Programme 1998 – Bugsy Malone

Kids ‘n’ community




A witty, tuneful, fun musical depicting the glitz and glamour of the Art Deco era.

Supported by Taradale Rotary
Directed by Gillian Davies

All Proceeds to Hawkes Bay Child Cancer


By arrangement with


Based on the film “Bugsy Malone”

Words & Music by
Paul Williams

Libretto by
Alan Parker

Directed by
Gillian Davies

Musical & Choral Director
Karyn Briggs

Choreography by
Kelsey Roderick

Set Design by
John Briggs

Lighting Design by
Gwyn Ace

Costume Design by
Lois Reefman

Production Manager
Peter Shepherd

Sound Design by
Oceania Audio Ltd

Sally Foster

Proudly Supported by
Taradale Rotary Club

Printing by
Rush Print, Hastings



Gillian Davies – Director

Yes – Well, here they are, Kids ‘n Community supported so fully and splendidly by the Taradale Rotary Club and their President Graham Duncan. Supported to help support the most worthwhile cause of Child Cancer in the Bay – supported so generously and materially by many of the business houses and companies of Hawkes Bay.

Clocking in daily, these young people have “missed a summer but gained an experience” – maybe a once in a lifetime experience.

These 8 to 14 year olds are now really beginning to understand that their talents, energy and love can make a difference to somebody else’s life. Important, character building and exciting. Exciting also for them to see a Gillian Davies dream become a reality and participate in it fully with a mix of hard work, excruciatingly funny experiences – moments of misery, lots of new acquaintances, plus pies a plenty from the nearby café.

Supported not only by Taradale Rotary but by the artistic and technical skills of so many. Musically directed by Karyn Briggs so inspiringly and phenomenally, excitingly choreographed by Kelsey Roderick, Director of the American Jazz Dance School. Clad by Lois Reefman, Thomas McArdle and their team. What a challenge! Lit, as always, so professionally by Gwyn Ace. Cared, cajoled, focused and rehearsed by Kazz who has been a real strength in assisting me. The Shepherding of Peter the Good Shepherd, Production Manager.

We are certainly indebted to Members of the Napier Operatic Society and to the Society itself, to Sally Foster, the Marketing Manager, and the Napier Municipal Theatre without whom this production could not and would not have been part of this Art Deco World Congress celebration and to the great encouragement and support of
John Cocking and the Art Deco Trust.

But it is without a doubt, that we are most indebted especially to John and Christiaan Briggs for their staggeringly magnificent and appropriately workable set design and construction painstakingly developed from a really simple concept. To local artist Brent Redding’s consummate skill and dedication in painting so exquisitely those great sets.

It must surely be wonderous for these young people at this moment waiting for the curtain to rise. Thank you for supporting them in their cause to help support Cancer in the Bay. They totally believe the last line of the last song in Bugsy Malone.

“You give a little love and it all comes back to you. You will be remembered by the things that you say and do.”

Thank you
Gillian Davies

Heads of Depts – Artistic

Karyn Briggs – Musical Director
Although worldly wise and well travelled, Karyn has never had illicit booze in a Speak-easy- Fat Sam’s or otherwise. But if she did have the opportunity she’d invite Norma Smith (Assistant Musical Director) who is always Feeling Fine, and the two Bad Guys rehearsal pianists, Anne Jago and Vicki Miller. Karyn has been known to Give A Little Love to the set designer – and It’s All Comin Back To Her! Seriously, Karyn’s contribution and commitment to music and theatre has been life long both on stage and off, practically and theoretically and her real gift is the ability to share with young people that joy. “This gifted approach and determinedly professional capacity to “deliver the goods” has been a real asset for Bugsy Malone” says Gillian!

Kelsey Roderick – Choreographer
Kelsey Roderick commenced dancing at the age of four and followed her dreams to make dancing her career. She has danced in Napier Operatic productions including Grease, Jesus Christ Superstar and Cabaret, and went on to gain her teaching diploma in Modern Dance. (I.S.T.D London).

She established the American Jazz Dance School six years ago. As well as Tap Dancing, she teaches this exciting Jazz syllabus unique to her studio in Napier. She recently travelled to Los Angeles for a course in Jazz Dance Choreography.

Having produced her own dance shows, this is her first foray into choreography under the direction of Gillian Davies, and she is thrilled to be involved with this production. Gillian is thrilled and grateful to welcome Kelsey!

