street)   “I Shall Scream” (Mr Bumble, Widow Corney)
“Boy for Sale” (Mr Bumble)

3   The Undertaker’s   “That’s Your Funeral” (Mr Sowerberry, Mrs Sowerberry and Mr Bumble)
“Where is Love” (Oliver)

4   The Undertaker’s (next morning)

5   Paddington Green   “Consider Yourself” (Dodger, Oliver and Chorus)

6   The Thieves’ Kitchen   “Pick a Pocket or Two” (Fagin and Boys)
“It’s a Fine Life (Nancy, Bet and Boys)
“I’d Do Anything” (Nancy, Dodger, bet, Oliver, Fagin and Boys)
“Be Back Soon” (Fagin, Dodger and Boys)



Scene 1   The “Three Cripples” (a public house)   “Oom-pah-pah” (Nancy and Chorus)
“My Name” (Bill Sikes)
“As Long as He Needs Me” (Nancy)

2   Mr Brownlow’s House (two weeks later)   “Where is Love” (Reprise Mrs Bedwin)
“Who Will Buy” (Oliver, Street Criers and Chorus)

3   The Thieves’ Kitchen   “It’s a Fine Life (Reprise Nancy, Sikes, Fagin and Dodger)
“Reviewing the Situation” (Fagin)

4   The Workhouse Parlour   “Oliver” (Reprise Widow Corney and Mr Bumble)

5   Mr Brownlow’s House   “As Long as He Needs Me” (Reprise Nancy)

6   London Bridge   “Reviewing the Situation (Reprise Fagin)
FINALE   Full Company


Violins:   Raewyn Newcomb, Dallas Knight, Jose McGoverne
Cello:   Fiona Dunn
Flute:   Sarah Delany
Clarinet:   John Reed
Saxophone:   Bill Mayo
Trumpet:   Kingsley Melhuish
French Horn:   Michael Winter
Trombones:   Keith Robinson, Cliff Howell
Percussion:   Bryan Rae, Jessica Hole
Piano:   Anne Jago
Double Bass:   Leon Speakman

Cast in Order of Appearance

Pauper Assistants:   John Hellyer, Chris Owen, Geoff Dalton
Mr Bumble:   Mel Griffiths
Widow Corney:   Gillian Davies
Oliver:   Aaron Cooke/Thomas McArdle
Mr Sowerberry:   Tony Fullerton-Smith
Mrs Sowerberry:   Elizabeth Graney
Charlotte:   Jane Pierard
Noah:   William Waitoa
Artful Dodger:   Robert Freeman/Christiaan Briggs
Chorus:   Gentry, Citizens of London
Fagin:   Lex Barker
Nancy:   Sue Wilton
Bet:   Sarah Reid
Mr Brownlow:   Tony Scott
Bow Street Runners:   Tony Blake, Bill Perry
Bill Sikes:   Stan Simmonds
Mrs Bedwin:   Catherine Barker
Rose-Seller:   Kay Collins
Milk-Maid:   Jill Sweeney
Strawberry-Seller:   Beverley Blake
Knife-Grinder:   Kraig MacKay
Long-Song-Seller:   Johnny Williams
Dr Grimwig:   Doug Bowey
Old Sally:   Pat Anderson
Old Lady:   Janet Freeman

Boys:   Workhouse/Fagin’s
Michael Berry
Simon Bigwood
Andrew Buntain
Michael Chambers
Mathew Cooke
Benjamin Dalton
Callum Dodunski
Jesse Easton
Tarver Graham
Michel Greenem
James Hendra
Mark Lawrence
Murray Mansfield
Fraser Marett
David Murphy
Brent Smith
David von Dadelszen

Chorus/Gentry/Citizens of London/Vendors

Ursula Allen
Pat Anderson
Catherine Barker
Beverley Blake
Valda Brechmanis
Tarisha Briggs
Kim Cleverton
Kay Collins
Janet Freeman
Susan Fullerton-Smith
Philippa Jones
Penny Graham
Yvonne Ironside
Sharon Pook
Raelene Kyle
Julia Mahony
Jill Sweeney
Janine Reid
Lesley Standring
Doug Bowey
Orlena Wilton
Tony Blake
John Hellyer
Bill Dalton
Geoff Dalton
Chris Owen
Brian Jeffries
Kraig Mackay
Johnny Williams
Bill Perry
John Simpson

Photo caption – Mr Bumble degraded in the Eyes of the Paupers

“Food Glorious Food”

