Programme 2003 – Annie


Napier Operatic Society 2003


Hawke’s Bay Today

Hits of the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and Today

The Donkey May Sing Enterprises
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M.Photog. NZIPP.
Studio:   17 Cathedral Lane, Napier
Postal Address:   5 Elizabeth Rd, Napier
Phone:   (06) 835 7204
Fax:   (06) 835 7304
Mobile:   (025) 439 865
Email:   [email protected]


It is with much pleasure that we welcome you to this performance of “Annie”.

Almost 25 years ago, “Annie” opened on Broadway where it enjoyed a hugely successful run. Twenty years ago, Napier Operatic gave you “Annie” which also was widely acclaimed. We especially welcome those cast and crew members of the 1983 production who are present at this performance.

Today we bring the production to you after months of planning, hard work and determination by many people. Contrary to the ubiquitous theatrical cliché – “don’t work with animals and children” – the whole cast and production team has thoroughly enjoyed working with both, to bring to you this family musical masterpiece.

“Annie” is the story of Little Orphan Annie, who with hope in her heart, escapes her New York orphanage, meets Sandy the stray dog, and gets adopted for Christmas by kindly billionaire, Daddy Warbucks.

We are privileged to have Sylvia Richardson as our Director. Sylvia is a local freelance director who has a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise. She has been ably assisted by Stephen Gibbs as Musical Director and Celeste Staniforth as Choreographer, and we are indebted to them all for the skill and professionalism they have bought to this production.

Theatregoers are our lifeblood, and we thank each and everyone for your continued support.

We also acknowledge the generosity of our principal sponsor, Esam Cushing & Co, for their sponsorship of the Society over many years.

And now sit back and savour this gem of a show filled with laughter, merriment and music.

Lesley Reid

Napier Operatic Society




Production Manager


Musical Director


Lighting Design

Sound Design
TERRY MOLLOY, Redd Acoustics

Book by
Thomas Meehan

Music by
Charles Strouse

Lyrics by
Martin Charnin

Original production directed by
Martin Charnin

Presented on Broadway by
Mike Nichols

Produced by
Irwin Meyer, Stephen R Friedman, Lewis Allen, Alvin Nederlander Associates Inc.
The John F Kennedy Centre for Performing Arts, Icarus Productions.

Based on “Little Orphan Annie”
by permission of the Tribune Media Services Inc.

Originally produced by The Goodspeed Opera House
Michael P Price, Executive Director.

By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd.
Exclusive agent for Music Theatre International (NY)


The use of cameras and recording devices is prohibited. Patrons are requested to ensure all cell phones are switched off.




Director Sylvia Richardson

Sylvia wishes to acknowledge the total commitment of Napier Operatic Society and the extremely hard working and talented cast and crew of “Annie”. But uppermost, the expertise and support of Musical Director, Stephen, and Choreographer, Celeste.

Sylvia commenced her theatre journey in English pantomime, followed by becoming a member of the Leeds Girls’ Choir, Yorkshire at age 11.

Sylvia, her husband and three boys, made Napier their home in 1974 and her love of theatre was nurtured in acting, directing and working backstage for local societies.

She is extremely proud of her performances for Napier Operatic Society – “Annie” (1983), “Chicago”, “Tom Jones”, “Canterbury Tales”, “Les Miserables” (1995), and “Dirty Weekends”. For Napier Repertory Society – “Whose Life Is It Anyway”, “Bed Before Yesterday’, “Roses In Due Season”, “Agnes of God”, “Yes Prime Minister”. For Napier Frivolity Minstrels – “Anything Goes”, and Centre Stage, Taupo – “Objection Overruled”.

Sylvia’s directing credits include the 1996 and 1999 Music Halls for Napier Operatic Society, “Hello Dolly” for Napier Frivolity Minstrels. “Gaslight Club”, “Market Forces”, “Joyful and Triumphant” and “Death Trap” for Theatre Hawke’s Bay. “Lend Me a Tenor”, “Time of My Life”, “By Degrees” for Group Theatre. “Private Lives”, “Outside Edge”, “Objection Overruled”, “Rough Justice”, “The Odd Couple” for Napier Repertory Society and “Zugswang” for Centre Stage, Taupo.

