Programme 2001 – Return to the Forbidden Planet



Napier Municipal Theatre

11-25 AUGUST 2001


Welcome Aboard

Space Flight 2001

Flights departing daily
11th – 25th August

Co Directors

John Collier

From a theatrical family John began his association with Napier Operatic as a “street urchin’ in the 1954 production of “Chu Chin Chow”. He performed on stage for a further half dozen shows until an interest in the technical side saw John in various backstage departments and then as stage manager for several productions. John also designed and painted sets and costumes for productions such as “Man of La Mancha”. John first teamed up with John Matthews to co-direct “The Fantasticks” and this was followed by “Love Off the Shelf’, “Dirty Weekends” and now “Return to the Forbidden Planet”.

Johns says the joy of theatre comes from the – challenges and the learning – both are endless and because they share the same view, this is the reason the “Two Johns” partnership continues to flourish.

John Matthews

John started in theatre at Napier Repertory and is now their Patron. In 1968 he and John Collier stage managed Gillian Davies “Rape Of The Belt” for Repertory and then did the same for Operatic’s “Camelot”. John then specialised in lighting and set design with some acting roles for Repertory including “Shotgun Wedding”, “Noises Off” and “Look No Hans”.

The two Johns got together again for “The Fantasticks” followed by Roger Hall’s “Love Off The Shelf’ and “Dirty Weekends” for Operatic and now Shakespeare’s long lost masterpiece “Return To The Forbidden Planet’.

John says that at least they are both so old they remember the 50’s/60’s rock ‘n roll era, and film/TV serials with cliff-hanger endings. They hope all ages will love this parody and join in the fun.

Bank of New Zealand

Dean Roberts – Musical Director

Dean has been involved in over 30 productions since his stage debut, aged 11.

Since returning from Chicago in 1989, with a music degree, Dean has been onstage in The Mikado and Les Miserables. In the Pit Orchestra for Annie, Kiss me Kate, Yeoman of the Guard, Hello Dolly, Anything Goes and Showstoppers.

Dean has also been Musical Director for Pink Champagne, Pirates of Penzance, Jesus Christ Superstar, A Chorus Line and Chess.

Belinda Harvey – Choreographer

Belinda was born in Masterton and started dancing at the age of three learning classical ballet, and at the age of seven she began studying tap, jazz and theatre.

In 1999 Belinda graduated the three year National Diploma in Teaching Dance course at the New Zealand School of Dance also gaining a Teaching Certificate in RAD Ballet and becoming an Associate of the ISIO.

Belinda has always had a love of the theatre and has been involved with many stage shows both in the Wairarapa and Hawke’s Bay.


Bob Carlton, the author of “Return To The Forbidden Planet” refers to this extraordinary show as Shakespeare’s long lost rock ‘n roll masterpiece. Through a long process of cultural archaeology, Bob put together all the missing lines and songs according to Shakespeare’s original intention.

The Tempest” of course is the non-musical source material that Shakespeare must have written first and that play has become largely discarded now that we have the Bard’s original intention on stage. Prospero and Miranda were always intended to have been exiled into space by Prospero’s wife Gloria and rescued by the crew of a spaceship. It was far sighted of Shakespeare to realise that Ariel, Prospero’s spirit servant in the play, would have a microchip for a heart and a very big guitar.

The spirit of the Id takes over from Caliban in this musical version and Stefano and Trinculo have been combined and developed into Cookie as they were in the film “Forbidden Planet” in the 1950’s. It must also be accepted that Shakespeare would have wanted the actors to be proficient in a number of musical instruments.

When “Return To The Forbidden Planet” won the Olivier Award for Best Musical in 1990, it was the first time the award had been given to William Shakespeare since his “West Side Story” in the 1950’s.

There is some doubt as to his authorship of the whole show but Bob Carlton is adamant about its originality. Of course critics have pointed out that Shakespeare was only writing at the very beginning of the rock ‘n roll period and it seems unlikely that a simple country boy from Stratford-upon-Avon who wrote “Great Balls of Fire” could have possibly have come up with “Good Vibrations”. We may never know.