Lois Reefman – Wardrobe Mistress
Lois is an experienced wardrobe mistress, having spent 40 years involved in Theatrical production, 30 of them working with costume. She holds a Diploma in Dressmaking and puts her qualifications as a designer to good use. Lois has been Wardrobe Mistress for numerous Napier Operatic productions and also for a number of the Hawkes Bay Regional Opera Trust’s productions.

Lois has found working with such a large group of children a real challenge and is grateful for all the help she has received from her willing ladies, and Gillian can’t thank her enough.

Gwyn Ace – Lighting Director
Gwyn has worked in excess of 100 productions since he first became involved In Theatre over 50 years ago. He has worked on set design and presentation, as well as lighting for over 30 productions for Napier Operatic since 1972. He feels strongly that lighting should be an extension, and an enhancement of the show itself, not a separate spectacle. In the past year Gwyn has worked on six productions and acknowledges his gratitude to the young people who have worked with him to realise his collection of ideas and visions.

John Briggs – Set Design & Construction Manager
Master builder John Briggs contribution to theatre over the last 20 plus years has been immense and invaluable – designing & building the Tabard Theatre, designing and building shows Gershwin, Jerome Kern & Westside Story. Committee person – then President for Napier Operatic Society. His conscientious laid back attitude makes him a joy to work with – and does he work?!! – “Bugsy Malone” is a real testament to that!

One of John’s greatest joys is to see people enjoying themselves – especially children “What better show than to do Bugsy Malone”, proferred [proffered] John and he was right! Eighty plus children, all proceeds going to Child Cancer Support – John was in boots & all – (or rather, boots, wife, son & all!)

Another real plus for John and for Bugsy Malone is that he has had, as he himself says (and we too appreciate) “the invaluable assistance of my youngest son Christiaan as co-designer – a most enjoyable experience.” Thank you John.

Christiaan Briggs – Set Design and Construction
Christiaan, 22, has been involved in theatre from an early age. He has dreamt of being involved in the show BUGSY MALONE ever since he played the “Artful Dodger” in “Oliver Twist” in 1988. When turned down flatly after requesting to be part of the “all children” cast, he became part of the father/son set design team which he says has been a resounding success.

Christiaan is off to Wellington this year to study Ecological Architecture and finish a Diploma in Architectural Technology. He looks forward to being involved in similar productions in the future, (with Dad).

Brent Redding – Scenic Artist
Brent is a Napier based artist of real repute! And you will see why! We are indeed fortunate to have his time and talents. Painting and exhibiting his own works commercially he is in real demand – painting a number of public and private works in the Napier/Hastings areas, a working artist! – and he has worked for us.

Theatre has enticed him once or twice before over the years – working with Napier Operatic Society and the Napier Repertory.

He is pleased to be supporting this charity production – but it is probably quite a fortuitous thing that he did not really know just how big his input would be when Gillian initially approached him and it has certainly been music while he works day in and day out at the Bugsy Malone Headquarters. He loves it and is really looking forward to opening night. Thanks a million Brent.

Cain Redding – Scenic Artist
Cain has just returned to Napier from England and volunteered his time to spend the past few weeks assisting his father, Brent Redding, paint the sets and scenery for this production of “Bugsy Malone”. Although this undertaking involved long and arduous work, he was happy to give his time to support the cause of Child Cancer and has enjoyed seeing the show come together.

is proud to be supporting the
Bugsy Malone
production, and helping to
raise funds for
Hawke’s Bay Child Cancer.
Phone 06 876 6403 Fax 06 876 4830
103 Warren St. North, P.O. Box 548 Hastings.

Taradale Rotary Club

The desire to assist Hawke’s Bay in the ongoing development of its Art Deco theme as the Art Deco capital of the world, came to fruition for the Taradale Rotary Club when the opportunity was extended to the Club to support a major project and one of the highlights of the Art Deco Week of February 1999. It was a dual joy to be able to help Children with Cancer, as well as provide an opportunity for children and Rotary to have a once in a lifetime experience of having such a worthy project in which to participate.

“BUGSY MALONE” needed a support body with the resources to work with an enthusiastic group of theatrical people, directed by Gillian Davies, to stage this show in conjunction with the Art Deco World Congress Week in Napier.

Although the challenge was first seen as quite daunting, the knowledge that all funds raised from this would go to children with cancer in Hawke’s Bay, added to the enthusiasm and commitment of Rotarians, their extended families, and other supporting companies and organisations, to see that this show was a great success.