Sylvia has always been grateful for the love and encouragement of her family and believes that Hawke’s Bay is truly blessed with theatrical talent.

Musical Director Stephen Gibbs

The last time Stephen was involved with the production of “Annie” he was playing cello for Hamilton Operatic Society. He is glad to report that the show has improved immeasurably since then!

As a cellist, Stephen is well known in the Bay through performances with the Ponticelli String Quartet and the Hawke’s Bay Regional and Opera Hawke’s Bay Orchestras. For Napier Operatic Society, he has also played cello in “Chess”, “Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Les Miserables”, but has lately swapped pit for podium taking on the role of Musical Director for “Moby Dick the Musical” and “Blood Brothers”.

He organises his other musical activities (including composition, arrangement and conducting the Napier Tech Memorial Band), through an informal business, “The Donkey May Sing Enterprises”, juggling this with his new career as Chief Journalist of the Havelock North Village Press.

Choreographer Celeste Staniforth

Celeste first began her career in dance and theatre over 40 years ago. Her first involvement with Napier Operatic Society was as the choreographer for the 1982 Music Hall production.

Since then she has been involved with the Napier Operatic Society as a choreographer and dancer. The last show she performed in was “Westend to Broadway” in 2000.

Celeste would like to thank Napier Operatic Society for the opportunity to be involved in this wonderful show.



tomorrow is only a dream away

I was left at the orphanage by my parents with only one possession, half a silver locket. They kept the other half with a promise to come back for me one day. Thinking of my parents I decided to run away from the orphanage to try to find them. Out on the streets, I found a poor stray dog which seemed to like me and wanted to be my friend. But no sooner had we met, I had to convince the dog catcher and a big policeman that he was my dog but, thank goodness, he ran to me and they believed me.

My new friend, who I called Sandy, and I set out on our journey through the streets of New York and came across a shanty town under the 59th Street bridge called Hooverville, where the poor people were living. They gave me some food and I liked it there but soon the police arrived. They broke up the crowd and took me back to the orphanage and to the horrible Miss Hannigan.

A nice lady called Grace Farrell came to the orphanage to see Miss Hannigan. She was the private secretary of New York billionaire Oliver Warbucks who wanted to invite an orphan to his mansion for Christmas. I liked Miss Farrell and she told Miss Hannigan to let me be the one to visit the mansion.

Mr Warbucks was a very busy man and I don’t think he was expecting Miss Farrell to bring a girl to stay but I soon showed him we could be friends and he decided we should all go to the movies. I had never been before and I was so excited. I told Mr Warbucks about my half locket and how I was looking for my parents, so he promised to ask his friends in the FBI to help find them.

We went on the Bert Healy radio show to ask all the people listening if they knew where my folks were and Mr Warbucks said he would give $50,000 reward if they would come and get me. Lots of people said they were my parents to try and get the reward. Even Miss Hannigan and her brother, Rooster, and his girlfriend, Lily St Regis, tried to trick Mr Warbucks. But the FBI and Mr Warbucks’ special friend, Mr Roosevelt, he is President you know, said he had found out that my real parents had died many years ago.

Mr Warbucks, who I now called Daddy Warbucks, said he wanted to adopt me and that we should have a big party where I could invite all my friends. So I invited everybody I could think of and all the children came from the orphanage. It was Christmas time and Daddy Warbucks gave me a big present. I won’t tell you what it was so you will get a big surprise too. It was the best Christmas ever.

Annie xxxx


Napier Operatic Society
first produced “Annie” in 1983
Directed by   IVAN HEARD
Musical Director   ERIC THORPE
Choreographer   SHIRLEY JARRETT
Stage Director   DONALD HURLEY



cast principals

Eliana Klausen as ANNIE
Eliana likes to sing, dance and act and attends Iona College in Havelock North. She has been involved in “Oliver”, “Fiddler on the Roof”, “Bugsy Malone” and “Les Miserables”. Her dream was to be “Annie” and couldn’t believe her dream came true. She says “I auditioned for “Annie” in Rotorua and didn’t even get a second audition”.