Bay City Radio


Ross Corbett – Captain Tempest

During his voyages through the galaxies Captain Tempest’s musical experiences have included band, choral and opera groups, barbershop quartets and oratorio solos.

Recent close encounters with Napier Operatic involved Les Miserables, Chess [Arbiter], Pirates of Penzance [Pirate King] and West End to Broadway.

The captain enjoys the testing challenge of combining Shakespearean dialogue, singing, playing and dancing while keeping a straight face!

Chris Davidson – Prospero

Chris once bestrode the stage with spade and fork t’was “Dirty Weekends” wherein his debut for Napier Operatic Society was made. He e’en dids’t strip his raiment from his bod at the commands from double Johns. His prior work was, in the main, for Napier Repertory “On Chunuk Bair’, “The Boys Next Door’ and more. He dids’t act, cavort, direct and even make the tea. It is his pleasure now to play the villain or is he the real hero – a double-edg’d sword?

Joanne Stevens – Science Officer

Joanne’s first appearance with the Napier Operatic Society was in The Sound of Music. Since then, she has gone on to perform in several local productions. Principal roles include Eva Peron in Evita and Sally in Me and My Girl.

She has also performed with Napier Repertory, Hastings Musical Comedy, Wellington Operatic and Wellington Repertory.

A teacher and mother of three children, Joanne is also kept busy musically with the Reigner [Reignier] School Choir and directing school productions.

Rebecca Radford – Miranda

I have been involved in dramatic productions at high school and university, however this is my first principal role in a musical production.

The vocal cords have strengthened considerably over the past three months and I have become comfortable in the skin of a young innocent come floozy.

I take delight in assisting Miranda to woo her man.

James Schaw – Cookie

James has been performing since high school with his debut to the stage being a solo performance of “I love a Rainy Night” in Central Hawke’s Bay.

James has performed in “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum”, “A Midsummers Nights Dream”, “Mad Memories” and “The Sound of Music”. James then attended EIT Performing Arts. Now a member of Napier Operatic Society he performed in “West End to Broadway” and is very excited about sharing this experience.

John Marshall – Ariel

Prior to discovering the stage, John sang in various choral groups. Theatrical endeavours range from G&S shows including HMS Pinafore, Pirates and Mikado to more recent shows including Les Miserables and Chess.

The last time he worked with the two Johns was in Roger Hall’s Love off the Shelf.

Wendy Hunt – Navigation Officer

Beaming in from Manawatu stages and conductor’s podiums, Wendy is Head of Music at Tamatea High School. Here she pilots the jazz band, concert band, orchestra, chamber music ensembles and choirs, and guides young pianists and preschool musicians starwards.

Off duty pursuits are more earthy – tending goats and olives, learning trombone and playing jazz with her family.

Beryl Coker – Ensign Stella Overdrive

Being involved with most of the amateur society’s in Napier and Hastings for over 30 years and 45 productions I have found this show to be one of the hardest, but certainly rewarding and great to be part of such a wonderful, helpful cast and production crew. “Thank goodness for Teachers.”

Darren Weber – Bosun

Darren began with Napier Operatic Society starring in Jesus Christ Superstar and HMS Pinafore. He was also a band member in Westend to Broadway. He has been Musical Director for 3 school shows involving Napier Boys’ High.

Darren spends his spare time doing up his house and playing with his baby.

Kelly Taylor – Ensign Starr Struck

This is Kelly’s first show for Napier Operatic Society and she is really enjoying it. She first started drama when she was eight with a private local drama group, who did a few shows/performances while Kelly was there.

Singing and dancing became a new aspect for her theatre performance when she became involved in and the joined Napier Boys’ High School and Napier Girls’ High School show of “No Ill Feeling”.

Kelly really loves performing and hopes to be involved in many more shows.

Dean Roberts – Chief Engineer

Dean has music in his veins. As well as involving himself in theatre he is a keen member of Bay Harmony – a Mens’ barbershop chorus.

Dean has enjoyed the challenge of being Musical Director and cast member of this show.

Kim Davey – Ensign Rae Beam

Kim is a sixth form student at Napier Girls’ High School and became involved with theatre 6 years ago with the Junior Frivs.