Whilst the Taradale Rotary Club was the essential link to spark the project into life, the resource of Rotary as a community service organisation could not be underestimated and the opportunity was extended to the other ten Rotary Clubs in this region to join forces and support this very worthwhile cause. Apart from financial contributions made, this community project set a platform for all the clubs to share in the goodwill and fellowship of Rotary, building on a bond of friendship, and the knowledge that the efforts made were to benefit so many.

This special event has so many spin-offs.
Providing opportunities for children to be involved in a production to build on their own personal development, but also knowing that they are helping other children who have been afflicted with cancer

An occasion to profile Hawke’s Bay to New Zealand and the overseas visitors attending the World Art Deco Congress.

To bring together families who have children with cancer to an event that will have significant benefits for them in the times ahead.

This has been a very enjoyable and satisfying project and I know the public of Hawkes Bay and the many visitors to our cities will thoroughly enjoy this production of “BUGSY MALONE”.

My special thanks go to Gillian Davies, the director of this wonderful production, and to the many people involved in making the show a reality, and especially to the children/actors who have dedicated themselves over a long period of time.

My thanks to the Rotarians and their partners and the Clubs who have supported the project, and to the many companies and organisations who have contributed so much.

Well done to you all.

Graham T Duncan, President
Taradale Rotary Club
Show Principal Co-ordinator


“Give a little love and it all comes back to you”

The Hawkes Bay Child Cancer Support Group was started in 1985 as a reflection of the need for support for families and children when they were faced with the diagnosis of cancer. A situation that invariably involved treatment away from home, from several months to up to a year, followed by months or years of treatment locally. These months and years made more difficult by the never-ending fear regarding possible outcomes.

The support group provides emotional and educational support through meetings and social gatherings but we have seen our need to offer financial help to families increase over the last ten years.

The geographical distance from treatment centres (Auckland and Wellington) provides a huge barrier for families who are already torn apart by the life threatening diagnosis. The support group offers petrol, phone and meal vouchers to help keep families together and have over the years financially contributed to the building of “Ronald McDonald” Houses in both Wellington and Auckland.

We also provide assistance to bereaved families. In the last five or six years we have noticed a new need among our group with our surviving children involving the long term side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Annual educational grants help by providing extra tuition or fees for academic and vocational courses.

None of this assistance would have been possible without the help of the Hawkes Bay community. As our family numbers increase and assistance through government agencies and the hospitals decreases, this community help increases in importance.

The offer by Taradale Rotary supported by other Rotarians and local businesses to undertake this huge fundraising project on our behalf is most timely and hugely appreciated. As child cancer parents, we have found our skills to be best used in a support context and such enthusiastic and able backup enables us to concentrate our time and energy on newly diagnosed and bereaved families rather than cakestalls.

Our special thanks go to Graham Duncan and Gillian Davies and their many helpers who have brought all of this together and have helped provide a huge number of children both in our group, on the stage, and in the community with a very memorable and meaningful moment.



It was back in 1973 that Alan Parker had the idea for Bugsy Malone (the movie), a gangster musical film with no adults in the cast, and so it came to be, starring a young Jodie Foster and a young Scott Baio.

Alan Parker remembers nervously sitting in many outer offices of the powers that be in Hollywood. He’d be clutching his script – his book of drawings, his test photographs, doing his sales pitch to more than patient moguls -“…well, it’s a gangster film…er, a musical… A sort of pastiche on all the old Warner Bros movies. It’s a world of would-be-gangsters, showgirls and dreamers…er except…’ (clears throat, looks at shoes, shuffles papers)… there’s no adults in the cast, only children. Average age about 12” He saw a lot of expensive fillings in those days – in the gaping mouths of incredulous film executives.

And we feel much the same way today staging this ‘happening’ in Napier. It’s kinda – outrageous – unthinkable – we keep saying – what are we doing here? But we’re doing it! Supported by Rotary for a great cause! And with some great kids!

The Stage Adaptation

Libretto by Alan Parker   Words and Lyrics by Paul Williams

A great little musical set in 1929 in New York. Making it a perfect partner with Napier’s Art Deco Municipal Theatre and the week long Art Deco World Congress Celebrations.
Gillian and “the Team”

New York (Eastside) 1929.

The gangster “Fat Sam” has his own Speakeasy. But he also has an Arch Enemy “Dandy Dan” who has a ‘new weapon’ – the SPLURGE GUN – with which he threatens to run Sam out of business. Will he succeed? Or, will Sam lose his Empire, his gang and his Broad “Tallulah”?

“Bugsy Malone”- the cutest of customers – as well as keeping us updated with the story, becomes involved – falls in love with the little singer “Blousey Brown” – will she return his love? Will the appealing little janitor “Fizzy “get an audition?