Amy Stevens as ANNIE
Amy has been in the Reignier School Choir for four years and sung solo for the “Christmas with the Stars” and at many other performances. Amy has also had dancing lessons for two years. She really enjoys dancing, singing and acting, and really loves playing “Annie”. Amy thinks “Annie” is a great experience, especially performing with her Mum, Joanne, as Miss Hannigan.

Jeff Foley as ‘DADDY’ WARBUCKS
Jeff, a local detective, is married with four children. “Annie” is his fifth show, having joined Napier Operatic in 2000 for “HMS Pinafore”. Despite a promise to only do one show a year, “Annie” is his third show in 12 months, having been involved in “Les Miserables” last year and appearing in April as “The Big Bopper” in “Buddy”. He is thrilled to be on stage with his daughter, Rachel, who is playing an orphan.

Kerry Unsworth as GRACE FARRELL
Having real experience working as a Personal Assistant by day, Kerry is finding working for Daddy Warbucks by night, is also a pleasure. Since first playing “Sandy” in “Grease” in 1979 for Napier Operatic, Kerry has now been in over 22 shows. The highlight is “treading the boards” in this show, with her daughter, Sasha. She would like to thank her husband and son for their support.

Joanne Stevens as MISS HANNIGAN
Joanne’s first appearance for Napier Operatic Society was as a child in the “Sound of Music”. Since then she has appeared in numerous shows with principal roles in “Evita”, “Me and My Girl”, “Stepping Out” and “Return to the Forbidden Planet”. Joanne is relishing the character role of Miss Hannigan. She is also particularly enjoying the opportunity to be on stage with her daughter, Amy.



cast principals

Born without a dancing bone in his body and blessed with two left feet, is how Shane describes his movement ability. With this in mind, it is little wonder that he has found “Annie” a real test of the few theatrical skills he pretends to possess. Shane has enjoyed working with such a large and diverse cast and can’t wait to get on stage and put theory into practice.

Deborah Burnside as LILY ST REGIS
Deborah last appeared for the Napier Operatic Society in “Westend to Broadway” and has enjoyed the opportunity to play Lily St Regis. “It’s great to be able to indulge your creative passion for singing, dancing and acting and it’s true … blondes do have more fun!”

Just a youngster at only 2½ years old Daisy, a Wheaten Terrier cross heading dog lives with her owner Jenni and two donkeys on a lifestyle block just out of Napier. The travelling into rehearsal and “stage training” has been a lot of fun, with lots of her special treats; Daisy is very partial to a nice piece of cheddar cheese. She hopes her starring role in “Annie” will lead to further stage appearances.
Daisy is a member of the Napier Dog Training Club where she does agility training and modestly admits she and Jenni do quite well.

Boston is a 5 year old Bearded Collie cross, huntaway and a working dog. With his owner Bridey he can be seen each day at Marineland, helping her run training displays with the school education team. Training with the dolphins and seals there is never a dull moment, so being around all the bright lights and backstage excitement Boston is unfazed and takes it in his stride.
Boston has made many friends during the show and always has time for a tickle under the chin, especially from Bridey his best friend and companion.



Davinia Penman, Georgia Harris, Kate Haselhoff, Dhevaksha Naidoo, Mandy Edmondson, Kimberly McNeill, Rachel Foley

Mandy Edmondson
Mandy is 12 years old and is a pupil at Napier Intermediate School. She first appeared on stage in a ballet recital when she was three and has been a competitive gymnast for five years at Omni Gymnastics Centre. Mandy also learns singing and the keyboard and participates in a variety of sports such as hockey and surf lifesaving.

Dhevaksha Naidoo
Dhevaksha is 13 and a year 9 student at Taradale High School. She is from Durban, South Africa and has only been in New Zealand a few months. She enjoys reading, speech and drama, art and craft, music, dance and cycling. Dhevaksha has been in many school plays but a big professional show like “Annie” has always been her dream.

Rachel Foley
Rachel is really excited to be a part of “Annie”. Her last big show for Napier Operatic Society was “West End to Broadway” in 2000, where among other roles, she played one of the “Annies”. Rachel has been involved in numerous Junior Frivs productions and more recently in Napier Operatic Theatre School shows. She thinks it’s cool to be in a show with her Dad.