She has also performed in “Bugsy Malone” and school productions “West Side Story” and the recent “No Ill Feeling”.

This is Kim’s first show with the Napier Operatic Society and she is adamant it will not be her last. Kim has a real passion for dance and theatre and plans to pursue a double degree in law and performing arts at University.

NEWSCASTER – John Campbell


LEAD GUITAR   Joseph Hape
BASS GUITAR   Robyn Lundell
TRUMPET   Murray Basher
SAXOPHONE   Dean Roberts
TRUMPET   Leighton McKay
TROMBONE   Craig Williamson

Jayne Venyige
Trent Dallimore
Belinda Harvey
Allan Snoad
Julie Marr


YOUNG MIRANDA   Zoe Marshall


A Whale of a Tale
9 November – 1 December 2001

BLOOD Brothers
Directed by
May 11-25 2002




Act 1

Wipeout/Telstar    Company
This Is a Man’s World    Captain Tempest and Science Officer
Great Balls of Fire    Cookie and Company
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood    Dr Prospero
Good Vibrations    Captain Tempest and Company
The Shoop Shoop song    Cookie and Bosun
I’m Gonna Change the World   Dr Prospero/Ariel
Why Must I Be A Teenager in Love    Miranda
Young Girl    Captain Tempest
She’s Not There    Cookie
Gloria    Gloria and Company

Act Two

Gloria    Gloria and Company
Who’s Sorry Now?   Ariel
Tell Her   Gloria, Cookie and Company
Robot Man   Miranda
Shake, Rattle and Roll   Cookie, Ariel and Company
Go Now   Gloria
Only the Lonely   Cookie
The Young Ones   Captain Tempest, Miranda, Cookie, Ariel
We’ve Gotta Get out into Space/Born to Be Wild   Company
Wipeout   Company
Hey Mr Spaceman   Miranda and Company
Great Balls of Fire (Reprise)   Company


Heads of Production Team Flight Crew

Sonya Aifai – Production Manager

Sonya was introduced to Napier Operatic by joining the “Oliver” props team in 1988. Since then Sonya has been Props Manager, Caterer, Production Secretary and Manager for many shows. Sonya has also performed on stage. Sonya joined the Executive Committee in 1995 and has established a theatre school for our NOS future generations. She is currently directing their first production of ‘Little Red Rocking Hood’ and is looking forward to being Production Manager for Blood Brothers 2002.

Nic McGrath – Production Secretary

Nicky can usually be found with the props or in the kitchen but due to working on a production of her own (baby number 1) she decided to take on a sit down job – hence production secretary.She has enjoyed her first experience of working with the two John’s though now completely understands the concept of ‘cerebral elasticity’.

Marc Collier – Stage Director

Having a strong passion for theatre, which he is sure is handed down genetically, Marc has many years of experience in working backstage and as an Executive Member of the Society, is actively involved in getting the Society to do new and exciting things for the future generations to enjoy.

Gail Jones – Stage Manager/Prompt

Gail has been actively involved with this Society since 1985.
Her primary interest lies backstage assisting in different areas such as Wardrobe, Props, Hostessing, Lighting, Sound, Kitchen and 14 years on the Social Club committee.
Gail ranks Les Miserables, Grease, Superstar among her favourite shows. Gail sees her role in this production as an exciting challenge.

John Collier – Scenic Designer

John’s interest in set design started way back in the days of “Tin Hat Club” Anzac Day revues and has since followed with several Napier Operatic Productions, starting with “Pink Champagne” in 1970 and then “Man of La Mancha” [twice], both of which he also directed, “Grease”, “Joseph”, “Love off the Shelf”, and “Dirty Weekends”. John has enjoyed “Planet” over the last year.

Pam Christensen – Wardrobe Manager

Pam has been involved in theatre for more years than she likes to mention. Her history includes performing as an acrobat. Recently, Pam has been involved in wardrobe for a variety of theatrical societies and has enjoyed the challenge of designing and managing a space age wardrobe.

Gwyn Ace – Lighting Designer

Gwyn is a life member of the Society and has done many lighting designs for shows at the Tabard and in the Municipal Theatre. Gwyn is also a master of make-up techniques. He has worked with Napier Repertory as well as N.O.S. Gwyn has enjoyed the space flight challenge of this show.