…all will be revealed …



BUGSY MALONE   John Von Dadelszen
BLOUSEY BROWN   Antoinette Hannah
FAT SAM STACETTO   Charles Ropotini [Ropitini]
KNUCKLES   Carl Hayes
DANDY DAN   Dion Thorne
TALLULAH   Correen Field
FIZZY   Laughton Maitai

KNUCKLES   Carl Hayes
RITZY   Tane Morunga
SHADY   Nick Karaitiana
ANGELO   Jared Paul
SNAKE EYES   Jerome Edmondson

LOUELLA   Kali Chote
DOTTIE   Kim Davey
LAURETTA   Perri Exeter

DANCERS   Jane Dalton
Perri Exeter
Hollie King
TAP TRIO   Carl Hayes, Alice King & Kaylee Van den Ende
BACKER SINGERS   Kali Chote, Natasha Lewis
LENA   Natalie Tims
LEROY SMITH   Taina Hawaikirangi
CAGEY JOE   Isaac Robin
ROXY ROBINSON   Ben Goodridge
BARBER   Ryan Scott
POP BECKER   Ryan Scott
BARMAN JOE   James Wilburn
CAFÉ OWNER   Ryan Scott
VIOLINIST   Alex Van Rijk
BUTLER   Jeremy Shoebridge

OPERA SINGER   Heather Karauria
GUISEPPE   Alex Van Rijk
3 DANCERS   Lauryn Campbell, Sarah Hegarty, Leanne Murphy

DUO   Anne Aifai, Pearl Robin
HARPIST   Kim Davey

SEYMOUR SCOOP   Louis Sayers

PRESSMAN   Shamus Jackson


LAUNDRY WORKERS   Anne, Aifai, Nina Bonica, Jeni Franken, Loran Hosegood, Sarah Miller, Tammy Miller, Leanne Murphy, Virginia Sheardown, Stevie Vermunt

SHOULDERS   Joseph Mara
YONKERS   David Stevens
DOODLES   Nick Ronke
BENNY LEE   Bronson Mara
RAT   Bronson Wairau
BANGLES   Bronwen Pattison
TILLIE   Melissa Grant
VELMA   Hollie King
Kim Davey   Jemma Davies
Melissa Grant   Alice King
Elizabeth Rainford   Kaylee Van den Ende

Sarah Mooney   Bronwen Pattison
O’DREARY   James Wilburn
LOONY BERGONZI   Jarren Jackson
BABY FACE   Liam Jackson
POLICEMEN   Daniel Holloway, Reuben Moore Isaac Robin
FLASH FRANKIE   Thomas Barlow
BOUNCER   Bevan Gillespie
PAPERBOYS   Patrick Stevens, Joshua Swannel

BARMAID   Abigail Wolffram

HOUSEKEEPER   Abigail Wolffram
FOOTMEN & MAIDS   Rosie Ralph, Johancee Theron Loran Hosegood, Leanne Murphy, Tammy Miller, Sarah Miller
MARBINI   Reuben Moore
VENTRILOQUIST   Daniel Holloway
DUMMY   James Wilburn
GREEK DANCERS   Rosie Ralph, Johancee Theron
LENA’S DANCERS   Patrick Stevens, Joshua Swannel


CAMERAMEN   Daniel Holloway Reuben Moore

FLOWER LADY   Louise McLellan


PRIEST   Isaac Robin

Anne Aifai, Rudi Bauerfiend [Bauerfeind], Matthew Burnside, Rochelle Buglass, Nina Bonica, Jemma Braid, Lauryn Campbell, Allanah Crowley, Jeni Franken, Bevan Gillespie, Ben Goodrich, Lucia Gunn, Liam Leng, Jackie Houkamau, Sarah Hegarty, Daniel Holloway Loran Hosegood Shamus Jackson, Stratton Jackson, Jasmine Jones, Heather Karauria, Nim Kee, Zac Kettle, Zoe King, H. Jun Kwon, Jaime Lee, Natasha Lewis Elana McNeill, Sarah Miller, Tammy Miller, Sarah Mooney, Kiriti Moore, Reuben Moore, Leanne Murphy, Aston Phillips, Rosie Ralph, Leonie Rhodes. Isaac Robin, Pearl Robin, Louis Sayers, Ryan Scott, Virginia Sheardown, Jeremy Shoebridge, Patrick Stevens, Joshua Swannel Dianne Te Amo, Johancee Theron, Alex Van Rijk, Stevie Vermunt, James Wilburn, Abigail Wolffram
Members of the Ensemble play Street Children, Patrons, Waiters & Waitresses, Mourners, Sluggers Gym Boxers, Down & Outs and Drivers.
Extras – 8 Baseball Guards



The action of BUGSY MALONE takes place in Lower Eastside New York – 1929 – in one or other of the environs noted below.