Georgia Harris
At seven years old, Georgia is the youngest cast member. This is her first major production, although she has performed with Stars of Tomorrow Stage School and Church Concerts. Georgia enjoys reading, swimming and music, but singing is definitely her passion. Georgia is in standard one at Nelson Park School, Napier.

Kimberly McNeill
Kimberly has been in two shows with the Napier Operatic Society – “Half Men of O” and the 2002 production of “Les Miserables” as “Little Cosette”. She is thrilled to play the part of “July” and being in the show with her sister Elana. Kimberly is 10 years old and attends Napier Central School. She enjoys acting, singing, soccer, jujitsu and plays the cello.

Kate Haselhoff
Kate is 10 years old and has been in “Half Men of O” and “Peter Pan the Croc Rock Musical”. Kate enjoys acting, singing and dancing and has learnt American Jazz for two years. Kate’s favourite subjects are maths, reading and art and she enjoys soccer and netball.

Davinia Penman
Davinia is 10 years old and has two brothers and one sister. She attends Reignier School and loves horses and reading. She also enjoys piano, netball, speech, dancing, choir and swimming. Davinia was born in Lower Hutt and moved to Taradale when she was four. She has been in several shows and thoroughly enjoys them.




Samantha Sinton
Samantha attends Nelson Park School and is a pupil of Kelsey Roderick’s American Jazz Dance School. She has been on stage before and loves playing “Molly”. She lives with her parents and two bothers – she is in the middle of the family.

Zoe Harris
Zoe is a third former at Taradale High School and has performed in a number of school shows, as well as performing for the Stars of Tomorrow Stage School. She has danced since the age of six and has also been involved with the Glistening Waters Storytelling Festival. This is her first show with the Napier Operatic Society.

Sasha Unsworth
Sasha has been learning ballet since she was four and has been involved in over six shows with Rochelle Spence. She enjoys dancing, singing and acting and was an orphan in “Westend to Broadway” and in “Little Red Rocking Hood” with Napier Operatic Theatre School. Sasha has probably gained her interest in theatre from her mother, who is “Grace”, and her grandmother who has been on stage since the 1950’s.

Liezl Sohnge
Liezl has been performing her own stories, songs and dances to a kitchen audience of family and friends for a number of years and has also been involved in several productions. She learns jazz ballet, plays the piano, the violin and the drums and loves gymnastics.

Lianne Atkinson
Lianne has been in three musicals, three dance productions and one acting show. She sang solo in a Christmas Show, “Papa Panor”, and acted a main part in “Peter Pan” and “Papa Panor”’. Lianne is very involved in theatre and loves acting, singing and dancing. Her teachers are Tessa-May Brown and Kelsey Roderick. Her grandad, John Matthews, is also a member of Napier Operatic Society.

Sophie Barr
Sophie has learnt ballet since she was three. She loves singing and although acting is new to her, she has picked it up quickly. Sophie loves performing and when “Annie” is next produced, she would like to audition for “Grace” or “Miss Hannigan”.

Beatrice Hazlehurst
Beatrice is eight years old and attends Havelock North Primary School. She loves to sing and dance and is interested in drama, English and animals. She is sitting her Grade One singing exam in October. Performing on stage has been a wonderful experience.

Beatrice Hazlehurst, Samantha Sinton, Liezl Sohnge, Zoe Harris, Sasha Unsworth, Sophie Barr, Lianne Atkinson


act one december 11-19, 1933

The New York Municipal Orphanage (Girls’ Annex)
Maybe   Annie
It’s the Hard Knock Life   Annie and the Orphans
It’s the Hard Knock Life (Reprise)   The Orphans

St Marks Place
Tomorrow   Annie

Hooverville (under the 59th Street Bridge)
We’d Like to Thank You Herbert Hoover   The Hooverville-ites

The Orphanage Hannigan’s Office
Little Girls   Miss Hannigan

The Warbucks Mansion (on Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street)
I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here   Grace, Annie, Mrs Greer, Drake, Cecille, Annette, Mrs Pugh and the Servants