Anne Collier – Make-up Manager

Anne has been a NOS member for around 14 years, either on or off stage. She loves working Collier/Matthews productions as they are always great shows and invariably there is lots of fun and laughter in the make-up room.

Paul Collier – Lighting Technician

Paul has been an active NOS member for as long as he can remember. His interests and talents are mainly in lighting. He is particularly enjoying this production as his work as the “Municipal Theatre” technician has limited his time with Napier Operatic.

Darryl Mitchell – Robot Designer

When the Directors asked Darryl if he would design and make Aerial’s “robot costume” he went all limp at the wrist at the thought of working in Wardrobe.

During his eleven years involvement with theatre Daryl has worked in most departments, from Kitchen Hand to Production Manager and so has enjoyed the change of scene working with Velcro and a glue gun.

Lynda Shirras – Properties Manager

Lynda joined the Society in 1979. She especially enjoys working with Properties but has also worked in a variety of capacities including Stage Manager for “West End to Broadway”; Assistant Stage Manager, Production Secretary and Hostessing roles. An Executive Member of the Society for the past three years, Lynda is currently the Society’s Treasurer.

Peter Eade – Special Effects

Peter enjoys this specialist area and his talents and expertise have been called upon for many Napier Operatic shows at both the Municipal Theatre and at the Tabard.

Peter has been lighting designer for many shows and is usually found smiling behind the lighting operator’s desk

Screen Design and Animation – Craig “Jacko” Jackson


CONSTRUCTION & PAINTING   Sonya Aifai, Gail Jones, Belinda Harvey, Brendon Hay, Anthony Collier, Pierre van der Zwet, Paul Collier, Jamie Beal, Ian Scott, Denys Meeks, Neill Page, John Collier, Sue Collier

LIGHTING   Shane Byron, Paul Collier, Anthony Gouder, Denys Meek, John Williams

MAKE-UP   Anne Collier, Kate Collier, Tracy Crosse, Christine Holdaway, Susan Jackson, Philippa Jones, Chris Kenah, Julie Marr, Judith Mason, Sharron Pardoe, Megan Peacock

HAIR STYLIST   Raymond Gempton

PROPS   Judy Buttery, Chris Kenah, Jude Mason, Irene McKinnon [Asst], Sharron Pardoe, Lesley Reid, Johnnie Williams, Michelle Winter

SOUND   Redd Acoustics, Sonya Aifai, Darryl Mitchell, Robin Richards

PUBLICITY TEAM   Sonya Ajfai, Barbara Brown, Roy Holderness, Donald Hurley, Gail Jones, Nic McGrath, Karen McLean, Eileen von Dadelszen

PROGRAMME   Sonya Aifai, Norah Griffin, Darryl Mitchell

SIGNBOARDS   Oliver Christoffersen, Gail Jones, Darryl Mitchell, Colin Pritchard


STAGE CREW   Scott Buttery, Brendon Hay, Pierre van der Zwet, Jamie Beale, Alan Howes, Patteson Aifai, Alan Jones, Clive Buttery

SUPPERS   Chris Cheyne, Anne Clifford, Lola Davies, Jean Hollamby, Gloria Kersey, Donna O’Shaughnessy, Pat Parsonson, Judy Winnie

WARDROBE   Gaynor Bridgeman, Raewyn Donghi, Margery Gurney, Wendy Mooney, Dianne Samson

Napier Operatic Executive Committee

Patron:   Peter Cox
Secretary:   Ian Reid
President:   Lesley Reid
Treasurer:   Lynda Shirras
Vice President:   Ian Reid
Hon Solicitor:   John Matthews
Immediate Past President:   Neill Page
Hon Photographer:   Clive Ralph

Executive Committee
Chairman:   Bill Dalton
Members:   Sonya Aifai, Clive Buttery, Marc Collier, Merv Dallimore, Norah Griffin, Alan Jones, Colin Pritchard, Pierre Van der Zwet, Eileen von Dadelszen, Judy White