The Streets of New York –
(lower east side)

A Barbers Shop
Pop Beckers Book Emporium
Fat Sam’s Speakeasy
Fat Sam’s Office
A Cafe
Dandy Dan’s Mansion
The Bijoux Theatre
The Hung Fu Chin Laundry
East Chester Park – (under the 3 trees)
Sluggers Gym
A Dockside
A Soup Kitchen
A Splurge Gun Factory


Bugsy Malone (title song)   Fat Sam
Fat Sam’s Grand Slam   Fat Sam & Gang, Ensemble, Backer Singers
Tomorrow   Fizzy
Lena’s Show Song   Lena Morelli
Bad Guys Song   Fat Sam’s Gang
I’m Feeling Fine   Blousy Brown


My Name is Tallulah   Talullah and Backer Singers
Reprise:   I’m Feeling Fine   Blousy and Bugsy
So you wanna to be a Boxer   Cagey Joe, his assistant, Boxers & male ensemble
Ordinary Fool   Blousy Brown
Down & Out   Bugsy & male ensemble
You Give a Little Love   Fizzy, Principals and Entire Company

Main Characters – About the character and the person

Youngest of a large musically and theatrically interested family, 12 year old John’s involvement in “Carmen” and local children’s shows, prompted him to audition for “Bugsy Malone”.
“I love cricket, soccer, singing and the cornet – but being “Bugsy” has been a real challenge – I like him – he’s quite a customer, is Bugsy! He’s right there and I’ve loved being in the show, whether onstage or off!”
“It’s my last year at Hereworth and I’m really looking forward to developing further my interest in music and drama. It’s great – just great!”

13 year old Antoinette is in her first year at Sacred Heart College. “netball, tennis and ballet are my loves and dancing with The Royal NZ Ballet in both “Romeo & Juliet” and “Petrouchka” was wonderful, but playing the “Little Cosette” in “Les Misérables” is my most unforgettable experience – and now Blousey Brown, who is really quite a complicated, changeable, little character – I really am getting to like her!”

14 year old Charles Ropitini just loves being in shows. He fair jumped at the chance to sing the title song of “Bugsy Malone” and was ecstatic about being cast as Gang Leader, Fat Sam Stacetto.
“Am I right? Or am I right?! Says Sam. We think he is.

There are few young men of his age – who could begin to approach this role with such intelligence and integrity. “A future in the theatre would be great” says Charles, meanwhile “It’s study and more study, music and more music at Havelock North High!”

DANDY DAN – Gang Leader
13 year old Dion Thorne is a real character – he’s been around show biz for about four years with the Frivs and school productions.
“I just love to sing, dance, act and talk,” says Dion! “And I think this show’s swell, just swell” and my character of Dandy Dan – he’s quite the gentleman. We are so looking forward to sharing this all with the audience.

“Who me? Tallulah!” said Coreen Field, a 14 year old 4th Former at Colenso High School. “What a challenge! Fat Sam’s woman!” Coreen is thrilled to have the opportunity to become more versatile. “I’ve played very different roles in the past for Frivs, Hastings Operatic and school productions.

We spied 11 year old Laughton’s great little face at Marewa School and he volunteered to strut his stuff. Laughton was absolutely dumbfounded when he was given the role of Frizzy.
As well as being a reader and story teller, Laughton is a mover and a groover. What will “tomorrow bring” for Laughton?

13 year old
Kali Chote of Hastings

12 year old
Natalie Tims of Napier

14 year old
Bronwen Pattison of Havelock North

14 year old
Isaac Robin of Haumoana

8 year old
Liam Jackson of Napier

12 year old
Taina Hawaikirangi of Taradale



Kids ‘n Community

“they’re a great bunch! These young people (supported by generous and thoughtful parents) are capable and desirous of further helping many in need.

They could form a permanent collective with the aim of lending a helping hand in times of disaster.

For example if a family loses much of their belongings in a flood or fire the “Kids ‘n Community” could organise a charity concert to raise funds to help them in their loss.

The 80 youngsters that have been involved in the Bugsy Malone production have been developing an awareness about others needs.