New York City
N.Y.C.   Warbucks, Grace, Annie, A Star to be, New Yorkers

The Orphanage, Hannigan’s Office
Easy Street   Miss Hannigan, Rooster, Lily

Warbucks’ Study
You Won’t be an Orphan for Long   Grace, Drake, Mrs Greer, Mrs Pugh, Cecille, Annette, the Servants & Warbucks


act two december 21-25, 1933

The NBC Radio Studio – (at 30 Rockefeller Centre)
You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile   Bert Healy, The Boylan Sisters, “The Hour of Smiles” Family

The Orphanage, Hannigan’s Office
You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile (Reprise)   The Orphans
Easy Street (Reprise)   Miss Hannigan, Rooster, Lily

Washington: The White House – The Cabinet Meeting Room
Tomorrow (Reprise)   Annie, F.D.R., Warbucks and the Cabinet

The Great Hall of the – Warbucks Mansion
Something Was Missing   Warbucks and Grace
I Don’t Need Anything But You   Warbucks and Annie

The East Ballroom of the – Warbucks Mansion
Annie Grace, Drake, and the Servants
Maybe (Reprise)   Annie
A New Deal for Christmas   Warbucks, Grace, Annie, Orphans, F.D.R. and the Servants


cast ensemble

Bryan is new to Napier, coming from Christchurch last year. Cooped up during the week, he enjoys tramping in the weekend and latin dancing in the evenings. This is his first production in many years, the last being “Dazzle” in Nelson. Hopefully it won’t be the last.

Tracy has been involved with Napier Operatic Society, both on and off stage, and enjoys the various challenges that make up the wonderful world of musical theatre. She appeared in the 1995 production of “Les Miserables” as “Eponine”, “West End to Broadway” and “42nd Street”.
Tracy has a Diploma in Performing Arts: Voice and has attended a summer school in Brisbane.

Kyle is a 20 year old triple treat performer – dancing, acting and singing are his passion. He has a Diploma in Performing Arts from EIT and was a cast member in “Annie” for Wellington Musical Theatre. This is Kyle’s first show for Napier Operatic Society.

Amanda Gorst – STAGE MANAGER
Amanda is a 16 year old, Year 11, student at Havelock North High School. As well as being a busy athlete, she enjoys art, singing, acting and was in the production of “Annie” in Waipawa in 2001. She loved it so much, that she was glad to be in the production again.

John Graham – BERT HEALY
John is a 29 year old student high school teacher. He has appeared in many Napier Operatic Society productions, first appearing in “Oliver” in 1988. Other productions include “HMS
Pinafore” (2000), “Westend to Broadway” (2000) and “Sweeney Todd” (2001).

Rod Harford – DRAKE
For more years than he cares to remember, Rod has performed in a variety of roles in Dunedin and Auckland. In this his first appearance with Napier Operatic Society, he has enjoyed working with the talented production team and cast and trusts that you enjoy “Annie” as much as he has enjoyed the experience of being here.



cast ensemble

Allan Henry – MORGANTHAU
Hailing from the sandy shores of Patea, this 21 year old has had the ride of his life, performing as early as nine years old. Allan has tried to achieve as much as possible and has performed in London in the Globe Theatre in 2001, as well as touring shows and around primary schools. Allan seeks to further his training and experience and is currently in his second year at EIT in Hawke’s Bay.

Vanessa Jackson – HOUSEHOLD
This is Vanessa’s first show. Never having sung or danced in front of an audience, has pushed Vanessa out of her comfort zone but she has found the experience rewarding and enlightening. Given the opportunity, Vanessa would do another show. “The hours are gruelling, you have no life, but what a rush seeing it all come together, knowing you played your part!”

Bruce Jenkins – HOWE
This is the first time on the stage, for Napier photographer Bruce Jenkins, for nearly 30 years and the first ever for a musical. Married to Kathy, with two children, Bruce was prompted to audition after seeing all the fun his daughter, Hayley, was having in the recent production of “Rumpelstiltskin”. Bruce says that the companionship and sense of achievement have made the commitment well worth it and he hopes to be back on the stage again next year.