Life Members
Gwyn Ace, Cliff Allen, John Briggs, Barrie Browne, Lyndsay Browne, John Collier, Gillian Davies, Donald Hurley, Alan Jones, Brian Nathan, Colin Pritchard, Ian Reid, Les Robertson, Peter Shepherd, Fred Twyford, Dawn Unsworth, Ros van de Ven

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Corbans Winery
British American Tobacco
Kingdom Music
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Hayter and Flemming Signs
Rawcraft Kitchens & Joinery
Montana Wines
Barrie Browne


When Returning to the Forbidden Planet

The Napier Outer Space Agency welcomes you on board this flight…

It is very unlikely that you will need to know these safety procedures but Space Agency Regulations require that passengers embarking on this flight are familiar with the procedures in the unlikely event of an emergency.

For your peace of mind the Napier Outer Space Agency has installed the latest safety equipment on our state of the art space vehicle. The ship has passed all Russian MIR safety procedures and is completely serviceable.

In the event of any emergency, please rely on the highly trained crew you see in the cabin. If you suspect any member of the crew of shirking his or her duties don’t be afraid to report them to your in-flight service supervisor.

The emergency exits will be indicated to you by the flight crew prior to take off. In the event of cabin decompression, oxygen masks will come down from the overhead compartments. Because of the height of those compartments in this particular ship, passengers are recommended to practice holding their breath for up to five minutes.

Step 1   Put your hands in the air

Step 2    Place your hands on your cranium

Step 3    Exert pressure in a downward motion

Step 4    On the command ‘Polarity Reversed’ equalise your internal equilibrium by exhaling


Welcome from
Napier Operatic Space Agency [N.O.S.A.) Leader
President – Lesley Reid

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to tonight’s performance of “Return to the Forbidden Planet”.

“Return to the Forbidden Planet” is an award winning musical, based loosely on Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”, which revolves around the adventures of a Spaceship crew that crashes on the planet D’illyria. The show features impressive visual effects, 1950s sci-fi themes, and well-known rock and roll numbers.

Napier Operatic Society is privileged once again to have John Collier and John Matthews as our Directors. John and John are both well known to Hawkes Bay theatregoers and we are grateful to have the benefit of such outstanding expertise. Their most recent productions for this Society have been the Roger Hall plays, “Love off the Shelf” and “Dirty Weekends”. Our special thanks also go to Musical Director Dean Roberts and Choreographer Belinda Harvey. Patrons will remember Dean for his musical direction of our 1995 production “Chess”. This is Belinda’s first production for Napier Operatic Society and we look forward to utilising her fine artistic talent again in the future.

As theatregoers, you are our lifeblood, and we thank you all most sincerely for your continued support. We again express our gratitude to the Bank of New Zealand, for its ongoing sponsorship.

Now please take your seats aboard our spaceship and enjoy our flight towards fantasy!

Lesley Reid

N.O.S.A. Warning:
Passengers are warned that they may experience a dancing sensation on re-entry to the Earth’s atmosphere.
This is no cause for concern.
Enjoy it while you can.


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Surnames in this booklet –
Ace, Aifai, Allen, Basher, Beal, Briggs, Brown, Browne, Buttery, Byron, Campbell, Christensen, Christoffersen, Coker, Collier, Corbett, Cox, Crosse, Dallimore, Dalton, Davey, Davidson, Davies, Davies, Eade, Gempton, Gouder, Griffin, Hall, Hape, Harvey, Hay, Holdaway, Holderness, Hunt, Hurley, Jackson, Jones, Kenah, Lundell, Marr, Marshall, Mason, Matthews, McGrath, McKay, McKinnon, McLean, Meeks, Mitchell, Nathan, Page, Pardoe, Peacock, Pritchard, Radford, Ralph, Reid, Richards, Roberts, Robertson, Schaw, Scott, Shepherd, Shirras, Snoad, Stevens, Sutton, Taaffe, Taylor, Turkington, Twyford, Unsworth, van de Ven, Van der Zwet, Venyige, von Dadelszen, Weber, White, Williams, Williamson, Winter

Business / Organisation

Napier Operatic Society


Napier Municipal Theatre

Format of the original

Booklet (9-32 pages)

Date published

11 - 25 August 2001

Accession number


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We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.