All the proceeds of the Bugsy Malone performances will go to the Hawke’s Bay Child Cancer Support. Every day each child has “clocked in and out” at rehearsals so they could see how many hours they were donating to child cancer.

“Changing things by giving a little love which all comes back to you,” is what its all about

“Kids in Community” could appoint their own officers and become such an asset to Hawkes Bay. We wish them well for the future – and thank them immensely.

Thomas McArdle – Costume Designer and Creator of Street Scene, Act 1

Thomas has had a keen interest in theatre since the age of eight when he shared the title role in the Napier Operatic Society production of “Oliver”.

Thomas has thoroughly enjoyed his involvement in “Bugsy Malone” immersing himself into the era of 1929 diligently researching and searching for clothing to achieve the authentic look he wanted for the Street Scene. (Every librarian and Op Shop person has “grown accustomed to his face!” as the song says).

We admire his initiative and dedication to the task in hand and wish him well as he is about to commence the second year of his Masters Degree in Fashion.

Thank you, Thomas








Production Personnel

Peter Shepherd – Production Manager
Peter has been involved in the theatre for the past 20 years or so.  He spent many years on the Executive Committee of the Napier Operatic Society and four years as the Society President. During this time he was production manager of four of the society’s major productions. This gave him the skills and expertise to carry out the production manager’s duties for this production of “BUGSY MALONE”.
He has made one appearance on stage, but says he finds it much easier to fulfil administrative tasks than performing on stage. Peter has found this production very challenging but has thoroughly enjoyed working with Rotary and all the very enthusiastic children.

It has been a great opportunity for me to see a project such as Bugsy Malone come to fruition after so much hard work by all those involved, especially the kids who have created a magic that I hope they will treasure for the rest of their lives, and with any luck we have instilled in them a love of the theatre that they will pass on, if not whilst gracing the stage themselves in the future, but by becoming true patrons of the arts. They have achieved a great deal in the last few months and I am glad to have been able to help expose their talents to all those that will enjoy the show. Good luck to them all in the future and I hope that The Napier Municipal Theatre will once again have the pleasure of being involved in a project such as this.
SALLY FOSTER – Marketing Manager

Neill Page – Stage Director
Neill’s involvement in the theatre began some 20 years ago and since then he has been the Stage Director for many shows for the Napier Operatic Society, the most notable being Les Miserables and Evita.
He has appeared on stage on a number of occasions but feels he is better suited behind the scenes.
Neill leads a busy life, he is the President of the Napier Operatic Society a position he has held for the past three years, he is a keen yachtsman and likes to ski in the winter (when he can find the time.)

Lesley’s interest in theatre began 35 years ago in Timaru. She joined the Napier Operatic Society 10 years ago and has been involved in some capacity in the majority of their productions in that time.
Her main interest is singing and probably the most memorable production for her was being in the Napier Operatic Society’s production of Les Miserables.
She has been production manager and production secretary for numerous Napier Operatic productions and was delighted to be able to assist in this production of “BUGSY MALONE”. The opportunity to work with such talented young people is something she will never forget
Lesley Reid – Production Secretary

Chris joined Napier Operatic Society in 1970. Her first show was Pink Champagne where she met her husband Malcolm. She worked on the Properties Teams for many shows, taking a break for a few years to have her family.
She has been Properties Manager for a number of shows, including “Stepping Out” and several “Music Halls”. She also worked on “Les Miserables”, “Chess” and “42nd Street”.
Chris Kenah Properties Manager

Dawn’s introduction to stage – make-up was 25 years ago in Oliver. Since then she has created and designed make-up for numerous major productions including Les Miserables and 42nd Street.
Dawn McCowatt Makeup Supervisor

For many years Raymond was a dancer but now prefers to do what he does best – the job of hair design. He has been involved with the Napier Operatic Society since 1994, and has been the hairdresser for all of their productions since then.
Raymond Gempton Hair Stylist

Alan has been involved in the theatre since 1956. He has lost count of the number of productions he has been part of, either on-stage, back stage, or front of house. Alan is an Executive Member and Life Member of the Napier Operatic Society and enjoys passing on his knowledge to younger people so that they too can enjoy the theatre as much as he does. His most recent major productions as stage director have been 42nd Street and Lucia di Lammermoor
Alan Jones – Head Flyman

Leigh Jones – Assistant Stage Manager
A member of the Royal Academy of Dancing, it was as a dancer that Leigh made her stage debut some 35 years ago. Since then she has been involved in innumerable productions, both on and off stage, in various capacities from tea lady to choreographer and in recent years, stage management, notably 42nd Street and Lucia di Lammermoor.