David was born in Scotland and loved to sing and dance at a very early age. He emigrated to New Zealand in his teens and pursued a career as an electrical engineer. David has been involved with Wellington and Napier Operatic Societies, Napier Frivolity Minstrels and Hawke’s Bay Song and Opera Workshop.

Elana McNeill – HOUSEHOLD
Since performing in “Les Miserables” in 1995, with Napier Operatic Society at the age of seven, Elana has been involved in various productions in Napier. Now a 16 year old student, attending Napier Girls’ High School, she hopes to pursue a career in performing arts. She has loved being a part of “Annie”, working with a fantastic cast and crew.

Sharron Pardoe – MRS GREER
Sharron has been passionate about theatre since she was a child. Then, she and her sister used to play backstage while their mother sang and danced on stage and their father moved scenery in the wings. Today, as well as loving to perform, she is enjoying seeing her own daughters develop the same love for theatre. Sharron has been involved with Napier Operatic Society for nearly 20 years and is thrilled to be a part of this fun, family show. Enjoy!



cast ensemble

Kristin Reyland – CONNIE BOYLAND
Originally from Waipawa, Kristin is a 1st year drama student at EIT. Interested in performing from a young age, she has performed with Waipukurau Little Theatre and Waipawa M & D Club.
“Annie” is her first production with Napier Operatic Society.

Jeremy Randall – SOUND EFFECTS MAN
Jeremy is a 15 year old student at St. Johns College. He has been involved in numerous shows for the Napier Operatic Society and other local theatre groups from the age of 11. He has played a variety of roles from Prince Charming to an evil Baron. Jeremy has enjoyed being involved in “Annie” and would like to say thank you and well done to everyone.

Bob has been involved in Hawke’s Bay Theatre for many years in various capacities but this is his first big “Muni” show. He last appeared with Napier Operatic Society as “Koko” in “Mikado” in 1999. Twelve months ago, while in New York, he was regularly asked about the actions of the current President.

Jane Sutherland – RONNIE BOYLAND
Last seen in “The Odd Couple” at Napier Repertory, this is Jane’s first outing on stage at the Municipal Theatre and her second show for Napier Operatic Society. Her first show was “Love Off the Shelf” in 1996, where she discovered her previously unrealised natural ability for song and dance!! Thanks Stephen and Celeste for your patience and thanks Sylvia, as ever!

Nicole Taylor – MRS PUGH
Nicole has a passion for performing. With “Westend to Broadway” being her first show for Napier Operatic Society, she knew it would not be her last. Nicole was last seen in the 2002 production of “Les Miserables” and had the honour of playing “Fantine”. Nicole is a graduate in Performing Arts: Drama and Voice.

Derryn Toomey – HOUSEHOLD
Returning to theatre after nine years, Derryn is both surprised and delighted to find she can still cut it with the much younger, much fitter members of the company. With a background in dance from aged five, Derryn has performed in many local shows since 1977, including Napier Operatic Society’s “Me & My Girl”, “West Side Story” and “Canterbury Tales”, and choreographed several including “Chicago” for Waipawa M & D.




production team

Production Manager   Darryl Mitchell
Production Secretary   Anne Corney
Stage Director   Marc Collier
Assistant Stage Director   Pierre van der Zwet
Stage Manager   William Waitoa
Head Flyman   Brendan Hey
Lighting Designer   Brent Smith
Lighting Technician   Paul Collier
Properties Manager   Anne Collier
Wardrobe Manager   Pam Annand
Make-up Manager   Julie Marr
Hair & Wig Stylist   Caroline Gichard, Bellissimo Hair Salon
Rehearsal Pianist   Frances Burch
Cast & Crew Refreshments   Donna O’Shaughnessy

Left to Right: Caroline Gichard, Pam Annand, Donna O’ Shaughnessy, Anne Corney, Darryl Mitchell, Marc Collier, Frances Burch, Brendan Hey, Brent Smith, William Waitoa, Julie Marr, Anne Collier
Absent:   Paul Collier, Pierre van der Zwet