The Boys Chorus

Oomp – Pah – Pah

The Adult Chorus

Production Team

Alan Jones   Stage Manager

Ian Collins   Production Manager

L to R:   Sue Page Wardrobe Mistress, Robert Lockyer Sound, Joy Shepherd Back Stage Mother, Clive Buttery Head Flyman, Dale Reid Properties Mistress, Mary O’Donovan Production Secretary, Linda Carrad Assistant Wardrobe Mistress, Leigh Jones Assistant Stage Manager, Marc Collier Mechanist, Trish Green Make-up


Tamatea High School
Port School
Kerry Hague, Wilson & Neil
New Plymouth Operatic Society
Anne Jago, Audition Pianist.
Brian Pearson Chemist
Bay City Radio.
Neil Binder Photographer
Conroy Removals
Gwyn Ace
McMillin Craig Ltd (Printers & Stationers)


Subscribing Members:   If you are not already a member of our Society and would like to become one, 1988 subscriptions of $15.00 per household are now being received at Box 756, Napier. This will entitle you to preferential bookings, opening night complimentaries (if available) and to be on our mailing list.

Active Members:   We always need active members, both on stage and back stage. Phone 439-953 if you are interested in joining us in some capacity.

Production Personnel

Production Manager:   Ian Collins
Stage Manager:   Alan Jones
Production Secretary:   Mary O’Donovan
Mechanist:   Marc Collier
Assistant Stage Manager:   Leigh Jones
Properties Mistress:   Dale Reid
Head Flyman:   Clive Buttery
Make-up Mistress:   Trish Green
Wardrobe Mistress:   Sue Page
Assistant Wardrobe Mistress:   Linda Carrad
Backstage Mother:   Joy Shepherd
Lighting:   Peter Earle, Paul Collier, Geoff Souter, Troy Briggs, Liz Rogers, Donna Keating, Walt Rutgers, Robin Johnson.
Sound:   Robert Lockyer, Lee Lockyer, Paul Jennings, Gail Jones
Call Stewards:   Suzanne Jones, Nicki Dunderdale
Stage Crew:   Reg Whitlock, Alan Holt, Brian Harver, George Ward, Brian Nathan, Brendon Torley, Alan Wallis, Leslie Gray, Kevin Jupp, Andrew Graney, Stuart Simmonds, Doug Peters, Peter Wilson.
Properties:   Lynda Shirras, Barbara Brown, Glen Ward, Margaret Monteith, Sonya Todd, Sharon Pardoe, Anne Grindrod, Breige Rendell, Anna Brown, Charlotte Chetty
Fly Floor:   Harley Jones, Date Tutty, Boyd Taylor, Eion MacKinnon, Kevin Bartlett
Make-up:   Leeanne Simpson, Joyce Greenhalgh, Minnie Wright, Gloria Carney, Bernadette Foley, Sharon Pardoe, Jill Richards, Jeanette Towers
Front of House:   Peter Shepherd, John Briggs, Fred Twyford, Ian Collins, Ian Graney, Lyndsay Browne, Barrie Browne, Karen White and helpers.
Publicity:   Peter Shepherd, John Briggs, Sharon Pardoe, Ian Collins, Breige Rendell.
Programme:   Peter Shepherd, John Briggs.


‘An Evening with Gershwin’

This will open for a 3 week season on the 30th July this year at our Theatre, Restaurant complex in Coronation Street. The show will be directed by Shirley Jarrett and under the musical direction of Warwick Curtis.

Music Hall 1988

This will open in November with director Laurie Swindell


‘Bugsy Malone’

“Oliver” was performed by the Napier Operatic Society in 1972. Some 12,000 people attended this show.

Since 1972 the Society has performed these shows:

1973   Fiddler on the Roof
1973   My Fair Lady
1975   Man of La Mancha
1976   Pirates of Penzance
1976   Music Hall
1977   Oops Titipu
1977   Joseph and the Amazing Dreamcoat
1977   Music Hall
1978   Oh What a Lovely War
1978   Music Hall
1979   The Great Waltz
1979   Grease
1979   Music Hall
1980   Jesus Christ Super Star
1980   Music Hall
1981   HMS Pinafore
1981   Hans Christian Anderson
1981   Music Hall
1982   Cabaret
1982   Music Hall
1983   Annie
1983   Music Hall
1984   Man of La Mancha
1984   Patience
1984   Music Hall
1985   The Gingerbread Man
1985   Chicago
1985   Music Hall
1986   Mack & Mabel
1987   The Sorcerer
1987   Nostalgia (Centenial [Centennial] Production)
1987   Music Hall

Original digital file


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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]

Business / Organisation

Napier Operatic Society

Format of the original

Booklet (9-32 pages)

Date published

14-21 May 1988

Accession number


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