Paul Kenah – Lighting Operator
Paul’s first taste of theatre was in 1991 as an eleven year old. Since then he has worked on many productions for the Napier Operatic Society, as stage crew or in the lighting and sound area. He was the Assistant Stage Manager for Les Misérables when only a fifth form student, and is now employed in a technical capacity at the Municipal Theatre where he can utilise all his theatre skills. Paul leaves for London in March to further his career.

Norma Smith – Assistant Musical Director
Norma is delighted to join Karyn Briggs as Assistant Musical Director and has no trouble at all in “Always Feeling fine” working with such a great bunch of talented and dedicated young musicians. Involvement in orchestras for musical productions, and coaching young musicians are two of the things Norma really enjoys and her involvement with “Bugsy” has given her the unique opportunity to do both.

Ian Reid – House Manager
Ian has been involved in Theatre since 1967 and has worked on lighting and properties teams for many shows. He is the Napier Operatic Society’s Secretary and also a Life Member. He is the Manager of the Municipal Theatre and is pleased to be able to give his administrative skills to this production of BUGSY MALONE.

Diane Holmes – Sound Assistant
Being part of the team making “Bugsy Malone” happen has a special significance for her with the proceeds going to Child Cancer Support.
For years she has been meaning to get more involved with theatre – she feels she’s jumped off the deep end with this production!

Studied at the “Future Images School of Theatre, Film and Television” in Auckland in 1989. She performed in various locally written fringe theatre Productions before managing a casting agency. Returning from Europe last year, this is her first time assisting with a production in Hawkes Bay.

Anne Jago – Rehearsal & Show Pianist
When you get to play the same thing again, and again, and again, you wonder why anyone would volunteer for the job, but Anne says it was easy to say yes to working with Musical Director Karyn Briggs.
First playing for shows as a Colenso High School pupil, Anne has been involved with shows ever since. Her most recent was Napier’s production of Les Miserables.
A piano teacher, she is enjoying seeing young people have the opportunity to work in a major theatre musical production.

Vicki Miller – Rehearsal Pianist
For Vicki, variety is certainly the spice of life. She is equally at home in the science laboratory as she is instructing First Aid, teaching music or flexing her fingers on the keyboard.
Rehearsing for “Bugsy Malone” has been an exciting challenge, working alongside Karyn Briggs a real privilege. Appetite whetted, Vicki is now eager to be involved in further show work.

Production Personnel

Wakefield Street Chaperones   Joy Shepherd, Peter Shepherd, Deborah Jackson, Diane Holmes, Sonya Aifai

Wardrobe and Dressers   Christina Rhodes, Margery Gurney, Bev Carroll, Adrienne Parsons, Maria Peta, Chris Shields, Raewyn Donghi, Jan Simmers, Joy Shepherd, Tricia Duncan, Kim Thornton, Heather Dyet, Gail Oldershaw, Jill McTeigue, Jill Angus, Audrey McCarthy.

Front of House   Ian and Dale Reid and their helpers.

Hairdressing Team   Catherine Gordon, Philippa Jones, Tracey Crosse, Aline Willis, Anita Davies, Ali Oldershaw, Emma Popek.

Makeup Team   Minnie Wright, Helen Jackson, Judy Dagg, Lyndsay Browne, Melba Cunningham, June Berry, Deanne Lawrence, Peg McCarthy and helpers

Sound   Oceania Sound Ltd, Diane and Jillian Holmes – Video East

Construction Team   Alan Monk, Cliff Allen, Neill Page, Jamie Beale, Daniel Hurley, Pierre Van der Zwet, Kelly Asher, Ross Jackson, Jarren Jackson, Clive Adams, Bill Smith, John Burrell, Gavin Thomas, Alan Tuck, Doug Symes, lain Angus, Robin Arnold, Selwyn Dyet, Michael Curtin, Ted Jackson, Graham Duncan

Stage and Lighting Crew   Friends of Napier Operatic Society and Rotarians.

Props   Chris Kenah, John Burrell, Robin Arnold, Mark Kenah, Sonya Aifai, Lynda Shirras, Gail Jones, Donna O’Shaughnessy, Pam Christensen, Merv Dallimore, Chris Cheyne, Nina Hegglun-Robin and helpers.