Rehearsal Pianist   Frances Burch
Violin   Raewyn Newcomb
Cello   Elizabeth Bone
Flute   Sheena Oughton
Clarinet, Soprano and Alto Saxophone   Leanne Lawrence
Clarinet and Tenor Saxophone   Natalie Hunt
Alto and Baritone Saxophone   Stuart Newell
Trumpet 1   Murray Schultze
Trumpet 2   Ben Hunt
Trombone 1   Craig Williamson
Trombone 2   Linda Hirst
Bass Guitar   Robyn Lundall
Keyboard   Wendy Hunt
Drumkit   Charles Davis
Percussion   Kana Sugiura



production crew

Stage Crew & Construction

Stage, Fly and Construction Crew   Patteson Aifai, Scott Avery, Kei Body, Clive Buttery, Scott Buttery, Paul Collier, Anthony Gouder, Mark Graham, Brian Harber, Aaron Hey, Allan Howes, Alan Jones, Harley Jones, Malcolm Kenah, Adrian Lynds, Eoin McKinnon, Harry Osbourne, James Schaw, Graham Scott, Bill Shirras, Nigel Stilwell, Aaron Watt

Lighting Operators   Judy Buttery, Peter Eade, Mark Graham, Shamus Jackson, Mike McConnell

Sound Desk   Steven Compton

Radio Microphones   Anne Aifai, Sonya Aifai, Daniel Ball, Darryl Mitchell, Lesley Reid, Roger Richards

Municipal Theatre Technician   Paul Collier

Consortium Mechanists   Clive Buttery, Alan Jones

Properties Team   Joseph Bulled, Pam Christensen, Helen Hare, Graham Hare, Belinda Harvey, Gail Jones, Chris Kenah, Irene McKinnon, Jacque Wilton, Michelle Winter, Mickey Collier (dog catcher’s dog)

Wardrobe & Dressers   Karen Bonica, Bev Carroll, Mary Crook, Raewyn Duncan, Adrienne Parsons, Maria Peta, Lois Reefman, Chris Shields

Make Up Team   Yvonne Arrowsmith, Jane Barr, Barbara Brown, Felicity Baker, Dorreen Carter, Annette Clifford, Judy Dagg, Nikki Gordon, Karen Green, Amanda Jackson, Katrina Lee, Sarah Mills, Katja Morrison, Dijanne Pharazyn, Jennifer Randall, Joy Rhodes, Carol Williams, Minnie Wright

Hairdressers   Sarah Augustine (Head Room Salon), Jessica McDermott (M<Phosis Hair Studio)

Cast and Crew Suppers   Donna O’Shaughnessy assisted by: Pam Christensen, Annette Clifford, Lynne Gibson, Alison McCluskey, Bev O’Neill

Prompt in Rehearsals   Anita Davies

Publicity Manager   Sonya Aifai

Publicity Team   Barbara Brown, Jeff Foley, Donald Hurley, Gail Jones, Karen McLean, Darryl Mitchell, Dale Reid, Kaye Tristram

Signs   Oliver Christoffersen, Gail Jones, Darryl Mitchell, Colin Pritchard

Programme   Anne Corney, Darryl Mitchell

Dog Trainers   Clive Buttery, Jenni Scoble, Bridey White

Annie Photo Model   Jaimee-Leigh Johnson

Front of House Managers   Dale and Ian Reid

Front of House Staff   Friends of the Society

We apologise if, due to programme deadlines, we have been unable to include all names in the programme.



Eliana   Amy



A classic heart-warming adventure story which all the family are sure to appreciate and enjoy. Refreshingly uncomplicated and wholesome.

We are delighted to again join in supporting the Napier Operatic Society in bringing this production of “Annie” to the stage and help in fostering the artistic spirit and talent of our region.

Esam Cushing & Co

20 September 2003

Esam Cushing & Co
A New Zealand Stock Exchange Firm
127 Queen Street East, PO Box 241, Hastings, New Zealand – Telephone (06) 876 8129 Fax (06) 878 5059
Email:   esam& Website:
Partners:   Brian J Martin CA Sir Selwyn Cushing KNZM, CMG, FCA, CMA, ACIS

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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]

Business / Organisation

Napier Operatic Society

Format of the original

Booklet (9-32 pages)

Date published


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