Call Stewards   Lesley Reid, Deborah Burnside, Sue Page, Judy White

Rotarians and Partners   Graham Duncan, Alan Monk, lain Angus, John Burrel, Clive Adams Robin Arnold, Derek Ricketts, Selwyn Dyet, Ray McTeigue, Mark Oldershaw Ted Skudder, Allen Stewart, Gavin Thomas, Allan Tuck, Bob Twaddle, Doug McGechan, Bruce Mcleod, Michael Curtin, Doug Syme, David Drake, Des Freidrich, Trevor Kilpatrick, Tricia Duncan, Heather Dyet, Jill Angus, Kim Thornton, Gail Oldershaw, Janey Grant, Micky Tuck, Julie Drake, Valarie McCormack, Audrey McCarthy


Pleased to be associated with the Bugsy Malone Show.
TELEPHONE (06) 835-8880 FAX 06 835-0772

Est. 1987
Napier Operatic Society Inc are proud to have been of assistance to Taradale Rotary Club and Kids ‘n Community during the production of Bugsy Malone
Napier Operatic Society 1999 Productions
“The Mikado” 7-29 May A Broadway Hit Musical, Aug-Sept
“Showstoppers” Napier 125th Celebration, Nov. Music Hall 12- 27 Nov.
Currently in negotiation with copyright holders

Napier Municipal Theatre
Hawkes Bay Performing Arts
“When it has to be right first time”
Napier Municipal Theatre proud to be supporting
“Bugsy Malone”

American Jazz Dance School
8 Herschell Street
American Jazz Dance Affl. Syllabus
5 years – Adults classes
Tap   Ceroc
(Taradale Classes)
Phone Kelsey Roderick A.I.S.T.D. 835 8240

Sponsors and Business Acknowledgements

Appleton Pianos
Bugs Away
Napier Operatic Society Inc
Nimon & Sons Ltd
Opey Marketing Company
Richmond Ltd
Guthrie Bowron
Tumu Timbers (Hastings) Ltd
Daily Telegraph
Goodtime Foods
Hastings Operatic Society
Bayswater Vehicles Ltd
Scott and Ricketts Mitre 10
Bay City Radio
Joe Atkin Signs
Napier Taxis Ltd
Pronto Copy
Gloucester Books and Stationery
Wheels Plus
Opey Marketing
Heaven’s Bakery

Bakksters Ale House
Conroy Removals Ltd
Davmet Ltd
Duke of Gloucester
Heinz – Wattie Ltd
Hawkes Bay Boxing Association
Scott Panel and Hardware Ltd
Medallion Foods Ltd
Michael Francis BDS
Pub Charity
RSA Hastings
RSA Taradale
Sam Orton Catering
Shooters Bar and Grill
Weldwell N Z Ltd
Raphael Furnishing Studio
White Traders
BJ McFlynn Hairdressers
Rush Printing Limited
Hastings Musical Comedy
Mane Tamers

Residential Joinery Ltd
Video East
Barton Marine
Napier Municipal Theatre
Westshore Engineering
H.B Softball Association
American Jazz Studio
The Warehouse
Ahuiri [Ahuriri] Maori Wardens
Bay Mowers & Saws
Diamond Dry Cleaners
Mathers Music
New Zealand Towel Service
Technical Old Boys Rugby Football Club
Select Traders Taradale
B-Line Rigging & Scaffolding Ltd
Napier Antique Centre
Quality Screen Printers
Richard Howell
The Copy Company
Clive Ralph Photography

Specialists in Quick Printing
All General Business Stationery
Multi-Colour Printing
Type – Setting
all your printing requirements
Phone 06 876 6403 Fax 06 876 4830
103 Warren St. North, P.O. Box 548 Hastings.


Musical Director   Karyn Briggs
Assistant Musical Director/Violin   Norma Smith
Piano   Anne Jago
Violin   Geordie Anderson
Keyboard   Richard Apperley
Clarinet   Sophie Badland
Drums   David Burch
Alto/Soprano Saxophone   Michael Cooper
Flute   Lauren Dalmon
String/Bass Guitar   Chris Dingle
Trombone   Rory Francis
Trumpet   David Kyle
Tenor Horn   Karen McLellan
Cello   Nina Miller
Flute   Sheen Oughton
Violin   Angela Smith
Trombone   Tommy Swindells

Apologies to the Orchestra Personnel for being omitted from the main programme due to the short time frame for printing.

Original digital file


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This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand (CC BY-NC 3.0 NZ).


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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]

Business / Organisation

Kids 'n Community

Format of the original

Booklet (9-32 pages)

Date published


Accession number


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Please note we cannot verify the accuracy of any information posted by the community.

Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.